Here are some thing that pissed me off today
- Sony in general, their Laptops specifically.
As a multi-national business conglomerate, I understand that you have to earn high profits.
But really? WTF...
When I pay $1500 for a laptop, I would expect it to be at least "viewable".
Your shit use of either, a horrible LCD panel or weak ass back-lighting, has me adjusting the screen every minute.
Additionally, stop refreshing the same damn products with an aesthetic change to charge a 20% premium
for the same specs.
Also, educate your drones whom; pick up the phone and respond to emails.
Firstly, they don't know shit. They just re-read whatever is on the Sony website, and "guess"
their answers to valid questions from customers; later on, which I found was BS, surprise.
Also, your lazy ass motherfuckers don't even do your jobs correctly, since I had to process
an order twice. I'm trying to make you a profit and you can't even carry through with that...
No wonder the Sony brand is dying out. Keep pushing your movies/productions because that,
as you already know yourselves, is the only profitable division you have left in your cesspool
of an organization.
Apple on the other hand, at the fucking least, they use quality parts to somewhat justify the price gouging.
- Bad Drivers
Honestly, if you can't stay in your fucking lane, you don't belong in a car.
Also, why the hell would you make a "wide" turn?!
Stick to the fucking curb and stop invading the next lane with your car's ass.
Everyday, I get another reason to wish they made Driver license tests twice as difficult.
I would gladly take the test again, and again and again if it meant getting rid of the
dregs that litter the roads and make me shit my pants once in awhile with their
fucked up stunts.
Slow drivers on the other hand, I'm OK with.
At least they are sticking to the speed limit, abiding the law and what not; BUT stay in the first lane. You, yes you, I'm talking to you Gramps.
- People who cover 90% of the conversation with swearing
Don't get me wrong.
I love and enjoy swearing.
Nothing like a good "Fuck" here and there as an adverb or adjective or noun or verb/etc.
to emphasize the level of emotion involved in the context of a conversation.
However, I don't want "Fuck" to be utilized as an adverb, adjective, noun, verb, etc.
(ex. "That fucker was fucking ridiculous as fuck, fucking a...")
If you can't make a coherent sentence with out swearing to fill out a significant chunk
of what will be said, shut up, think it over before opening your mouth.
No advance vocabulary is needed, just don't talk like you learned how to speak
by listening to and ONLY to, Eminem's song FACK.
Think of Swearing like Wasabi.
A small quantity in each Sushi/Sashimi/Roll you'd consume gives you that spicy flavor,
is good for you and also helps preserve the fish's flavor as well.
Cover the Sushi/Sashimi/Roll in a significant amount... you'll scream like a littl' girl
and your face will look like you've been out in the Nevada Desert for days without
Sun protection.
- People who say shit about MMA without educating themselves
*In general I hate people talking shit without any research to back it up (as shown with my previous rant)
Sure, MMA seems violent and may have the "Michael Vick Seal of Approval".
However, don't start spewing non-factual statements without educating yourself about it.
It is not some new "blood sport" mobsters brewed up to make profit.
MMA has been around for thousands of years (look up Pankration if you are interested).
It should be and is a legitimate sport.
Organizations/Promotions have specifics rules and commissions to oversee those rules
to keep the matches exciting but keep the damage done to a minimum.
The various methods of winning in MMA (Submission, TKO, KO, doctor stoppage, referee decisions, etc.)
also allows MMA fights to be as safe as possible.
Look at guys like Randy Couture. Been fighting for ages.
His 47, in shape most 20 yr old dudes would envy, and talks like a educated businessman,
not a guy who got completely knocked the fuck out 6 times.
If you provide me with a "counter-point" approach on why you think MMA is bad,
I will listen and consider your pov, but don't go preaching about how MMA is human dog-fighting
like a politician who doesn't know jackshit except distorting the truth and doing everything
possible for own personal gain, no matter the cost.
*cough Old Geezer Reilly (Bob Reilly) *cough
/End Rant