What is your fav 80's Cult Classic?

reanimator, highlander, mad max, blue thunder, nighthawks, punisher (with dolph lundgren), masters of the universe, World War III, Nico, death before dishonor


Postal Paranoiac
There was one...Mischief. Not a bad movie. Plus Kelly Preston's fucktastic face and body.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
License to Drive (1988) Pretty good movie from the Two Coreys in their day.

I needed to bump this thread back up.

And already mentioned earlier in this thread:
The Last Starfighter (video gamer saves the galaxy FTW!!!)
Buckaroo Banzai and the (whatever) dimension (had a catchy tune)
They Live ("I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum)
Commando!! (lay off some steam, Bennett)

Killer B

I Like Big Tits! (song by Joe Walsh)
This Is Spinal Tap

Hilarious movie from 1984 about a fictitious rock band touring America. The actors, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer do all the singing and instrument playing. A "must see" for any music fan.



Official Checked Star Member
I love the Goonies spexy but its really not a cult classic. The Goonies was a very popular mainstream film in its day. :)

I'm sure a bunch of the films listed in this thread weren't cult classics either - The Goonies still has a cult like following, and its full of epicness so imo - it counts as worthy of mention ;)


Lord Dipstick
I can watch this goddamned movie EVERYDAY!


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I'm so glad I bumped this thread. Great additions today, keep 'em coming, this thread is too good to die.

Ashleigh, it is my thread so wth, anything goes ;)

Better Off dead is one of my fav cult classics.
