I am not expecting too much pal. Not since the way the first one ended. But if I get more than I think I will (in terms of the amount of Angela's screen time) then woo hoo. If not, then no big deal, she will still be in it and I shall still watch it... on DVD. I don't visit the cinema too much not since it's almost as dear as buying a fucking DVD. I think it's something like £8 or so per ticket here in Scotland and I heard it is similar in price in London too. Fucksake, talk about ripping people off. No wonder this place is called Ripoff Britain. Two cinema tickets equals the price of one DVD. So it's best on DVD that way things will be quiet and the room will be dark and you'll be at home, alone, at night, with the rain battering off the window outside while watching REC 2 hehe.