What is the latest good film you watched ?

I think it was in the shower this morning when I was washed.
There is film all over the walls and it smells bad.

I prefer to be outside on a warm, sunny day with dish washing
soap applied to me and rubbed in.

That gets my tail wagging, and I am so grateful when my owners
pick me up in a big towel and dry me off.

Then they says to me "We are taking you to the Vet tomorrow
to get you neutered!"

I think for a second, then run to the sidewalk towards the nearest

Once inside, the bartender says "YOUR ANSWER HERE"

What would the bartender say to the dog that would be


Definitely NOT Shutter Island... .ok but a BIG disappointment


Postal Paranoiac
I'm watching Instinct right now. I don't know why, since this movie makes me bawl like a baby...


Legion....Still though not as good as the Prophecy series with Christopher Waulken....Be really cool if they remade it with a big ass budget or something....Show the angels fooking each other up in heaven during the civil unrest.......Over the Elder Kindreds hate and jealousy of man then onto earth where the battles continues....Pure win, I am as atheist as they come but I oh so enjoy the fluff....

Yea man it would rock:

Nephilim, then weird ass mutated progeny they had with humies
Big honkin guns
Babes in latex
All da family!
Ermm did I say big mother fucking guns?
Cop Out

It was pretty funny. I knew I was going to like it before I saw it but it was better than I expected.
Yep she is on Rec2... great movie btw.

Hmmm that shall be interesting to see how. I mean with how the first one ended it left us with a question mark as to Angela's fate. Can't wait to see Angela again.

*starts doing the happy dance*
I won't say anything, apart from enjoy. Its not as good as the first one (the characters aren't developed at all) but its still a v good movie.

I am not expecting too much pal. Not since the way the first one ended. But if I get more than I think I will (in terms of the amount of Angela's screen time) then woo hoo. If not, then no big deal, she will still be in it and I shall still watch it... on DVD. I don't visit the cinema too much not since it's almost as dear as buying a fucking DVD. I think it's something like £8 or so per ticket here in Scotland and I heard it is similar in price in London too. Fucksake, talk about ripping people off. No wonder this place is called Ripoff Britain. Two cinema tickets equals the price of one DVD. So it's best on DVD that way things will be quiet and the room will be dark and you'll be at home, alone, at night, with the rain battering off the window outside while watching REC 2 hehe. That's a better atmosphere to watch a movie than in a big room with a bunch of fools screaming and chatting and babies crying (seen it happen before) and whispering from others infront and behind you.
I am not expecting too much pal. Not since the way the first one ended. But if I get more than I think I will (in terms of the amount of Angela's screen time) then woo hoo. If not, then no big deal, she will still be in it and I shall still watch it... on DVD. I don't visit the cinema too much not since it's almost as dear as buying a fucking DVD. I think it's something like £8 or so per ticket here in Scotland and I heard it is similar in price in London too. Fucksake, talk about ripping people off. No wonder this place is called Ripoff Britain. Two cinema tickets equals the price of one DVD. So it's best on DVD that way things will be quiet and the room will be dark and you'll be at home, alone, at night, with the rain battering off the window outside while watching REC 2 hehe.
Get one of those Cineworld Unlimited cards. £13.50 a month & you can go to the movies as many times as you want! :hatsoff:


Just watched Clerks and Clerks II again. Even after the gazzilionth time those just crack me up.

"You never go ass to mouth!"

Fucking hilarious!
