What is the latest good film you watched ?

Just saw Forrest Gump last night. I thought it was amazing.

Also, a movie called Faults. Interesting plot, dark humor, and has a very sexy babe in it, Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She has her seductive moments, and is often wearing something that flaunts her sexy legs.

If you liked her in that you should check her out in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. IMDB below and a small clip from the movie. Dont bother looking for her Scott Pilgrim character on youtube...there are way too many people trying to cosplay her. Its kinda a niche/goofy movie though...its got a lot of references to video games, especially the older 8-bit video games and fight scenes that have elements of fighting games. A lot of people didnt like it but i liked it. But Mary is in it along with Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza and Ellen Wong so there is plenty of eye candy.



EDIT: here is an example of one of the fights i was talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lifFRKLNMkU
Basic Instinct. The first time I watched it, after seeing so many erotic thrillers, and finally getting the chance to see where they got their influence from.

It's one of those films where you know the story, without seeing the movie. Aside from the pussy flash scene, I keep seeing the first ice pick murder, the cowgirl riding, [NOBABE]Sharon Stone[/NOBABE] kissing another blonde (Roxy or Rocky? They both were mentioned, but it's Roxy. Confusing), and some lines of course. Also the fact there is a sequel, with [NOBABE]Sharon Stone[/NOBABE] reprising role. All that made me think [NOBABE]Sharon Stone[/NOBABE]'s character, Catherine, was [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE].

Actually watching all the film, I was engaged enough and convinced that Catherine might not have been [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE]. The storytelling implicated Roxy, and then Beth while keeping the Catherine idea surrounding the other theories. I was thinking that Cate had an influence over the murders, like Color of Night, only way better. I was wrong in the opposing theories, and I'm perfectly fine with that. However, maybe the movie would've been better if it ended right after the gunshot and reveal. When the cops came, and found the evidence conveniently placed in certain locations, that's when it went to total wrap up. I would've liked it if it ended on such a reveal and cliffhanger. Instead, it ended with shagging, and the obvious reveal of who [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE] is.

The shagging got stingy after the first session with Shooter Nick and Catherine. I thought I was seeing a cut version, but the 128 min version is uncut. So why didn't they show their other sessions?

This is where the movie actually comes up short in the skin. So erotic thrillers that dominated the 90s, their skin was better than this. They showed more, they teased more, there were even cock shots, balls, a woman butthole. But those same erotic thrillers are b movie quality, most of them were late night cable presentations, and the stories were rather thin. Acting of course, no question of the quality. Some though turned up really good, like [NOBABE]Shannon Tweed[/NOBABE] stuff and I Like To Play Games, but in the end, Basic Instinct wins in the story department.

The skin's great, for what's shown, but I was kind of hoping for more. I mean when they get naked, kiss, and then fade to them being done? It feels like a cop out. Considering who the director is, the same guy that went overboard with skin in Showgirls, and succeeded (for better or worse). Well that came after, and it seemed to be a build to more and more skin when it comes to Paul Verhoeven.

[NOBABE]Sharon Stone[/NOBABE] was absolutely hot, and as far as acting, it's definitely her best performance. It's really the only time I took her seriously. Total Recall, Quick and the Dead, I couldn't take her seriously. So she's not a bad actress at all, but I so don't want to see the Gloria remake. I will give Basic Instinct 2 a try, she looks hot though. Aged however, but the recent black and white (covered) nude shoot she did, made her look younger.

Of course Michael Douglas was awesome, the overall acting was great, the story was damn good. Is it a widely regarded classic? I think so, it certainly deserves to be one. Especially since it spawned so many knock offs and imitators, and spawned the erotic thriller late night cable craze of the 90s. Which I wish came back, 99% of softcore movies in the 21st century have been comedies. They're great, but I think the setup/foreplay made most of the sex scenes better than what goes on this century.

Anyways, great movie.
If you liked her in that you should check her out in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. IMDB below and a small clip from the movie. Dont bother looking for her Scott Pilgrim character on youtube...there are way too many people trying to cosplay her. Its kinda a niche/goofy movie though...its got a lot of references to video games, especially the older 8-bit video games and fight scenes that have elements of fighting games. A lot of people didnt like it but i liked it. But Mary is in it along with Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza and Ellen Wong so there is plenty of eye candy.



EDIT: here is an example of one of the fights i was talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lifFRKLNMkU

Thanks, she convinced me in her role in Faults and I've wanted to see more of her.


The Man with Bogart's Face (1980), good comedy mystery, very good imitation of Bogart's detective movies.
The Bogart impersonator is very good.

Vice Academy 2. I'm now finding that sequels to low budget comedies tend to be funnier for me. I think because the first movie exposes me to the formula, and I'm not totally into it instantly. Or it could be the filmmaker being much more transparent and animated in the second go around. Bare Wench 2 by Jim Wynorski, as well as 3 and 4, are riots. The first one is funny, but I clicked with the follow ups because I knew the formula, and it seemed they upped the stupidity and absolute fun.

That's pretty much Vice Academy 2. The first one alone is a great laugh, but in comparison to the 2nd one, it's like The Simpsons to South Park. Something that is edgy at times, but pretty mainline. Then something that is completely off the wall and more powerful in its content. I like South Park more, so there you go. The craziness on here is so ridiculous, that it's downright entertaining.

Of course, it helps that both movies were carried by [NOBABE]Linnea Quigley[/NOBABE]. Her costar was [NOBABE]Ginger Lynn[/NOBABE]. The first movie billed those two together, but Ginger didn't really have a lead role in the first movie. She was the spoiled brat member of the Vice Academy class. It was really Linnea's Didi, another woman, and a guy. This one, Ginger had more of a leading role, this time actually co-starring with Linnea. They're partners, reluctantly, but despite the bigger role, Ginger's dialogue is almost the same amount as the first movie...

as in not much. For good reason. The director-writer, Rick Sloane, did right with limiting what she had to do, because it's not like she's a great actress. I have the director's commentary on this movie, and I'd like to hear what he thought of Ginger and how he directed her.

The odd thing about the movie is how conservative Ginger is in the nudity. It's in line with her character being conservative, and pretty stuck up, but regardless of who she plays, you can't forget that she was a pornstar. It's more odd when the movie opened up with Ginger off character, using her porn name and said that she's okay with getting dirty and such. It totally could've been the intro of a porn movie, but no nudity until towards the end, and she only went topless. Linnea did too, and that's another thing, she did more nudity than Ginger in both movies. All for the better, she's the star of both movies.

Funnier gags, more hokey characters, pretty much the first movie on steroids. Jay Richardson had me in stitches with his constant smoking of the cigar pipe. Goodness, if there's a second place to Bruce Campbell as king of the B-films, Jay Richardson holds that spot. Fun fact, Duane Whitaker, the bearded rapist and Zed's friend from Pulp Fiction, is in this.

The best part was Teagan Clive as Bimbo Cop. A total ripoff of Robocop, and so damn funny. Typecast as a robotic being, as was the case in Alienator, but she plays the part well. The logic in the film is nonexistent, because the movie should not have happened in the first place. A terrorist plot by Spanish Fly (who is a white girl by the way) involving polluting the water supply with her liquid called...Spanish Fly, and the demand for 20 million dollars. That is so not a vice crime. The first movie revolved around a prostitution ring, this would be more in suit with FBI, or John McClane. It's that bad logic that makes it funny, it's just a cartoon. Despite the two blondes working together towards the end, they still argued. I figure they'd be friends, but then Ginger's character tampers with Bimbo Cop, and she explodes. She gets put in jail as a result, but yet a police department switchboard girl tampered with Bimbo Cop earlier, and she got no punishment. Sure the robot didn't explode then, but wow. Again, it's a cartoon. Movies like these have a longer shelf life, and replay value. I'm more likely to see this again than I would The Hangover, an A-quality comedy in its own right.

Have to mention Jayne Hamil, I believe she's the only actor that's in all 6 (now that's a lot) Vice Academy movies. She's awesome as the head of vice, cut from the uptight authoritative vein, closely related to the principals and deans in comedy movies.
Running Time. Apparently it's the second ever film to be filmed in one continuous take. It took a while for me to realize it was shot in one take, I caught first the fact it was single camera. It was filmed in black and white, and on 16mm film. I heard about it first by a poster in My Name Is Bruce, and then listening to the audiobook of Bruce Campbell's autobiography.

It was surprisingly great. It's Bruce Campbell, of course the movie had a great chance of being sweet, but given that it's only 70 minutes, I figured it to be a quick fix. I didn't know the plot even, just a little dosage of Bruce Campbell. The story was the surprising part, because it got me following. Bruce Campbell's Carl got released from jail on good behavior after 5 years. So what does he do after getting freedom, and friendly with the warden? Pull off a heist of course. What made the story a great one to follow was the relationship between Carl and Anita Barone's Janie. They had a high school fling that lasted a week, and they get back under dubious circumstances. The heist part is fun, and once Janie left, everything that could go wrong, did. It's like Reservoir Dogs, instead the heist has more of a focus. Small safe with money, the safe's make was not what the safecracker, Buzz, expected. The person who scoped it was hired by Carl's friend Patrick, but he was supposed to scope it out, not hire some dude. The replacement for their 4th man is a stupid junkie. Their getaway van's stolen. The people in the little bank couldn't shut up, some people died, Carl gets clipped in the arm, everything pretty much went wrong.

The best part of the film was Carl and Janine after the heist. The talk they had was reminiscing their high school days and him wanting Janine to come with him. The topics aren't unique, it's just how the two actors did their dialogue. It just worked so well, and in such a small amount of time, they made me care about their relationship. Most Bruce films I've seen, he doesn't get much play with other women. Either they get killed off (Evil Dead), or he gets killed off (Menno's Mind), or he doesn't really get much time for a relationship to develop (My Names Is Bruce). So this was new to me and it worked very well.

When Janine decided to go and she thought Carl left her, the scene went to her alone, and she sold the sadness so well. Then it ends happy, even though he'll probably get caught and spend more time in jail. It doesn't matter, it ended how I wanted it to. Great movie given the limits and budget. It wasn't just Bruce Campbell trying to steer a ship with a high probability of sinking. It's the camera work and the fellow actress, and the story too. Simple and entertaining.
American Hustle (2013) - David O. Russell

As I watched the movie, I was expecting someone to die. A bullet to fly, sudden death, I kept that expectation during True Detective season 2. Nobody died in that movie, I don't even remember if there was gunshots. I was expecting that. It's a film of dialogue and characters, so at least that made up for my gun related expectation. Awesome film.

Anyways, I saw Body Double. When I learned of its existence not too long ago, I was thinking Bedroom Eyes. That's a low budget softcore thriller where the main character was a peeper. Since those kind of movies tend to rip off a bigger and better one, like how every single erotic thriller ripped off Basic Instinct in one way or another during the 90s, I figured Bedroom Eyes ripped off Body Double. They did come out in the same year though.

The name alone of "Body Double" indicates that because in Bedroom Eyes, the story involved a woman who is thought to be dead, turned out to be another girl made to look like her. So, a body double. But that's it, the voyeurism is even different, and the woman thought to be dead turned out to be a villain.

Still, it had to have borrowed from Body Double. Whatever the case, the movie is great. Brian De Palma is a great director, Scarface being his best. The story was very interesting, back to Bedroom Eyes, I thought the woman being peeped on by Craig Wasson's Jake Scully (who looks like David Duchovny), was doing a ruse. Like Bedroom Eyes, she's the mastermind and villain. It was not that, more simpler. The woman, Gloria, as played by the stunning [NOBABE]Deborah Shelton[/NOBABE], was just a rich girl with a mooch of a husband.

Jake's a struggling actor with claustrophobia. How De Palma treated it though, was a bit weird. It made for great visuals, but man. The very first scene where Jake is absolutely frozen and needs the film crew to take him out of a casket (filming a low budget horror), is weird because he really is frozen. No blinking, no movement, weird. Then in the chase with the Native American shady guy (who I thought for a second was someone with makeup on the face), he has a panic attack in a tunnel, that has an entrance and exit. I can understand the casket, but a tunnel? It's not small at all, but he panics at that. The final panic in the grave, makes total sense, which that made me worried because it goes into a movie set. As if to say the whole movie was just a filming, but then it switched to normal. But even that got into strange territory in how [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE] was stopped. [NOBABE]The killer[/NOBABE] wasn't even stopped by a human...

In hindsight, there's a lot of silly and ridiculous stuff here, leading to parts you can't take seriously. However, as a thriller, it does work so well. It has a bit of suspense, the acting's fine, but I think the best part of the film, is the music. It's so great and placed very well at the right times. The second panic attack was really saved by the music, although a mention needs to go to Wasson's acting. There's some recurring pieces, but from start to finish, the music was incredible.

And of course the porn stuff was awesome. That took the movie on a totally different turn. While the peeping stuff is perverted, I didn't think they'd go that perverted. It's like the first half of the movie was the serious stuff, you get sucked into the story. The second half, where porn is introduced, turns the film into a bit of a laugh.

[NOBABE]Melanie Griffith[/NOBABE] comes off as an attempt at comic relief, despite being the porn girl and body double. Her personality is exactly what her look indicates, platinum blonde rail thin California girl. A bit ditzy, a whole lot of whiney. Very hot for sure, but I think she's the weakest part of the film. She represents the silly and ridiculous stuff the movie threw. I'm surprised she got nominated for a Golden Globe. Not a bad actress, but dude, she could've toned down her character.

I breezed through imdb trivia, and this was most interesting, Brian De Palma wanted to cast [NOBABE]Annette Haven[/NOBABE] in the [NOBABE]Holly Body[/NOBABE] role, but Columbia Pictures of course didn't like the films she did. That's funny considering porn had a heavy part in this film. Shit they cast [NOBABE]Linda Shaw[/NOBABE] in a little role, and [NOBABE]Barbara Peckinpaugh[/NOBABE]. I don't know, she might've projected her classy nature to the role, because [NOBABE]Holly Body[/NOBABE] came off as typical porn girl. Haven was fine with not being in the film, didn't like its gore.

The gore only happened in the death scene of Gloria. It was teased and teased and was turning ridiculous, but when it happened, it was pretty fucking compelling, but sad. Gloria was hot, her accent was amazing...

and now I just found out through imdb, that wasn't [NOBABE]Deborah Shelton[/NOBABE]'s voice. [NOBABE]Helen Shaver[/NOBABE]. Damn, I should've known because I saw Nemesis, and Shelton (who was fit and nude in that movie, awesome) had a deep voice. Well, not too lady like, deep is a stretch I guess.

I spotted [NOBABE]Brinke Stevens[/NOBABE], I did hear about her being in here, unfortunately that was her most mainstream credit. So mainstream, getting her nipples licked by two girls in a porno ad. Awesome to see her though. Also [NOBABE]Barbara Crampton[/NOBABE], so surprised she popped up. She was Jake's wife, but was only scene so damn briefly, riding a guy all naked. Very hot, but very brief. A year later she made a longer lasting impression in Re-Animator.

Another interesting fact, De Palma wanted the sex scenes to be unsimulated. Freaking Columbia didn't want that.

Despite the ridiculous bits, the movie's absolutely awesome. It barely managed not to dip too into silly territory, and I think if Griffith's [NOBABE]Holly Body[/NOBABE] had more time and dialogue, the movie would've suffered. Thankfully that wasn't the case. The names that auditioned for the role, [NOBABE]Tatum O'Neal,[NOBABE] Jamie Lee Curtis[/NOBABE] and [NOBABE]Carrie Fisher[/NOBABE],[/NOBABE] would've taken the movie in different directions. I think [NOBABE]Jamie Lee Curtis[/NOBABE] would've worked so well, especially that [NOBABE]Holly Body[/NOBABE] had a bit of scream queen towards the end. Great acting, fantastic music, another classic by De Palma. For some strange reason, he was nominated for a Razzie! Damn, his direction's a major highlight in the film. Thankfully he lost out to John Derek for Bolero. I did see that. It was yummy, but I'm talking as a pervert, not a film fan.

I do have a sick interest in Bonfire of the Vanities. Despite it being panned, it had both Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks in one film, that's appealing no matter what the story is. But [NOBABE]Melanie Griffith's[/NOBABE] in it. Ehh, she's definitely a better actress than her daughter...
"woman being peeped on by Craig Wasson's Jake Scully (who looks like David Duchovny),"

Really Duchovny? Everyone else thinks he looks like Bill Maher.
And as I recall when it came out the critics hated Body Double. I enjoyed it but found the plot more than a bit contrived and unlikely to ever work for the murderer.
No Retreat, No Surrender. My God, what a film. One of the cheesiest films of all time, one of the most dick sucking films of all time, one of the most 80s films of all time, and one of the funniest films of all time. When you go on imdb, the poster displayed is of Van Damme, top billing, nobody else but him. From what I understand before watching this, he had a small role in the film. I didn't know the synopsis, just that it's an early role of JCVD and he played a villain.

I was stunned when I experienced how ridiculous the film is. On the cheesy part, every bit of dialogue is pretty much covered in cheese. Whether it be the father putting down violence while being a pussy and scolding the son, the friendship between Jason and RJ, Scott, who looks like Eric Cartman from South Park, and the American take on martial arts.

This had to be a thing of the 80s, as a 90s kid I can't comment on it firsthand. The thing of Americanizing martial arts. Whether it be Karate Kid or American Ninja (which I haven't seen), there was just a white stance on martial arts. To be specific, almost everything is "karate." In this film, there's an exception, mentioning Jeet Kune Do...

What I meant by "dick sucking" is the obnoxious amount of love for Bruce Lee. The man deserves all the praise in the world, but there's a point where it becomes annoying, and downright exploitative. This film crosses that territory. Using Lee's actual grave site, which I thought was fake because the picture of Lee looked crappy. Maybe they had to pay rights to use Lee's movie work by name, because there was not one reference to a Bruce Lee movie in the dialogue.

Of course in the story, there's references to [NOBABE]Enter The Dragon[/NOBABE], the "kick me" scene, the conversation between ghost Bruce Lee (that was unbelievable, shocking, appalling, but a bit funny) and Jason. It's ridiculous, the pictures of Lee, the Lee shirt.

I was concerned the Bruce Lee exploitation would ruin the film, and it almost did, if it wasn't for the supporting cast. Jason's a Bruce Lee wannabe, so his character is the source of all the annoying bits. There was a comment that Jason wants to be like Bruce Lee. Now that's a laugh, right? Most of the laughs came from Cartman and RJ. Oh my goodness, RJ gives the best smiles ever. He did most of the 80s things, simple skateboarding, Michael Jackson impersonating, boombox, hip hop, break dancing, this guy is the whitest black man ever in film. That's why he's the funniest. The smiles he gives are so white, it's like he was a bit of Jim Carrey, before the guy even became a somebody. Cartman is a riot, he steals every scene, and he just lives to be a shitbag.

The ghost Bruce Lee's haircut is not completely like Lee's hairstyle, which is one mistake. The other is the guy doesn't look like Bruce Lee. Camera work became important because most shots of the man were from his side, and not too close, so it gives a better impression that the guy has a likeness to Bruce Lee. His dialogue is obviously dubbed in, which I'm not sure if that was a comic reference to dubbing in martial arts films, or just that the actor sucks at English.

Back to Lee comments, Jason said Lee is kind of big in Seattle. You idiot, he IS Seattle. I heard he grew up in Seattle, he went to high school in Seattle, the fact he's buried in Seattle says it all. Kind of big, that's a stupid comment. Also stupid is the whole Seattle karate vs. Los Angeles karate. It's karate dammit, and Bruce Lee, again from what I heard, didn't believe in styles. I bet his reaction to that bit would've been a facepalm. The love interest came out of nowhere, it's an established one, so you don't get the boy meets girl thing. It does save the pain of this, but it's a bit unusual in films. The woman who played Kelly, Jason's girl, only did this film. I'm shocked at this because I think she was hot, and should've gotten more roles. Given the movie's quality, she would've been a B movie actress. Get her tits out, or do some cheap action female roles.

Now for the main event, Jean Claude Van Damme as Ivan Kraschinsky the Russian. For some reason in the end credits, he's listed as playing some dude named Brad. Anyways, he was awesome. He did more than 3 moves! Not just the jumping spin kick, he actually did more. JCVD is a weird case. When I first saw his movies, I thought the action was great, and the man's brilliant. Then his movie JCVD came out, and I thought he could pull off a dramatic role so well.

But then time passed and the first JCVD movie I've seen since Expendables 2, Cyborg, errrr. He kicked ass, but there goes the 3 moves stereotype he painted himself in. He did his signature kicks, his signature face (ANNIE!), but when he just does those trademarks, and nothing more, it's just...a bit underwhelming. I'm spoiled by Jackie Chan, and [NOBABE]Enter The Dragon[/NOBABE] was stunning, and Jet Li's fantastic. Steven Seagal? Errrr, I loved Hard To Kill, but not because of the action. It's because of the blood bank line, that's so hilarious. Under Siege, [NOBABE]Erika Eleniak[/NOBABE], Gary Busey, Tommy Lee Jones...and that's about it.

JCVD is like Seagal, even in his peak, the man relied on signature moves he showed in this movie, and made famous in Bloodsport. That's kind of what I think about Chuck Norris too, but to be fair, I haven't seen him really do martial arts extensively. Only his gunner roles in some 80s films. JCVD doesn't do much martial arts, that's the thing, and Seagal's Aikido stuff is convincing, but not something beautiful to see on film. He's basically a dancer.

When he goes full on martial arts, that's when JCVD is awesome. That or he has to play a really good role, which he better does when a villain. He was the best part of Expendables 2 because of his sunglass wearing douche badass character. So in this film, he kicked ass. He didn't say much, thankfully because his Russian is as good as his English.

He was so good that I didn't want Jason to win. Of course he'd win, he's the good guy, and he trained, the montages prove it. But damn, he simply got lucky with Van Damme, clearly the man toned down so Jason would have a fighting chance. He pulled off great stuff, but Ivan the Russian's to much badassery for him to handle. Thankfully Ivan wasn't owned completely in the final fight.

One reason I watched this was so that I can see the sequel, because [NOBABE]Cynthia Rothrock[/NOBABE], a legit martial artist, and not some Bruce Lee tossing weekend warrior, is in it. Of course Van Damme looking so handsome (the eye liner was unnecessary), and it became fun to see if his famous lump is visible. In some shots you can clearly see it, but for the most part, it's unrecognizable. Now, Jesus, no wonder he wears a hat all the time.

If it wasn't for the cheese and silly comedic moments, it would've been boring in every non-fight scene. The actual fight scenes are average, except for when Van Damme gets down, and the black guy in the Seattle karate dojo scene. I love that old school martial arts sound effect with the punches and kicks, and this movie had a fair share of those. Hilarious movie, which it clearly wasn't meant to be one, but ah well. Some of the best movies I've seen are not supposed to be say, super funny, but they are, and that's why I love them. Same with this movie.