What is the latest good film you watched ?

Raw Deal, which is a fitting title because apparently the movie's been given such a thing. Not rated highly in comparison to other Arnold Schwarzenegger classics. IMDB has an average rating of 5.4/10, while Rotton Tomatoes has it at 25%! That's ridiculous, because I think this is where Arnold became "Arnie." It's where he started to really show off his charisma. Before that, he played stoic roles that showed a bit of his charm, but nothing obvious and grand, and just oozing. This is where it all started, maybe by this point he and the filmmakers recognized the reputation of his one liners, mostly thanks to Commando, so they brought that and allowed Arnie to shed the stoic archetype.

So why the flak? It has all the trappings for an Arnie film: one liners, villains that don't stand a chance but are memorable.one of them being Paul Shenar, who didn't want to fuck in Scarface. Explosions, guns, lots of action, witty dialogue made so by the man's accent, it has it all. I suppose Red Heat's rated a bit better, because that's the film I go to the most in comparing this film's quality. Neither of those are in Arnie's classics list, but both are fun for their own reasons.

By this point, Raw Deal was special because of the play between him and Kathryn Harold's Monique. Even though trying to explain why Arnie initiated flirting with her, and why they didn't just make a wife character who wastes chocolate cake. Shit, that woman only appeared in that opening scene! I like the conversation between those two, both going for who can deliver the most snappy comeback. Arnie won all but one, which is the part where she threw her coat at him. It's weird, but the mall scene is one major highlight for me. Him saying he likes to watch her try on a dress, it got me. It's odd, but that's when I really wanted to be like Arnie. Such a nice guy, he's friendly with women without stepping out on his wife. At the same time, it's a film, normally this relationship would be an intimate one, and more necessary than a woman who clearly drank and baked.

Some of the locations look amazing. The club, the room of caskets, the cemetery, those looked pretty nice in their own ways. What decides whether an Arnie flick is great or not are the quiet parts. When he's not kicking ass and killing people, because that's always a treat. The comedies don't count, it's whether or not they're actually funny. I do admit to loving all his stuff, including comedy movies, except that I haven't watched Batman & Robin, or Around the World in 80 Days. I don't want to watch either of those movies.

So the calm parts, the villains again were nice, Robert Davi's in it as Max, I remember him most from Showgirls. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. He's a natural at being a shitbag heel with smug smiles. Sleazy. The stuff between Kathryn Harold (who was hot in this film) and Arnie were great. The action was really good, the final two gun fights really sell the movie. It's Arnie at his basic form, he obviously got to show his personality after this in better movies like Predator, Running Man, and Total Recall, but this I believe is where it all started. He cut down on the purely hard characters, and just became a charismatic and hard motherfucker.

It's not the best, but it's good enough to not be bad at all. [NOBABE]Red Sonja[/NOBABE] is the one I rate the lowest, I'd easily put this one in the middle.

By the way, the ending is so fucking cheesy, that it's actually a highlight of the film as well. Harry was shot twice, none of the wounds looked like they would've impaired his walking, no spinal shots and such. That bit was just ridiculous. Also Arnie rocked the leather biker jacket. It looked shinier here, but the shot where he stood over the FBI mole, I was totally thinking "Come with me if you want to live." The guy didn't come with him, so he didn't live.


Mad Max: Fury Road

Outstanding cinematography and Charlize Theron is beautiful even with a buzz cut and a metallic arm.
Agreed, Charlize is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. I will see this because of you review and she will be the icing on the cake :yummie:
The Warriors. Like [NOBABE]Enter The Dragon[/NOBABE], this is a film that seems to be something I need to see before I die. I finally got to see it, but the push came when I read about another film, Young Warriors. A description of it was Savage Streets meets The Warriors. I saw the former, loved it, but never the latter until today. I wanted to see Young Warriors, but first need to see what might be a a source of tribute, or ripoff.

It's awesome. The comic book effects seemed to be done years after the film was done, because it looked too good for 1979. I don't know, ahead of its time? I suppose it was done in post production, but damn it looked great. The movie succeeds in stimulating the senses. The sense of hearing, some amazing voices and sounds. Ajax was my favorite, despite what looked like him wearing eyeliner, which JCVD seemed to have in No Retreat No Surrender. His voice was pretty hard, the guy was just a hard bastard, sucks that he got arrested. The radio host has such a smooth voice, and yeah, she's black, but I really think her voice is like chocolate pouring down onto something. Like in some commercials, so smooth. The leader of the Riffs that looked like Denzel Washington, he sounded like a bad motherfucker. The outfits and appearances of everyone looked so cool. The Orphans were the only exceptions, and deliberate since they were nobodies in comparison to the other gangs. Even the Baseball Furies, who were wimps, looked cool in their own right. The music's fantastic too.

Most of the movie happens at night, and it was so fitting, that the final scenes where it's day, felt weird. It did work in that the day seemed like a ghost town. Maybe it was Coney Island being the setting in that time compared to New York, that the place is desolate, where in New York, things go bump in the night.

I'd say the movie is perfect, it delivered on everything it was meant to do. A cult film with lots of convincing action, visuals, sounds, and characters. The action, the fight scenes weren't flashy, but they were very real like. The bathroom scene is the absolute highlight of the action, because it's a closed environment, they either break glass or stall doors, or just hit the walls. It was pretty crazy, and there are some wincing moments, which makes it all the more convincing.

As awesome the movie is, I do have to nitpick on two things. First, and this isn't a big deal, but the ending. I was expecting some grand battle, gang vs. gang, David Patrick Kelly's Luther getting what he deserves. By the way, he was absolutely amazing in the film, of course there's the famous "come out to play" scene. Instead, Luther pulls the smoking gun that killed Cyrus (can you dig it?), shoots, and he misses? Close range, the bullet just disappeared into the air. That's a bit unrealistic. Swan's counter wasn't fake looking, so that bit was just fine. Consider that Luther was farther away from Cyrus than he was Swan, and he killed the guy in one shot. Thankfully the Riffs came after, because they looked fucking hard and scary. I'll let it slide.

I'm trying to let this slide, but the woman, Mercy. Errr, she got annoying sometimes. She joined Swan because of the adventure I guess, it's something new for her boring life. Or whoring life? Anyways, she slowed the guys down, didn't fight much, totally the albatross around Swan's neck.

Anyways, classic movie.
Angels of the City. PM Entertainment has given me nothing but joy with every single flick I've seen from them. It all started with Skyscraper, which I didn't even know it was them, just that [NOBABE]Anna Nicole Smith[/NOBABE] got nude in it. Then Shotgun, which is one of the best bad movies ever made.

I think now it has a competitor within the PM Entertainment camp, and it's this movie. Directed by Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs of all people. I didn't think he was capable of this, even though he was a regular with the film company, as well as directing himself in some of their films. Quiet Fire for example, that was pretty wacky, but grounded in comparison to this. I didn't expect this kind of bonkers, especially when he's an actor first. He makes a "special guest appearance" as Jon Chance, a character that as far as I know and have seen, been in 3 movies centered on the character.

I had no idea what the plot was, and I assumed since LHJ directed the film, that he'd be the star, but no. "Special guest appearance." He co-wrote the film too, and now I question his sanity. The movie's absolutely crazy. At first it looks like the plot, such as it is, was about a sociology student getting into trouble. He fucks a prostitute named Carmen in the funniest sex scene ever. No question about it, the faces he makes are hilarious. Mick is the guy's name, and his friend Richie watches and said if she's too stretched out from him. Yeah he shagged her before, but you don't see that scene. From the start you're introduced to those two guys and two opposing prostitution rings, one ran by Lee (black guy) and another by Gold. Yep. So one would think it becomes a crazy battle between groups, silly kid is caught in the middle. By the way, that kid, Mick, is dating a blonde named Wendy. When she and Richie's girlfriend, Catherine, are introduced, it's some sorority girl pledging ritual that resembles a witch meeting. I thought it was just a random scene, the two girls are potential pledges, they have to dress like hookers and I guess survive a night in Los Angeles. They didn't have to screw.

By the time the prostitution rings meet face to face, the movie just goes completely mental. The girls stole Gold's car, it becomes all about them trying to find a phone. A fucking phone to call, because they can't find their way home, Los Angeles is too big a city to trace back I guess. They go by a black hobo, an underage group of kids that talk foul, where one of them grabs Cate's butt. A club that's a hotspot for hookers, and throughout there's a car chase, a freaking dog chase!

When the movie's first climax came in the form of an inexplicable car explosion, I was pretty much laughed out. I was so drained, it's like the movie took me by the ears, gave me a private show, and I came out broken, yet satisfied. I haven't had a movie watching experience like that since Samurai Cop a few months ago. And that's not to say other similar crazy bad films didn't live up, they did, but something about this movie puts it above many other similar films I consider absolute classics in entertainment.

After the car explosion, the movie continues the crazy, and surprisingly I laughed! I felt so exhausted, but they throw more crazy shit that it's unbelievable. Fucking black guy with glasses, dancing while presenting the delivered Chinese food. Goddamn harpoon introduced as some possession of Catherine, and you have to expect that it will be used. A love scene and relationship coming so quickly after a quick dumping of Richie, Catherine fucks her protecting officer! The harpoon is used and that's it.

I didn't mention everything, it would take too long. It's just bonkers. It's absolutely amazing. LHJ did make his special guest appearance, talking to Mick and Richie. By the way, the latter's an asshole, when arguing with Cate, he said that she makes the fact he fucked a hooker a big deal. Of course it's a big deal, dickface. And Wendy considering marrying Mick or something? The lightweight in bed cheated on her, and come on, he can't be a good lay. Oh, Wendy goes catatonic on account of a swing of a pipe by Gold, one swing, boom, her brain's gone. Cathy said she didn't do anything to Gold. You stole his fucking car! See, there's so many illogical things that have obvious logical explanations, that it's funny to correct the characters. And minor characters are just that, but then they'd add some backstory or whatever, and it's ridiculous. By the way, Wendy kisses the hooker club owner, the same Wendy that wanted to marry Mick. There's some hooker named Mary that gets her fantastical story told by Cate as part of her sociology project, she's 16, and boy did she really look like that. I don't know the actress' actual age, but damn she looked young. I don't think she's even credited, I couldn't find her on the end credits.

This is bad because now the movies I have and will see today after this won't make me laugh. Well, they might, I saw a German sex comedy that had a bit going, but this movie totally drained me. It sucks there's no extras to this, I would kill for audio commentary, especially by Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs. What the hell was he thinking?! Ah well, amazing bad film. It now joins the holy circle of entertaining bad movies: Samurai Cop, Shotgun, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Deadly Prey, Troll 2, The Room, Miami Connection. Right now, I put it third behind The Room and Samurai Cop, it's that awesome.

I forgot to mention one of the best parts, the music! While the credits list a few different people like LHJ himself performing a song, the one voice I heard in every single song was Jastereo Coviare, who plays Gold's heavy. You wouldn't suspect a big boy like him would have an 80s girly man voice, but he had it. It was hilarious to pick up on his voice, knowing that he did the theme song to Shotgun.
