just recently started playing Halo Reach again, its been awhile but im gettin back into pretty well. also Dragon Age 2.
Dude, you should NEVER use Gamestop for trade in values they're a huge ripoff. My best suggestion is to cut out the middleman and use Craigslist or another similar site and sell your new games for 40-$50, people will buy it because it is anywhere from a 10-25$ discount for them if you include tax and you get more than double of gamestop's values, Gamestop just pisses me off.
I got 45 back from a local mom and pop shop. What a waste. Most linear game I think I've ever played.
I have just traded Homefront in and got Crysis 2 and what an excellent decision that was !
Crysis looks and plays fuckin great
dude, exactly!! haven't played crysis 2 yet, but dude, the fuck was with the homefront guys trying to make you pay for the multiplayer portion part of the game on top of xbox live and the initial cost of the game? fuckin hate companies who do shit like that.
btw, i'm playing fifa 11, rockin it with messi and villa!!
If you bought the game new, then you didn't pay extra for multiplayer. A couple of companies have been doing that lately (not just Kaos Studios/THQ), because they want to make some money when people buy their games used. The money from used games doesn't go to the developers and producers. It all goes to Gamestop or whatever store you bought the used game from.
There must be some site around with a list of these codes, or are they all Unique ?