What exactly ARE they protesting?


Find jobs, asshats.

Earn your keep like the rest of us.

If you're not happy with your lot in life, then change it.

What a fucking joke. :2 cents:

Yeah it's that easy, because they're just handing out jobs left and right over here.:rolleyes:

Ahhh, the old blame the victim mindset. Yeah, I'm sure all those poor people out there have just chosen to be poor. :rolleyes:

Guys, allow me to qualify my statement. It was not directed at those who have been legitimately hurt/displaced by the global financial crisis. I truly feel for these people and I support each and every one of them.

I'm talking to any of these 'protesters' that has the means to download the 'I'm Being Arrested' IPhone application. Do you catch my meaning?


Iraq war hero badly wounded by police in Oakland is unable to speak ... as growing number of veterans join the protests

Scott Olsen, 24, is able to communicate with his family by writing notes, but his ability to spell has been damaged.

Mr Olsen can understand what’s being communicated to him and doctors said on Friday that he will likely be able to make a full recovery in time.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...Olsen-badly-wounded-police.html#ixzz1cMzUtvuD

probably just another smelly hippy who deserved it :violent:


Re: What exactly ARE they protesting?

..You know, I asked myself that very question after learning that there was a band of thugs wanting to ''occupy Oakland''. Why in the hell would anybody want to occupy Oakland for and what could they possibly be protesting there, it's a worthless hellhole! Seriously, my local landfill is a more desirable location than Oakland, that place is a ghetto! I mean, sure, it might get a little ripe smelling at the dump, but at least you don't have to live in constant fear of getting caught in the crossfire while frying your eggs in the AM... or when waiting for the stoplight to turn green, or while sitting in the barber's chair, when on the toilet, etc. etc.

Yep, the "Occupy Oakland" movement is proof that one or more of george soros' handy helpers didn't do their homework.


Closed Account
u srsly trying to compare OWS with a tea party rally?

false dichotomy much?

Are we supposed to take you SERIOUSLY, when you can't even break away from the text-talk?

Let me ask it another way... Those OWS people who are "protesting", are doing so because, why???

I see them using the very tools of capitalism to comfort themselves, while at the same time protesting against.....capitalism. I see tents that were manufactured by employees of companies who earn a living making tents, sleeping bags, back packs, camping stoves, etc. However, You Might come back and say... "Yeah, but the owner of the company is extremely wealthy and it isn't fair that the employees aren't rich."

NEWS FLASH.... if they don't want to work for someone else, start their own business and become wealthy and employ others to make the product that you are selling. That, or remain an employee of a company and make the best of your life. Maybe go back to school and get a better education??? A lot of people have done that. Or, strike out on your own and start from the bottom like so many others who became self sufficient.

I owe you nothing. I am not going to give you anything of mine that I have worked for. If you are unhappy with your situation, do something about it besides whining like a little bitch because someone else has more than you.

NEWSFLASH: Socialism has NEVER, EVER worked.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Let me ask it another way... Those OWS people who are "protesting", are doing so because, why???

Why do people keep asking a question that's already been answered? It's beginning to take on the same disingenuous tone as the "birther" issue.
They have their hearts in the right place but unfortunately they're efforts are misguided. They should be protesting greed and corruption in Washington not Wall Street. As for the police and all the ILLEGAL things the first poster stated, just because something is illegal doesn't mean it should be. That's kinda the idea behind assembling in protest duh. The police deserve what's coming to them for abusing their power and being treated in a higher class than us private sector suckers.
let me start a thread "why are all white people racists?"

then wonder why no one takes my position seriously

Great analogy! Oh wait, no it's not. Alright dumbass, let me spell it out for you here. This is how I basically see these morons. Oh, I'm angry about the fat cats getting richer while the poor get poorer, so let me stand around yelling, break the laws where I live, get warned by the police, and then feign outrage and disbelief when the cops actually do their fucking jobs.

That's my main point. If you'd bothered to read my other posts, you'd see that my confusion stems from the apparently logical conclusion of, angry at banks = throw bottles and rocks at police.....yes, I generalize and call them hippies....I guess I'm guilty of what you ass hats did with the tea partiers...generalize and call names...
so you see this as a left vs right issue?
if you spent as much time as it takes to change your post fonts listening you wouldn't have a thread full of misguided positions

if you honestly believe the protestors are "attacking cops" you probably sill think Iraq has WMD
I wonder if any of you truly have any idea of the scale on wich we, the American working class have been and are being fucked by the financial system as a whole and our government. The whole thing is so perverted and rotten to the core, you truly don't have a clue. The very same people who cooked up the recipe for disaster that led to the financial meltdown in 2008 are the same people who are now again acting as financial advisors to the government and they are fighting reform harder than ever. By appointing these people Obama is actively fighting against the working class and you don't even see it.

I also wonder why some of you are saying the OWS protesters should be shot in the head? Do you really wish death upon a fellow human being just because you disagree with them? Are you really that hatefull?
you'd see that my confusion stems from the apparently logical conclusion of, angry at banks = throw bottles and rocks at police.....,
your "confusion" lays in you manufacturing boogeymen as scapegoats to legitimize your authoritarian opposition to any anti-establishment viewpoint

are you really expecting us to believe you'd ever see a legitimate reason for disenfranchised citizens express themselves? lol, yeah right.

your position is hollow and a farce; a complete strawman

“What we’re trying to build here,” said Jeff Smith, a member of the Occupy Wall Street press working group, “is a model for the bigger society we’d like to see.”

And there’s the rub: The “model” civilization that’s sprung up at Zuccotti is itself increasingly divided between the stakeholders in the nascent movement who feel invested in the emerging economic, social and cultural causes of “the 99%,” and hangers-on, including a fast-growing contingent of lawbreakers and lowlifes, many of whom seem to have come to Zuccotti in the last week with the cynical encouragement of the NYPD.


But while officers may be in a no-win situation, at the mercy of orders carried on shifting political winds and locked into conflict with a so-far almost entirely non-violent protest movement eager to frame the force as a symbol of the oppressive system they’re fighting, the NYPD seems to have crossed a line in recent days, as the park has taken on a darker tone with unsteady and unstable types suddenly seeming to emerge from the woodwork. Two different drunks I spoke with last week told me they’d been encouraged to “take it to Zuccotti” by officers who’d found them drinking in other parks, and members of the community affairs working group related several similar stories they’d heard while talking with intoxicated or aggressive new arrivals.

The NYPD’s press office declined to comment on the record about any such policy, but it seems like a logical tactic from a Bloomberg administration that has done its best to make things difficult for the occupation — a way of using its openness against it.

ungrateful fucking hippies! Take your beatings and like it

Did you know that for the first time in history more Americans have a lower education and are less prosperous than their parents?

I don't know about you but to me that's a clear sign something is wrong.


Closed Account
Don't blame the banks. It's the polititcians who required the banks to loan the money to those who couldn't afford the mortgage payment, i.e. Barny Frank and Dodd.