What exactly ARE they protesting?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The rationale for a monkey shit fight at the zoo makes more sense than anything these dilettantes could put forward.
your "confusion" lays in you manufacturing boogeymen as scapegoats to legitimize your authoritarian opposition to any anti-establishment viewpoint

are you really expecting us to believe you'd ever see a legitimate reason for disenfranchised citizens express themselves? lol, yeah right.

your position is hollow and a farce; a complete strawman

Huh. Your post proves that just because someone can use large words shouldn't necessarily do so...allow me to retort.

I don't have to "create boogeymen"...these fools are doing just fine giving the rest of sane America MORE than enough ammo to feed the guns. If I may ask, how exactly do you know so certainly that I oppose any and all authoritarian opposition? Do you really know me that well? You must not, and let me think back...no, no you do not know me at all.

Disagreement and opposition are a couple of cornerstones of this great nation...not once in any of my above posts did I in any way insinuate that I am against going against the grain, or rebuking the status quo. Not at all. But here is where I grow disgruntled, pissed off, find myself laughing at these morons...and I believe I've said this before, in more words or less, so allow me to reiterate...protesting is fine, is great, is wonderful...baiting police into violent confrontations and then throwing up your hands and pointing at the cops and yelling, "See?! They're oppressing us!" is absolutely ridiculous. And that is exactly what they are doing...if you are going to deliberately break the law, by, oh I don't know, throwing projectiles at cops, throwing them off their motorcycles, etc. etc., you are GOING to get sprayed in the fucking face with tear gas. And you deserve it.

Listen man, I really don't give two squirts if you believe me or not as to whether or not I would support opposition...fact is, I do and would if people are at least somewhat responsible and coherent in the way that they do it. Throwing up a tent, smoking pot in a public park, and screaming about the 99% is no way to go about it. It's ridiculous. You also fail to point out who some of these "protesters" are...college grads whose biggest gripe is they don't know how they are going to pay back those big, scary student loans they took out...well, and I'm just throwin it out there, maybe they should have thought about that before they agreed to the loans...I personally can attest to that...you don't see me out there bitching and moaning about it.

I stand by my points thus far. I take back nothing. This "movement" is a joke, and it's not just me my friend...recent polling shows less than 40% of the general American public thinks these protests are good for the country. (Hmm...right around Obama's approval ratings these days...isn't that interesting.) I'm not saying I don't think shit needs to change...it definitely does...clogging up parks and streets and crying about how your life sucks when you live in the most advanced country on the planet is absurd.

That's what really gets me about these ingrates. I would love to point out to them this: you protest all day, and then you go home where you are safe, where you have heat, where when you flip a light switch, the lights come on...it's not a gamble...where you have a roof over your head, where you have food to eat, a place to sleep and rest so you can get back out there and bitch about how bad your fucking life is.

Well. I'll say this. I kinda hope in a sick twisted way they get THEIR way...let's see how Socialism suits them...think they'll be able to protest when they realize how good they actually had it?


Let me ask it another way... Those OWS people who are "protesting", are doing so because, why???

Well, for one, they're reorganizing communities as prescribed by the late Saul Alinsky.

Two, they want to bring about a revolution in this country where in the end, everybody except for a *chosen relative few (see below) will be forced to live out their lives as equals.
You did read ''Animal Farm'', correct?
Yep, some of the people are indeed more equal than others.

Three, the occupiers provide the media the opportunity to keep the ''fast and furious'' as well as the solargate (see Solyndra) scandals out of the papers.

I'm sure that there are many other reasons why the occupiers are occupying, I just thought that I'd offer 3 examples of what I believe to be their most important objectives, the tail wagging doggers they are.

All in all, I have to give the '0' admin some credit for their organizational skills, really, to get all of those committed deadbeats together in all of those cities, it is really something, you couldn't give me enough green bud to do that sorta thing, ever!

* Just like the chosen relative handful of individuals who were lucky enough to be rewarded one of more than a thousand exemptions from obamakare.
If his healthcare plan is so good, then why the exemptions, hmm? :rolleyes: :clown:



Well, for one, they're reorganizing communities as prescribed by the late Saul Alinsky.


you guys aren't even trying to present an intelligent point....
and I'm sure neither of you will claim you don't listen to AM Talk radio.....but miraculously come to these insane conclusions that have no connection to OWS whatsoever.

Anytime someone introduces Saul Alinsky, its clear they aren't doing any thinking for themselves, and I can guarantee you that you hadn't read "Rules for Radicals". TRY to read the book and come to the same conclusions that the person who told you to use Alinsky (it infers none of what you claim it does).

as a guide, here's how its supposed to work

please refrain for interjecting bullshit and make-believe into the discussion once more
I wonder happened to this guy?
It amazes me that so many seemingly normal, working folk fall into supporting the behind-the-scenes dealings of the bankers-politicians that have screwed those exact same folk over...is it because they hate the 1st Amendment that much?
All I know is i'm bust working my ass off to see that my tax dollars are being spent well giving these people welfare so they can live traveller style and bitch and moan and cause a scene when the cameras are rolling because they weren't lucky enough to be born into a rich family because they obviously have some sort of rich bitch kid concept that they should be given everything!


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Meanwhile Bank of America pays severance packages totaling over 17 million dollars to two people AND plans to lay off 30,000 people.


Hiliary 2020
The way I see it, they are pawns of THE GOV.
THE GOV, more specifically the Democratic party and Obama are just playing these fools.
They're the ones who put this "The rich are your enemies and all your problems are they're fault, not ours" mentality into these pea brains.
The problem is not big business or Wall street.......those two were going fine until THE GOV decided to get involved with them too much
and screwed things up.
What these pawns of THE GOV should be protesting if anything is THE GOV itself but theyre too brainwashed to figure that out.

One picture of one man with a piece of paper around his neck saying WWII Veteran? That's your proof that the statement accompanying the picture is a false claim?

Yeah. And the Tea Party movement is made up of thousands of non-Caucasians, too.

One picture of one man with a piece of paper around his neck saying WWII Veteran? That's your proof that the statement accompanying the picture is a false claim?

Actually the picture was in response to the cartoon, I can't care less about what that drug-popping racist scum and pathological liar Limbaugh claims.

Here is another 'claim-less' picture.


Yeah. And the Tea Party movement is made up of thousands of non-Caucasians, too.

Why is this relevant? When did I make a claim about the tea party?