Let me ask it another way... Those OWS people who are "protesting", are doing so because, why???
Well, for one, they're reorganizing communities as prescribed by the late
Saul Alinsky.
Two, they want to bring about a revolution in this country where in the end, everybody except for a *chosen relative few (
see below) will be forced to live out their lives as equals.
You did read ''Animal Farm'', correct?
Yep, some of the people are indeed more equal than others.
Three, the occupiers provide the media the opportunity to keep the
''fast and furious'' as well as the solargate (see Solyndra) scandals out of the papers.
I'm sure that there are many other reasons why the occupiers are occupying, I just thought that I'd offer 3 examples of what I believe to be their most important objectives, the tail wagging doggers they are.
All in all, I have to give the '0' admin some credit for their organizational skills, really, to get all of those committed deadbeats together in all of those cities, it is really something, you couldn't give me enough green bud to do that sorta thing, ever!
Just like the chosen relative handful of individuals who were lucky enough to be rewarded one of more than a thousand exemptions from obamakare.
If his healthcare plan is so good, then why the exemptions, hmm? :clown: