Goddamn this 99% shit is getting me irate...look, here's where I'm comin' from you hippie fucking slobs...I work full time and overtime every fucking week and even still am barely getting by...and I have a college degree that I'm not using at the moment, because there's not much I can do with it right now...I commute 40 miles each way to said crap ass job, get treated like shit, and generally hate it...but you don't hear me fucking bitching and moaning and asking for a goddamn bailout/handout...I made the choices in my life, no one else, and I am living with the results of those choices. Why the FUCK should that be anybody's problem but my own? Why the FUCK should I stand with these retards, demanding equality and for the banks/wall street to be ripped down...personal responsibility has disappeared, no one takes the fucking blame for their own fucked up life, it's always somebody else's responsibility to fix it...well, I say FUCK THAT.
You don't like your station in life? Do something about it other than hurling projectiles at cops. I am. I quit smoking to save money. I quit eating out. I quit drinking. I'm careful with every fucking penny I make, because I don't have many, but that is because it is MY LIFE and MY CHOICES. Fucking entitled little hippie brats need a good fucking spanking and sent home...I swear to fucking god I'm ready to snap on these little bitches.
Wait wait, you're doing EVERYTHING you can, you have a degree and you're working40 hour weeks and STILL getting screwed? Well if that's the case, how can you believe that the odds AREN'T stacked against you? How can you not see the protestor's points?
Where's the responsibility on Wall Street? Your taxes bailed out the smartest criminals in the country.
The worst thing is that that simply feeds the parasites, resulting in more and larger parasites. That means that the situation will get worse and worse in a downward spiral until it is corrected or, more likely, the food source for the parasites (the US)is destroyed.
Are we supposed to take you SERIOUSLY, when you can't even break away from the text-talk?
Let me ask it another way... Those OWS people who are "protesting", are doing so because, why???
I see them using the very tools of capitalism to comfort themselves, while at the same time protesting against.....capitalism. I see tents that were manufactured by employees of companies who earn a living making tents, sleeping bags, back packs, camping stoves, etc. However, you might come back and say... "Yeah, but the owner of the company is extremely wealthy and it isn't fair that the employees aren't rich."
NEWS FLASH.... if they don't want to work for someone else, start their own business and become wealthy and employ others to make the product that you are selling. That, or remain an employee of a company and make the best of your life. Maybe go back to school and get a better education??? A lot of people have done that. Or, strike out on your own and start from the bottom like so many others who became self sufficient.
I owe you nothing. I am not going to give you anything of mine that I have worked for. If you are unhappy with your situation, do something about it besides whining like a little bitch because someone else has more than you.
NEWSFLASH: Socialism has NEVER, EVER worked.
Yes, they're using the tools of Capitalism (tents, etc) in an attempt to fix the corrupted Capitalism in which they live. And you know what? It's their right to attempt to fix THEIR society. It's not the divine right of Capitalism to take over a society at the top and then say "If you don't like it, move."
Not only has Socialism never worked, it's never truly been attempted. It's most recent failing has been "Socialism for the rich", which involves the rich (banks, etc) being saved at the expense of the poor.
They have their hearts in the right place but unfortunately they're efforts are misguided. They should be protesting greed and corruption in Washington not Wall Street. As for the police and all the ILLEGAL things the first poster stated, just because something is illegal doesn't mean it should be. That's kinda the idea behind assembling in protest duh. The police deserve what's coming to them for abusing their power and being treated in a higher class than us private sector suckers.
Here in England the parasites have recently attacked police privelidges. It would be interesting to see if the US police would continue to support the parasites once they started to feed on the US police.
It amazes me that so many seemingly normal, working folk fall into supporting the behind-the-scenes dealings of the bankers-politicians that have screwed those exact same folk over...is it because they hate the 1st Amendment that much?
It amazes me too.
All I know is i'm bust working my ass off to see that my tax dollars are being spent well giving these people welfare so they can live traveller style and bitch and moan and cause a scene when the cameras are rolling because they weren't lucky enough to be born into a rich family because they obviously have some sort of rich bitch kid concept that they should be given everything!
You know the people whose welfare your tax dollars pay for are the 1%, right?
Meanwhile Bank of America pays severance packages totaling over 17 million dollars to two people AND plans to lay off 30,000 people.
Amazing how the right wingers constantly ignore these factors.
Leadership is expensive. Executives negotiate every last employment detail up front before they sign.
You desire that caliber of talent in your organization? Then you pay for it, or they walk.
Because someone else will pay. That's just the way it goes.
Let me tell you a little something about big bucks corporate leadership:
They are revolving door back-patters; a small group who all approve each others raises and promotions despite whatever disasters befall.
This leadership resulted in the financial collapse.
This leadership (in the case of Rover) let chinese businessmen get it drunk, then signed up to a deal that banckrupted Rover.
This leadership was mostly awa playing gold when the planes hit the twin towers. Why? Because this leadership spends most of it's time goofing off work.
This leadership is what's destroying the West, because it's leadership by parasites.
thats awesome? shutting down the most important port in northern california, fucking up trade and commerce all over the place, causing damage to every business, not just the "greedy corporate" ones.
and the strike that had 300 teachers not show up to work, causing classes to either be cancelled, or combined creating an even tougher environment on an already stressed school system. how in the FUCK is that productive at all?
or how about when they marched to CAL Berkeley to protest at the tuition office, only to find it closed, so they yell and scream at the security guards for being assholes, simply because theyre doing the job they were hired to do. how in the fuck does that help anything? at all?
this is all just a bunch of bullshit, being carried out by whiney, dirty, useless people who dont have the gusto to get off their asses and get a job. its as simple as that. people are trying to relive the 60's, cause what they see in movies and history books looked fun and easy. that latter word being the key word.
You're right, people shouldn't be angry at security guards for just doing their jobs. Nobody could blame the guards of the Nazi concentration camps for what they did, because they were just doing their jobs, after all.
But from what I gathered after a quick read - they are stopping goods from LEAVING the US. (I hope my dyslexia was kicking in)
That's stoopid, if they were turning back the Chinese-made goods, I'd applaud it, but seems bass ackwards to me if they are stopping the flow of exports.
Wouldn't surprise me - the parasites can make more money that way. Should the US ever fall short of their living standards asa result of their parasitical actions, they will simply leave. At least something good could come of a collapse in the US.
Not gonna lie; I can't say the country I'm in now is any better (though I think it is, if only marginally), but this thread here highlights the sort of discourse that brought me to leave the USA: politics is treated like football. You pick your sides, hunker down, and fight with everything you got, whether it makes sense or not (but everybody's quite good at making it seem like their position makes sense...or you know, fight for your side when it's not even about sides fighting).
That's for anybody who has referred to a group of people as 'dirty hippies' or 'neo-cons'. With dialogue like that, I wish us the best of luck, 'cause it sure as hell isn't critical thinking that'll get us anywhere better.
He's right, when we choose a side rather than choosing from the available options, we lose.
You and people like you are the reason why the US is fucked. Our government has been waging an economic war against the working class that started with Reagan. During the course of this war they've managed to brainwash some of you to such a degree that you actually see the OWS movement as a bad thing. Our government is bought and paid for by private entities who only act in their own interest and what do you do? You bitch about the people who are trying to change it.