What do you think of FreeOnes Forum new look?

What do you think of FreeOnes Forum new look?

  • Total voters
With the new design:

On all three browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox) I have to drop one magnification level from my previous setting in order for the page width to correctly fit my screen.
That makes the script quite small, at least for me.
Preferred it the way it was......this baby blue crap sucks ass.

Wait, what the fuck.......I was talking about the color......someone is fucking named baby bl......ahh, fuck it.
It'll take some time to get use to few days :D:D
Who would come into a poll thread and choose to vote, "no comment?" 6 people here. Question for you 6 people - why did you vote at all?

Who would come into a poll thread and choose to vote, "no comment?" 6 people here. Question for you 6 people - why did you vote at all?


The only wasted vote is one that says Palin anywhere on it. :dunno:

But Dirk, I think you're looking at it the wrong way. I think the "No Comment" option was designed to be more of a "I don't mind either way" option. So by it's more like 6 people voted that they felt neutral about the change. :2 cents:
The only wasted vote is one that says Palin anywhere on it. :dunno:

But Dirk, I think you're looking at it the wrong way. I think the "No Comment" option was designed to be more of a "I don't mind either way" option. So by it's more like 6 people voted that they felt neutral about the change. :2 cents:

^ That kids parents should be beaten severely. I'm completely serious. I would do it myself if I knew who they were. That shit is more pathetic than funny.
How long will it be until the forum's look is no longer considered "new"?
Is there a specific time limit?:confused:

It will be considered old hat when all the creepy clown makeup avatars are gone.

Honestly, they didn't change much for the first 12.5 years, I guess we have to give people a few years to adjust to change, right? :dunno: