So from your looks, did anyone ever thought you're from somewhere else than you actually are?
For example Briana Lee. She's Caucasian American, but many people think she's either Persian or Latina. And I see where they're coming from.
Today a patient at work thought I'm from Turkey and another girl I had on my ambulance once thought I'm Iranian.

I'm Aryan, dammit!
Anyone ever thought you're a foreigner? Or are you a stereotypical example for your area/country?
Well ya know, the German and the turk do stick together.
I'm a sucker for English men :drool2:
You should talk to my wife; what she'll tell you will put you off English men for life.
i look like a person of slavic descent because i am, so eastern european countries are popular guesses as to my heritage.
Slavic? You must be fugly then.
That's funny 'cause I'm melting when a girl has a British accent.
But guys? Ugh...They always sound like drunk trash. :uohs: Except when they're wearing a tuxedo. Now that's classy.
Yeah, sadly British boys do have a reputation for being drunken football hooligans. I remember my Austrian Auntie and her friends asking me why British boys just want to get drunk and fight.
The accent alone is just about all I need. I mean if you're completely obese, drenched in sweat, wearing a wife beater, sitting on your couch huffing and puffing because you just walked out to the end of your yard to pick up your mail, have slobber all over your face, and smell like farts and sweat, then I don't care who you are or what accent you have, that's yuck.
So... what if I'm just fat, freshly washed, wearing smart clothes, sitting on my sofa (we say sofa not couch over here in the UK, although sadly americanisms are spreading and I percieve our youth as losing their heritage to american media), enjoy the gym, no slobber and don't like farts, could I take you out?
PS. I want to hear a british guy say "top banana".
Give me your phone number and it's on.
i'm from macedonia, close. i wont steal your weapons or whatever, because don't plan on killing anybody, yet.
Denise Richards is one of the hottest girls out there, so I take that as a compliment, but IMO I don't think I look anything like her. Plus my eyes are currently green with my contacts.
Yeah that's the thing with living in the USA. Just about everyone has some sort of mixed up background. We're all mutts. But if someone was born in the US with the last few of their generations being from the USA and not having come from other countries, I consider them simply American. I told the most recent guy who asked me where I was from, "I'm American." He laughed and said he likes that, cuz most people will go off saying, "Oh I'm part Irish, German, English, French, and Indian." Like really? Aren't we all? As if that makes us special or something that we have this mixed background of like 12 different ethnicities.
But aside from that, I think the USA has the most diverse mix of people in the world, and I consider that a good thing. Where I live in NY, there's more people from the Dominican Republic than there are caucasians. Most of them try talking to me in Spanish as if I know that language just because I live here. The only Spanish I can speak is the numbers 1-10 and the word hello.
We love English men!
If you didn't say you were from Finland, I'd have guessed you were Indian seeing as your last name is Assari.
Ya see, I don't get why people wear contacts or glases; the eyes are the window to the soul and they can be just so beautiful (any woman who doesn't have pretty eyes has an incredible disadvantage in my book), so why would you wish to obscure your eyes with glasses or contacts?
The really funny thing is that we all come from Africa originally and that there is no guarantee that your lineage is what you think it is (what was mummy doing while daddy was working today?).
I always remember the xenophobic British nationalist who had his genetic origin analysed and the result? UKRAINEAN HERITAGE! :rofl: Little Russia!
l'm an aussie, both parents born here as were my grandparents
So l'm an aussie
My condolencies :tongue:
I've been called pretty much everything under the sun but Latina is a common one. That or Kardashian! Haha!
I've got an English friend! I should hook you guys up!
Yes, you should hook us up.
As for me, on the internet I'm frequently mistaken for Russian.
I've claimed to be just about everything on Freeones for a joke, but the truth is that I'm 25% English (what are the chances that that in itself is comprised of sub-ethnicities?) 25% Irish, 25% Swiss and 25% Polish.
As a consequence I look like what I am: European.
I was told once that I looked american in profile (just like Lucy Liu I suppose).
I was born in England. My mother in Switzerland. Her mother in England.
My father was born in Ireland. His father in Poland.