What country do people think you're from?

When people look at my face, they think I'm Egyptian, Mexican, Arab, Italian, or Spanish. When they look at my gut, they immediately say "AMERICAN!"

Some people have told me that I look asian and some have said I look middle eastern. Even a chinese guy once asked me if I'm half asian. I'm just like... You're chinese and you think -I- look chinese? Really? Oh man.

I don't think I look either asian or middle eastern. Many people ask me, "What's your ethnicity? Where are you from?" saying I look exotic. I don't see it.

Do you have any Mexican in you? Would you like some? :D

And I had Japanese girls treat me with caution and quiet, suspicious curiosity because they thought I was American. Then I started speaking to my mates and they realized I was English, and they suddenly became friendly. Then I spoke to them in my pigeon Japanese and they melted. A sentence as simple as "Sean wa doko desuka?" turned them into giggling blushing schoolgirls just because I was giving it a go.

I don't blame them. I would be cautious around you too. :tongue:

By the way, where WAS Sean?

The accent alone is just about all I need.

When I was a kid I had a British accent as a result of going to a British school. Though I sound like an average Californian now, there are some words that I still tend to say with a British accent. I also use certain British phrases, such as
Bloody hell
ive gotten just about everything. but, im tricky. i really can't blame em.

I'll bet girls think you're black until you show 'em your pecker. "Oh, you're Japanese!" :flaccid:
Some people have told me that I look asian and some have said I look middle eastern. Even a chinese guy once asked me if I'm half asian. I'm just like... You're chinese and you think -I- look chinese? Really? Oh man.

I don't think I look either asian or middle eastern. Many people ask me, "What's your ethnicity? Where are you from?" saying I look exotic. I don't see it.

i know what you look like, you look like denise richards, with smaller cute brown eyes, and killer look ;)
people judge others by looks, but in america people are all too mixed up to tell their exact roots, am not saying this as a bad thing. so let me ask you if you could guess what country i am from, you'd never know.
I've been asked in the USA if I'm Australian & South African on separate occassions, however 99.9% of the time most Americans do get it right. In Boston I've had one women melting into the palm of my hand pleading to give her my babies as soon as she heard my English accent. :)


the special one

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I have gotten all kinds of things.

A couple of times on cam, a guy has asked if I am Latina! I literally LOLed because I am the whitest white chick, my background is Irish, German and English.

When I have traveled in Europe, I have been asked if I was Spanish. Or German. People have said that I have European facial features whatever the fuck that means.

- - - Updated - - -

people accuse me of being Canadian a lot.

I thought that when I heard your voice on video, you do have a but of an accent that sounds Canadian.
Everyone always seems to knows I'm German since I look German and my last name sounds German so I guess I don't have that problem.
By the way, where WAS Sean?

In his classroom, berating a middle-aged Japanese woman and trying to get her to accept that no, there are no tigers in Hyde Park.

people judge others by looks, but in america people are all too mixed up to tell their exact roots, am not saying this as a bad thing. so let me ask you if you could guess what country i am from, you'd never know.

From your posts I would guess you are either from Croatia, Montenegro or are in fact a Pakled from Rhomboid Dronegar (Sector 006) who is merely attempting to seem harmless to lull us into a false sense of security before stealing our weapons and technology and/or abducting senior officers.
In his classroom, berating a middle-aged Japanese woman and trying to get her to accept that no, there are no tigers in Hyde Park.

From your posts I would guess you are either from Croatia, Montenegro or are in fact a Pakled from Rhomboid Dronegar (Sector 006) who is merely attempting to seem harmless to lull us into a false sense of security before stealing our weapons and technology and/or abducting senior officers.

i'm from macedonia, close. i wont steal your weapons or whatever, because don't plan on killing anybody, yet.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
i know what you look like, you look like denise richards, with smaller cute brown eyes, and killer look ;)

Denise Richards is one of the hottest girls out there, so I take that as a compliment, but IMO I don't think I look anything like her. Plus my eyes are currently green with my contacts.

people judge others by looks, but in america people are all too mixed up to tell their exact roots, am not saying this as a bad thing. so let me ask you if you could guess what country i am from, you'd never know.

Yeah that's the thing with living in the USA. Just about everyone has some sort of mixed up background. We're all mutts. But if someone was born in the US with the last few of their generations being from the USA and not having come from other countries, I consider them simply American. I told the most recent guy who asked me where I was from, "I'm American." He laughed and said he likes that, cuz most people will go off saying, "Oh I'm part Irish, German, English, French, and Indian." Like really? Aren't we all? As if that makes us special or something that we have this mixed background of like 12 different ethnicities.
But aside from that, I think the USA has the most diverse mix of people in the world, and I consider that a good thing. Where I live in NY, there's more people from the Dominican Republic than there are caucasians. Most of them try talking to me in Spanish as if I know that language just because I live here. The only Spanish I can speak is the numbers 1-10 and the word hello.

I've been asked in the USA if I'm Australian & South African on separate occassions, however 99.9% of the time most Americans do get it right. In Boston I've had one women melting into the palm of my hand pleading to give her my babies as soon as she heard my English accent. :)

We love English men! :)

Someone here said that I am a Mexican.

If you didn't say you were from Finland, I'd have guessed you were Indian seeing as your last name is Assari.


Torn & Frayed.
Yeah that's the thing with living in the USA. Just about everyone has some sort of mixed up background. We're all mutts. But if someone was born in the US with the last few of their generations being from the USA and not having come from other countries, I consider them simply American.


I was born here, and so were my parents and grandparents. Therefore; I am an American.

I like to tell people that I'm a native American, and watch for the reaction. Without the benefit of the typed word/ context, it can be rather....amusing.