Dayton is doing pretty well, thank you. Far from a third-world quality. Especially with a few new projects in the works.
Most places are going down due to crime and people who are able to hightail it out of there, leaving it to the riffraff to take over. Many move to surrounding cities/suburbs and take the longer commute to work for safety than having a shorter commute and putting themselves and/or their families at risk.
If WPAFB should be closed or messed with then that area of the state will be devastated economically.
Now that John Boehner won the 2010 election he should hopefully focus on his home state and help bring it back up and running full force again.
no city is actually 3rd world because of the availability of food.
but many places in the usa are very shitty.
the only way to correct this trend is decrease welfare assistance a lot over time until it is almost nothing.
millions upon millions of poor people with no intention of working or studying having baby after baby with everything from delivery of the baby until the kid is 18 paid for by the government will get you 3rd world looking areas alright.
Manhattan, Beverly Hills, Ber Air, Belvedere, Barton Creek and Kiryas Joel. I wouldn't move to any of these places if you paid me or even put a gun to my head, I'd rather take the bullet.