What are you reading now?


Closed Account
Finished Gomorrah by Saviano.

Now with Christopher Hitchens: God is not Great.


Closed Account
Currently rereading some old favs, King's Needful Things, and David Eddings Belgariad and the Mallorean.
2 books from michael moore
volle deckung mr bush (dude, where's my country?)


querschüsse (downsize this)

Marc Hauser's Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong

According to Marc Hauser, "morality is grounded in our biology". We've heard this sort of thing before, of course - from evolutionary biologists, for instance, who claim that natural selection favours altruistic behaviour, since acting benevolently towards other people is a way of securing our genetic posterity. Some proponents of the evolutionary explanation go further, and infer from this that what seem to be our moral concerns aren't our real concerns at all, and that what looks like altruism is in fact just a disguise for the operation of selfish genes.

DreamSparrow, there's a book I've been wanting to read that you might like that is about just that subject called The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom.

as for my list now:

A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man by James Joyce

Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff

and still knocking out Secret Societies; although it's the shortest of the bunch, I was about halfway through it and started it over again.


Closed Account
a creative approach to music fundamentals william duckworth
rock music styles a history katherine charlton fourth edition
The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East by Robert Fisk

Very interesting, a researched and well written book if you can keep your concentration for 1400 pages.

I have just purchased:

Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.

Having already read The Illuminatus! Trilogy I was interested in how these would follow on from that, I've heard it has some of the original characters, but thats all I know. I'll probably start it tonight.
