When trump referred to "Shithole countries", Haiti was actually the top country he was singling out. He made it abundantly clear he doesn't give a shit about that country and its people. I sincerely doubt he would use any resources to help them.
But going in to rescue Christian American hostages? I didn't think about it until you mentioned it, but now I actually think he may have done something if he were in office.
-He doesn't look at Haitians (the kidnappers, military, civilians) as human, so using force isn't a problem for him, in fact, I bet he would be happy to hear a high casualty count.
-Those operations you mentioned were authorized by presidents who understood the ramifications of collateral damage.
-On the other hand, trump wouldn't care about any civilian casualties or any collateral damage resulting from a Haitian rescue operation. A rescue operation (or any military operation) becomes much easier when you can eliminate any target who isn't a hostage.
-He is very much about bravado - he would have absolutely reveled in the chance to show off the US SpecOps and have his own "We got them" moment like Obama & Bush did with Osama & Saddam.
-He has a god complex, so past hostage rescue failures wouldn't deter him.
-Haiti isn't a country that could militarily or economically retaliate against the US.
-Rescuing Christians would be perfect for his brand and solidify his base.
-The gap between the capabilities of the modern US military and a bunch of Castro-era Haitian gangsters.
That's just off the top. I'm sure there are more if we seriously analyzed the situation.
Do you think that if Donald Trump was still President that his Administration would be doing anything different than what the Biden Administration has already done?
If joe was elected because he wasn't trump, then we have to expect that he would do things
better than him. We should never be using the metric of things not being any different/better if trump was in power, as that's a very low bar to clear.