was 911 an inside job?

well yeah, I meant mainly with social issues. I think that I try to argue for science and reason more often than anything.

but science isn't perfect either. You have to distinguish between proven experiments and theoretical conjecture.

there's also a huge gap in perception, because as you say of conspiracies, so-called science is often handed down second and third hand, and so on.

I don't really feel any need to look deeply into the technical aspects of 9/11 or to try and dispute them because there is no purpose. it doesn't matter anyway. Just because someone SAYS that these are the technical parameters of the situation, doesn't make it a fact. How do you know? unless you were there and you observed it, then you can never know if it's the truth or if it's just what someone made up that sounds true.

Just because people may posses technical and scientific knowledge doesn't make then saints. why would they be less inclined to lie to suit thier purposes than everyone else is?

By all means do the research to get the true facts. but accepting the research of someone else just because they say that it's the truth and the fact? I don't see how that is very much more credible than people that admit they are just pulling things out of thin air. accept that the later might be more honest.

It always comes down to whatever you want and choose to believe. that goes for everyone and everything.

after all it is science that demonstrates that while reality is objective, all perception is always subjective.
Then you don't know engineers at all ...

well yeah, I meant mainly with social issues.
Then I won't dismiss those.

I think that I try to argue for science and reason more often than anything.
The problem I have there is that most people don't have the education/experience to argue such.
That goes for everything, from engineering mechanics to fiscal changes.

E.g., even the rate of change in deficit is a 2nd order integral from the debt.
I.e., it's why I (among others) successfully predicted the eradication of the surplus by 2001 back in late 1999. ;)

but science isn't perfect either.
You have to distinguish between proven experiments and theoretical conjecture.
Everything NIST and the ASCE has put forth is established and proven physical laws with over 150 years of implementation.
Even Einstein's Relativity didn't change Newton's laws, it only augmented them.

No arbitrary arguments to the contrary will sway anyone, and especially not from people who do not have the education/experience in a field to make them.
Even Einstein was a highly regarded physicist in his field -- despite his early life, that was long before, he still had to acquire the education/experience.

Sir Issac Newton was the same way, he invented calculus after taking an interest in astronomy, which led him to trigonometry, which led him to geometry, which led him to algebra, and he realized what algebra couldn't explain.
Calculus does not invalidate algebra, it just simplifies it, allowing more complex systems to be described that algebra cannot (or would require exponentially more equations to do so equivalently).

there's also a huge gap in perception, because as you say of conspiracies, so-called science is often handed down second and third hand, and so on.
Because things often appeal to people when they are simple arguments.

E.g., the BC-era physics of Greek philosophers often seem "more natural" to most than 18th Century Newton's Laws.

I don't really feel any need to look deeply into the technical aspects of 9/11 or to try and dispute them because there is no purpose. it doesn't matter anyway.
I'm not following.

Understand some people who say the Moon Landings are faked use the same approaches as those who say 9/11 was forged and a conspiracy.
Those approaches include technical arguments that appeal to the ignorant majority, who will proliferate them in numbers, and seemingly make a stronger case.

Just because someone SAYS that these are the technical parameters of the situation, doesn't make it a fact. How do you know? unless you were there and you observed it, then you can never know if it's the truth or if it's just what someone made up that sounds true.
The physical realities of a buildings design, the visual recordings of the building as it started to undergo its structural failure, etc... are well explained by static engineering mechanics 101.
The NIST took it to a new, professional level and the peer-reviews done by the ASCE show there is no way to discredit that reality.

The only people you'll find that can "discredit" the claims are chemists who will focus on the "melting" argument that has nothing to do with why the structures failed.

Just because people may posses technical and scientific knowledge doesn't make then saints.
But when a virtually absolute consensus among all experts is put forth, it does make an argument from those without the education/experience quickly look like one made from a 100% political standpoint.
Especially when they want to talk about steel melting when that is not what happened, and does not happen.

why would they be less inclined to lie to suit thier purposes than everyone else is?
What does NIST or the ASCE have to gain?
Let me re-phrase that, they could be considered criminally negligent if they lied to the public.
It would be exactly like virtually every lawyer and their bar associations telling you that you are not a free man.

It not only goes against the physical laws of the universe, but they could be thrown in jail for mis-representing those laws to the public.

Yes, a licensed professional engineer is the direct equivalent to a licensed attorney and a medical doctor, in period of education plus experience plus peer-review and professional standing.
If a building collapses and they are found criminally negligent, not only will the state prosecute them at the public's cost (instead of requiring a private lawsuit), they can be levied fines as well as serve jail-time.

Beyond the fact that their career -- which they've spent over a decade achieving in their field -- is over.

By all means do the research to get the true facts. but accepting the research of someone else just because they say that it's the truth and the fact?
Apparently you didn't read what I said.

I did not merely read the report like someone reads a book.
I spent several nights on this outside of reading.

I didn't merely recognize my own knowledge on the subject when I read it.
I read the ASCE assessments of the report, then even derived some of the same equations using my own, existing knowledge.

I then used my own reference materials to know the limits of the design and the physical realities of our universe.
You know, those few books you've probably seen engineers keep on their shelves -- we don't leave them there to "look smart." ;)

If you're not an engineer, you would not remotely understand what I'm talking about.
I'm sorry, but I've had to fall back to that answer several times -- and sure enough -- young people I knew who went through an engineering college understood exactly what I was talking about when I got out.

We aren't arts majors where we argue viewpoints and make stands.
We're not scientists who just relay information to each other about known or new information
(physicists, I would argue, are more like engineers, and are not like this -- they actually use the same approaches we do to describe systems).

I don't see how that is very much more credible than people that admit they are just pulling things out of thin air. accept that the later might be more honest.
Then you don't know the first thing about engineering, which is typical these days.

Engineers question everything themselves, and we're pretty much like that in general.
We don't like to get answers from others, we like to get answers -- using our own equations and approaches we derive -- on our own.

We're the people who didn't cheat off of other people's papers because we have to prove to ourselves we know how to describe a system and understand it.
Not only that, we're the ones who wouldn't let you cheat off our paper's unless you first stopped to listen to how we solved the problems, which you thought defeated the purpose as you "just wanted the answers."

To do anything less is not to learn a thing, which is against the whole point of studying engineering, to learn how to describe and understand a system of interactions.
We're not into answers, we're into describing and understanding systems, and to do anything less to "just get an answer" is not worth doing at all.

Yes, we purposely give ourselves work in the hope of understanding things. ;)

It always comes down to whatever you want and choose to believe. that goes for everyone and everything.
There are physical laws in the universe that are undeniable and we study them.
Even taking physical realities beyond what was even recorded or stated about the structure, there is only so much any truss or superstructure can take.

I can't "make up" the physical realities of steel or "bend them" to fit my argument.
I can make "safe assumptions" that are well beyond the documented realities of the design of the WTC, and still come to a system of equations and thresholds in the values that are inputed where the steel will still bend and will still break as integrity and tensile strength gives way.

after all it is science that demonstrates that while reality is objective, all perception is always subjective.
Perception made in ignorance is the problem, and you can make determinations to a certainty.
Engineers have an uncanny ability to take a "best" or "worse" case scenario and still prove the probability or improbability of a situation.
It's called a limit, trend or other description whereby a system will always fail, even if you give it parameters that are much, much greater than could be possible.

You can argue all you want about belief and perspective, but the reality is that steel can always bend and eventually break, and it happens well before any melting point as its integrity is otherwise reduced by many factors.
It's like saying you can't build a ship that can reach space when the parameters in velocity are finite and well-known and there is no way to get around that law.

A political science major said to me in college that engineering was easy because all you do is memorize formulas.
I not only laughed, but so did about a half dozen other engineering majors who were also in the library who heard him say that. ;)
We're not into getting answers or memorizing anything, but understanding how to describe and understand systems of interactions.

Any engineering report and analysis isn't about the conclusions, but the methods that were used to come to those conclusions.
You may only look at the conclusions, but engineers constantly scrutinize each other to ensure all factors were included when it came to describing the system and writing the systems of equations that describe all of its interactions. ;)


Closed Account
I have my suspicions. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, May he rest in piece, said many times "The truth is never told between the hours of 9 to 5".

I prefer my shortened take on this ideology, "The truth is never told". :rolleyes:
I have my suspicions. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, May he rest in piece, said many times "The truth is never told between the hours of 9 to 5".
I prefer my shortened take on this ideology, "The truth is never told". :rolleyes:
Although some truths are self-evident.
I feel like an idiot for not recognizing the conspiracy theories about the melting point of steel have nothing to do with the collapse of the buildings.
Static engineering mechanics 101 here.
I find it to be funny that the conspiracy theorists say that they are only asking questioning and inquiring into the truth. Nonsense. They're convinced they've got the truth and there's not a single piece of real evidence that will change their minds. If you present any evidence to contradict them, you're either a CIA plant or you've bought into the government's lies. If real questioning, real evidence and real argumentation actually mattered to the conspiracy theorists all these theories would have died out years ago.
I find it to be funny that the conspiracy theorists say that they are only asking questioning and inquiring into the truth. Nonsense. They're convinced they've got the truth and there's not a single piece of real evidence that will change their minds.
Actually, there are at least three (3) types ...

- Ones who focus on the social aspects, which cannot be refuted with technical arguments

- Ones who focus on the technical arguments, but are quickly pursuated by near universal counter-arguments by expert professional bodies

- Ones who focus on the technical arguments, and accuse the near unanimous views of hundreds of thousands of technical experts of either being in the coercion or are "just wrong"

The first is a completely different cateagory.

The middle are those who just had people take advantage of their ignorance. Some have the education/experience to understand the counter-arguments. Others find that their own assumptions were wrong and realize it. A few others cannot follow, but trust the near unanimous view of hudrends of thousands of experts in the field.

The last already have their minds made up.

The last were the type to call me "biased" because I worked for NASA, or called me "corrupted" by my engineering education. People who stoop to that level, instead of the actual, technical arguments, typically discredit themselves in front of others.
Prof, you're right to break them down, but I wonder if there's a big difference between what you call the social and technical groups. If I understand you, the "social" conspiracy theorists think there are shadowy groups out there (pick your group here, Jews, neocons, whatever) who control the world and called the shots on 911. But in the end don't these people also have to defend their claims with actual evidence too? For example, they would have to offer real evidence that Jews were warned to get out of the towers. This kind of claim is demonstrable false and can be refuted, just as easily as the engineering claims about the melting point of steel. That is, in the end all the conspiracy theories make claims that are empirical and can be refuted with evidence. No matter the motivation, almost all the 911 conspiracy theories rely on claims that can be proved or disproved. People motivated by "social" reasons might be hard to turn around, but ultimately their worldview can be attacked empirically, much the same that racists can be confronted with psychological data that refute their claims about the superiority of some races over others.


Re: was 911 an inside job?
Why did the govt.cover up the truth with respect to TWA flight 800 ?

Why did the U.S. government allow the single largest, unguarded, human invasion to take place ? 30 - 50 million people have never simply walked across a national boundary . . carte blanche . . unanswered. Hell ! I don't recall 5 million refugees pulling this off in my historical readings.

Why does this so called presidents' mannerisms / idiosyncracies suggest that he's a man under duress ?
A. He's on drugs
B. He's coerced
C . Lost a bet at the
Bohemian Grove Skinny Dip

D. Still believes that he's the decider
E. All of the above

Nothing is out of bounds . . nothing would surprise me these days.
I have my suspicions. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, May he rest in piece, said many times "The truth is never told between the hours of 9 to 5".

I prefer my shortened take on this ideology, "The truth is never told". :rolleyes:

Well, that would mean your statement is a lie and thusly: 'the truth is always told'.;)

Hunter S. Thompson. I am sorry he is gone.
In my expert opinion to demolish the world trade center, it would require people to work outside of the building.

so I'd say that it was probably an outside job.

it also probably wasn't a day job, since it was sort of a one time deal. it was probably like a seasonal or promotional job.

Also do you think that they brought independent contractors in on it? was it supervised and directed by the guilds and unions?

I think that this needs to be brought up to the labor board.
I believe it was an inside job. There's just too many things that add up for it not to be. The war, the oil... what's happening right now, is something that was planned out over a decade ago, IMO. Here's a few reasons why I honestly believe that:

1. The rigged 2000 election, aka Florida.
2. George W's brother doing the "new security system" in the WTC buildings.
3. Government trained Hijackers
4. The buildings fell like controlled demolishion (see #2)
5. The plane that magically vanished after hitting the Pentagon
6. The video tapes nobody will ever see.
7. WMDs
8. No terrorist group took immediate responsibilty.

The thing is, nobody believes the government is capable of doing something like this because of it's massive scale, which is largely the reason why it worked as being a "terrorist attack".

Like Carlin said, people are too happy and spoiled by their gadgets and cell phones that they don't need or want to question anything.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am gonna reserve my right to decide later, their were to many friendly coincedence's for it to be a surprise terrorist attack, all the hijackers make it past and through different airport securities with weapons, a dozen or more trained arab pilots doesn't flag the watchful eye of the CIA or the FBI? bush and the crowned prince all friendly:


and this is after most of the hi-jackers were tracked back to having citizenship from saudi arabia!

their is still mumblings about the (royal family) of saudi arabia, had knowledge and or funded AL QUEADA and knew of their plans?

british intelligence supposedly informs the FBI and CIA of a tip that THE USA will suffer a confirmed terrorist attack involving hi-jacked airplanes?

the FBI and CIA never share or exchange information pertanent to the intel on a possible terrorist attack in the USA with the use of HI-JACKED airplanes?

their are just to many holes in the whole plot, for their not to be some heads turning the other way, ears closed so they didn't hear, and eye's closed so they didn't see certain tell tale signs of an upcoming terrorist attack!!

yet you hope despite how big of a retard and a terrible president bush has been, that he isn't a pawn in the game, and he would allow such a travesty to happen in NYC, pennsylvania, and washington d.c., first off letting all those people die, get injured, and maimed?

and if that wasn't enough to make someone sick to their stomach, if bush does turn out to be a willing participant in this whole conspiracy theory? what about all the US soldiers that have given their life to their country to cover a lie, and if not a lie, a fabricated UN speech to validate AMERICA'S invasion of IRAQ, A complete and total sham, NO WMD'S, just a passion to kill SADDAM HUSSIEN, and bush's excuse for the war after they were caught fabricating evidence is that the people of IRAQ need to be liberated, the HELL WITH THAT!! THE USA HAD NO RIGHT AND NO BUSINESS in liberating the people of IRAQ..

IRAQ should have been dealt with by the other ISLAMIC states in the region and not the USA.. when the USA was granted permission to set up in saudi arabia, turkey, kuwait, this PISSED OFF A GUY NAMED OSAMA BIN LADEN, USA should have acted in alliance with the UN if any actions were gonna be militarly enforced, thus leaving the USA as the leading opponent of OBL..

certainly alot of things had to fall in line for all of this to happen? is it a coinciedence? or was it allowed to happen?

we've figured out the who, and the why, the elaborate planning, but was it in cahoots with the USA's knowledge? hmmm? maybe sooner or later we might start to get concrete evidence to suggest that 9/11 was an inside job, you know people get old, their about to die, so they won't be accountable for their actions or lack of action, and they wanna clear their concience, we'll see if any of this comes to light in the future.. :rolleyes::confused:
Yes, without a doubt it was an inside job. Just watch one of the many conspiracy DVDs that are out there, they pick apart the videos of the event piece by piece and it is impossible that a terrorist with a box cutter could have caused all of that. It was a controlled demolition.
I agree that it probally was an inside job and I also believe that bush wanted to go to war with iraq before 9/11 even happened. He just used 9/11 as a fucking reason. Fuck Bush! he is a fucking murderer of over 4,000 troops, Yet he doesnt give a fuck.
Yes, without a doubt it was an inside job. Just watch one of the many conspiracy DVDs that are out there, they pick apart the videos of the event piece by piece and it is impossible that a terrorist with a box cutter could have caused all of that. It was a controlled demolition.
