was 911 an inside job?

Huh? What's so strange about a building collapsing after being on fire for hours and sustaining major damage from the debris of the falling twin towers? What the heck are you talking about, "hardly being touched"??? Have you seen the pictures of the damage? It looked like someone had scooped out a chunk of the building! Again, I'll point you to the "liars" at Wikipedia:

The building was built to withstand a huge fire. the real question is why didnt the sprinkler system turn on? How did it just fall like that? http://www.wtc7.net/
Built to withstand a huge fire, as was the WTC, but not built to withstand a huge collision followed by a fire, which your link doesn't ever talk about. Additionally, the building had a strange truss system over the ConEd system that made it vulnerable to failures. Your link doesn't talk about that either.


what about wtc buliding 7 falling later around 5 pm on the same day 9/11 happened? How did that building fall without hardly being touched?
Intentionally imploded to secure all of the gold in the basement. :) :razz:

Maybe the red Chinese "made our day" on 11 September, 2001, revealing that they own u.s. and "our" govt. simply didn't want to scare us so they went with the radical Islam card. After all, America has / had a few scores to settle in the middle east any how.
Americans would demand some form of retaliation against our assailants but there's no way that a President would ever go to war with China !! much less garner the ability to gin up American support for such a battle, given all of the American corporate infrastructural expenditures over there !! -> (Thanks to U.S. president # 42 laying the groundwork • Can you say Loral Missles & Spaces' Mr. Bernie Schwartz ! ? The Lippo Group ? Charlie Tre ? The China Connection to the Los Alamos fire -> highly classified software disappearance - only to turn up later ' cause a cleaning lady apparently had to ditch said top security - highly classified discs behind a copy machine !! etc. ad nauseam !!) !!

. . .. yea . . yeah . .. that's the ticket !

The truth is - we can only speculate

I often hear people just casting blame on America as if we're all somehow involved in the doings of our govt. Sure, we're responsible for electing these rascals (I think - That is, if our votes really count) yet "our" govt is not a representative form of govt. ! The ballot initiative process is not clearly an indication that we enjoy a representative form of govt. as some would believe.

Drudge did mention, back when, that there were video games in production (albeit a limited amount) in China, featuring jetliners hitting the World Trade Center, well before said incident took place. :eek:


How did it just fall like that?

Maybe the islamist security guards planted bombs in the basement ?

They blew the shit out of the basement using a different approach (allegedly) in '93 did you read up on that one ?

Also - I don't think that "timothy mcveigh's van bomb" had the capability to do what it did based upon *what I understand to be true regarding that type of explosive "device".

Maybe mcveighs van was the catalyst to trigger "the real" explosives - possibly planted inside well before the incident took place.

You don't have to think too hard that our govt. (or any govt. for that matter)
wouldn't want to admit everything up front ! That'd be rotten eggs in their face, besides, it conflicts with the investigation , which always seems to be an ongoing process.

So no ! The govt isn't going to reveal "the world" to some journalistic weasel out on the street so that he can and will take something out of context to disperse as "news" thus complicating things further !! Are you kidding me ? !

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Naive? What's naive about not believing something without evidence?

As for the GWB Saudi Arabia connection, what's so special about it? Saudi Arabia is the leader of OPEC. America pretty much has to get on its knees and beg OPEC not to raise oil prices. Saudi Arabia has America by the balls, so America tries to curry favor by giving Saudi Arabia military hardware and whatnot. Why does there have to be some sort of sinister connection? I'd also point out the hardcore militants in Saudi Arabia hate the royal family because they view the royal family as sellouts. That being the case, it's about as likely that Al Queda would take orders from the royal family as it is likely that they would take orders from Saddam Hussein, which is to say, not at all.

As for your other point, proving that the CIA wasn't in on it and didn't "let it happen" is just about impossible. All you can do is point out that there is zero empirical evidence and leave it at that. But since you are positing a huge conspiracy involving thousands of people who "let it happen", you can ask yourself why not one of the thousand imagined conspirators has stepped forward and spilled the beans. Take another conspiracy, a real conspiracy, the conspiracy to cook the intelligence on Iraq, and dozens of people have stepped forward to tell their story. Take other secret societies like the Skull and Bones, or Scientologists, and people have always stepped forward.

But in the end, why is a conspiracy necessary? Can't the American intelligence services just be incompetent? Given that intelligence is never foolproof, and America lets in thousands of people through its borders each day, why is it all that unreasonable that these people just fell through the cracks? And if there was a coordinated effort to let Al Qaeda have free run of things in America, why did the FBi detain that guy in Minnesota? Why didn't some mysterious "man in black" show up in Minnesota and tell the FBI agents to let him go?

Suspicions are not evidence. Coincidences are not evidence. Only evidence is evidence.

9/11 conspiracy theorist are all all driven by one of two things:

1. The (mistaken) belief that big events have to have big causes. Since 9/11 was a "big thing" it just had to be coordinated by a bunch of super evil and super sophisticated people, and not just some dudes in turbans.

This is wrong. History proves over and over again that little things matter and that one little person can have a huge effect on history.

2. A feeling that we don't have any control over our lives and that there must be something or someone else out there (i.e the government or the "men in black") pulling the strings.

This is also mistaken. There is no person out there with all powerful control over your life. Most people in positions of authority couldn't care less about you, your life, or what you think.

I must say most of what you said could be valid explanations in a perfect world. I still have my doubts. which I am entitled too, I still think the CIA/FBI thing is being quite naive and negligent..

I don't think thousands of people are involved in a conspiracy, I think it was a select few, that could have prevented or even knew what was gonna happen.. like you said, the actions of one person can affect history, so its not out of the realm of possibility that there is a person or people who knew what was gonna happen? maybe not the precise particulars but they knew that terrorists were gonna attack the US via hijacked jetliners and didn't MAKE GWB act to protect the USA? :rolleyes: sure it might have gone down like you say, we'll never really know, cuz FUCKTARD lies everytime he opens his mouth..

GWB, Powell, fliecher, chenney, rice all knew every word spoken at the UN meetings before GWB illegally, without the UN support invaded Iraq under false pretense's to oust and kill saddam for GWB's personal agenda, knew every last word in regards to intel/evidence of Saddam having WMD's was all totally fabricated :bs: they were spewing to the rest of the world! via all the world leaders @ the UN.. and it was all exposed..

so if fuckwad and the gang can lie under oath, to the rest of the world, who am I to give him or anybody in his administration the benefit of the doubt that they were all just negligent and totally retarded not to follow up on legitimate intel from other world agencies with valid intel that Al Queda and OBL were planning an attack via (hijacked jetliners) that airport security and again FBI/CIA were not crawling around every airport in the country? they do have a FBI/CIA office in every state don't they?

OK since were having so much fun.. lets just say we agree to disagree.. your gonna believe what you want, and I will believe what I want.. fair to say who knows if either of us are right or wrong? or the truth is actually somewhere in the middle? but you or I are not gonna change our minds cuz of what you or I have debated about, so lets just leave it as it is? your satisfied and convinced, while I am skeptical and have my doubts.. end of story.. PM me if you wanna continue this? be well my friend! :hatsoff:
Huh? The sprinkler system?

the real question is why didnt the sprinkler system turn on?
Have you ever seen a sprinkler system take on a massive amount of kerosene ablaze?

There is a reason why an office-type sprinkler system is ineffective against such, and isn't adequate where such fuel is stored. ;)
Yea but that building was built to with stand alot worse things.
9/11 never happened. it was faked on a sound stage, just like the moon landing.