★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

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[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/vicky-vette said:
Vicky Vette[/URL][/B], post: 4079378, member: 99191"]Have I told you how much I love you?

:pimpdaddyYeah...i get that alot. Right back at ya beautiful.
I Disagree Buckweet Bree has been Interacting with fans and always is respectful and positive towards others....As for not needing money the contest is also about who would represent Freeones well not just money...this Contest is fun and it's those who vote that will decide the winner it's certainly harsh to say Bree Doesn't deserve to win....it's not one person's right to say that...all these girls work hard and those with negative opinions though it's their right to support or not to support who they choose should not use this board to openly bash anyone

I see you made an edit to your post glad to see that this is a fun contest no one should be bashed or blatantly criticized...Happy Voting All
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Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
todays votes

Jane Burgess (my # 1 fav)
Brynn Vyndetta (close second)
Nina Mercedes (Also very close)
Nikki Nova

Mariah Milano
Rebekah Dee
Vanilla Deville
Sunny Lane

Thank you. I am happy to be your favorite. I am still sick, so I need a hug. :lovecoupl

Holy crap this board moves fast.

I voted 01/21/10

Nina Mercedez
Nikki Nova
Brynn Vyndetta
Jane Burgess
Miss Hybrid
Rebecca Jessop
Rebekah Dee
Christine Vinson
Saffron Taylor

Thank you. It does may fast. It is hard to keep up.

Thanks for the sign and votes Brynn. I have to ask. Why are you hiding you amazing boobs?

Good question was just woundering that my self???

I will never deny that I am a perv.

It may not seem so apparent at first,but my criteria is changing.
Brynn Vyndetta
Claudia Bluebell
Jane Burgess
Vanilla DeVille
Rebecca Jessop
Nikki Nova
Nina Mercedez
Mariah Milano
Lisa Ann
Devon Michaels

Thanks ladies,for all that you do.:cool:

Thank you very much. I love your sig. Aria is one hot lady.

people of freeones my votes for today
same as yesterday

Brynn Vyndetta (i think by now she knows why i vote for her)
Jane Burgess (same as brynn)
Nina Mercedez ( once again its the pics )
Nikki Nova ( that back tattoo )
Miss Hybrid ( mmmm those pics )
Lisa Sparxxx ( that lower back tattoo )
Mandy Muffin ( sexy pics )
Danielle FTV ( sexy )
Rebecca Jessop ( new fan of hers )
Rebekah Dee ( new fans of hers as well )

Thank you. I appreciate your support.

Dear beautiful and sexy girls who are contesting in Miss FreeOnes 2010 comptetition. In the last few days, my votes been unsuccessfull due to internet technical faulty (my own SONY VAIO laptop computer IP address). I have PM Petra to resolve the problem. He did his best wiithin his capability and authority but still the same result from my end. My votes for you all has been wasted in the last few days.

However, I made attempts today to vote for the gilrs with my 10 votes. Only one vote successful. Here are the results of my attempts (the thought is count most although my 9 votes not successful).

Nina Mercedez (successful)
Miss Hybrid (unsuccessful)
Rebecca Jessop (unsuccessful)
Jelena Jensen (unsuccessful)
Mariah Milano (unsuccessful)
Brynn Vyndetta (unsuccessful)
Jane Burgess (unsuccessful)
Love Gisele (unsuccessful)
Abbey Brooks (unsuccessful)
Nikki Nova (unsuccessful)

Good luck to all the girls with other fans votes.

Thanks. It is the thought that counts.
we're all entitled to our opinions but has buckweet checked the last time abby brooks actually posted a comment on the freeones site?

I Agree MCF I Love Abbey and as I said in my earlier post we do all have the right to our opinion...but Bree does interact she has the thread open where you can ask any question of her you want and she's answered most all of them and she is always nice and respectful to openly criticize her is very harsh

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
^^Smooth talkin playah.:thumbsup:

Here are my votes ladies

Brynn Vyndetta
nina mercedez
vanilla deville
bree olson
Jane Burgess
miss hybrid
lisa sparxxx
vicky vette
nikki nova
mariah milano

Thank you.

Good morning everyone. I thought I would stop by the board before I had in to work today.

my Confirmed votes after 7 pm central will be for......(I can't say enogh nice things about these ladies)

Nikki Nova
Rebecca Jessop
Brynn Vyndetta
Miss Hybrid
Jane Burgess
Christine Vinson
Nina Mercedez
Rebekah Dee

That means there is one more spot unconfimred on the list. To make the list leave a message on my wall

Thank you so much. Have a good day at work.

The girls that Jane Burgess has endorsed are all making nice gains while she gets left behind :bawling::bawling::bawling:. She has the Rodney Dangerfield award in her pocket but could we help her just a bit more please.

Oh it doesn't bother me at all. I don't support people because I expect something in return. I do it because I like and believe in them.

Here are my votes for today

1.Brynn Vyndetta
2.love gisele
3.lori anderson
4.mandy muffin
5.michelle lay
6.hottie hollie
7.Jane Burgess
8.sunny lane
9.kelly divine
10.sparky shortz

Thank you

Thank you to mcsprys37, theVern (you are an absolute doll!), eddy b (love your new pic btw. Jane ROCKS!), the grasshopper.....and may I just say a big sweet THANK YOU to miss Brynn Vyndetta for the very sweet messages and support. You and Jane Burgess and Nina Mercedez really are setting a GREAT example to all of the people on here. Wouldn't it be great if all of the girls in this biz were as cool and nice and drama free as us? hahahahaha
Congrats to Miss Hybrid for making that climb into the top 50. We need to get Jane Burgess and Christine Vinson up there too people!!!!
Love and light
Nikki Nova

Thanks Nikki. I am so happy it finally stopped raining. The storm from yesterday made my cold a million times worse. You could cheer me up by bringing me some soup wearing a nurse's outfit.

Johan, come back, you only said I wouldn't get to 50 so once I got to 49, you are ok again!!!!

Brynn Vyndetta is getting my vote every day as well as Jane Burgess

Thank you. Congrats on breaking into the top 50.

Today Votes:

Miss Hybrid
Brynn Vyndetta
Bree Olson
Vicky Vette
Nina Mercedez
Rebecca Jessop
Rebekah Dee
Jane Burgess
Mariah Milano
Ember Reigns

Thank you.


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jeez guys what the dealio? i'm gone for only a matter of hours and i already have 3 or 4 pages to sift through.:dunno:Alot of voting lists and thank you's with the voting lists in quotes. I enjoyed the pics though especially of miss hybrid congrats on being in the top 50:nanner:.Technical support better get asawa's problem resolved he's a very important voter.:hammer:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
These Girls received my votes today:

Miss Hybrid
Nikki Nova
Claudia Bluebell
Brynn Vyndetta
Jane Burgess
Mariah Milano
Nina Mercedez
Sandra Shine
Sabrina Blond
Justine Joli

Love ya

Love ya too. :)

Good Afternoon All, as always Big thanks to the Ladies for their interaction during this contest and to Freeones for putting it together….My Votes Today (Vote Brynn, Jane and Rebecca we need them Top 50!!)

Brynn Vyndetta (Of Course….Always has my Vote)
Abbey Brooks (Daily Vote too I Love Abbey)
Nina Mercedez (Stunning….Very Nice Too)
Bree Olson (Awesome to Fans Bree Rocks!!)
Nikki Nova (Cool as Hell….and great pics)
Mariah Milano (incredibly Gorgeous…great pics too)
Rebecca Jessop (Beautiful, Great with Fans Much Love for Rebecca)
Jane Burgess (Awesome Lady….Very Beautiful….Awesome interaction)
Christine Vinson (Gorgeous)
Danielle FTV (Very Hot…I’m a new fan)

Thank you. You have a great list. So many awesome ladies on it.

Not sure I am all that interested in seeing any more dog pics ladies.....I think it is starting to have an adverse effect on me.



here are my votes. in about 3 hours i will be able to vote again!

Bree Olson
Brynn Vyndetta
christine vinson
jane burgess
lisa sparxxx
rebecca jessop
rebekah dee
red xxx
sara jay
sunny lane

Thank you. I still have to vote for today.

Good Afternoon ladies, I hope you are all having a wonderful day! :sunny:
Here are my votes for the day...
Bree Olson
Brynn Vyndetta
Chica's Place
Christine Vinson
Danielle FTV
Jane Burgess
Mariah Milano
Nikki Nova
Nina Mercedez
Rebecca Jessop.
Adios mi amigas! Be back later... :D

Thank you. I am still bummed there is no Dollhouse tonight. :(

I Disagree Buckweet Bree has been Interacting with fans and always is respectful and positive towards others....As for not needing money the contest is also about who would represent Freeones well not just money...this Contest is fun and it's those who vote that will decide the winner it's certainly harsh to say Bree Doesn't deserve to win....it's not one person's right to say that...all these girls work hard and those with negative opinions though it's their right to support or not to support who they choose should not use this board to openly bash anyone

I see you made an edit to your post glad to see that this is a fun contest no one should be bashed or blatantly criticized...Happy Voting All

Bree does post on here. She is really nice and talks to her fans a lot. You have women int he top 50 that have not said thank you on here at on the whole Freeones site.
I Disagree Buckweet Bree has been Interacting with fans and always is respectful and positive towards others....As for not needing money the contest is also about who would represent Freeones well not just money...this Contest is fun and it's those who vote that will decide the winner it's certainly harsh to say Bree Doesn't deserve to win....it's not one person's right to say that...all these girls work hard and those with negative opinions though it's their right to support or not to support who they choose should not use this board to openly bash anyone

I see you made an edit to your post glad to see that this is a fun contest no one should be bashed or blatantly criticized...Happy Voting All

Bree really DOESN'T deserve to win. (There, now it's not only one person anymore.) Not only doesn’t she deserve to win but it will make a mockery of the whole contest if she does. She is not very representative of somebody that might be named miss Freeones, didn't start posting until right before the contest, but also people like her are a big part of what's wrong with the state of the industry as a whole.

With some of the people at the top of this contest this wouldn't be the only contest they have did this to either. They have ruined may others before. (See past Booble contest among others as examples.) I'll give them one thing they are good at mobilizing people on the Internet when it comes to mindless voting for them. The worst part is that as soon as the contest was announced, and we were told how the voting would be structured, I and a lot of other people knew it would end up like this. Lets all just admit to ourselves right now this isn't really a contest, it's a publicity gimmick by FreeOnes. (And maybe even a successful one for them.) They might not admit it but I would guess even the powers that be at this website would say the same thing if you could get them to admit the truth. At this point there is two people in the top ten that even remotely deserve to win, and they probably won't.

While nobody should be a jerk just to do it or go out of their way to act like an asshole, to say nobody should have a negative opinion on here or criticize anybody else is foolish. Too many people deserve it, plus we are all big boys and girls here and can take it, especially if it's construtctive criticism or at least the truth.

There is something else I have to mention. I've said before that this thread has gone downhill with the vote begging. What's even worse are all the people that come on here and continually list the people they are voting for. WHY? I'm not trying to be mean here, but quite frankly, it's getting to the point of being pathetic. Or maybe it's past the point of being pathetic. It has also made looking through this thread a exercise in futility. (Sort of like the voting has become.) There is no way I'm going through pages of mindless list and brown nosing to get to the few post I might actually want to read.


Official Checked Star Member
I hear ya pirateking! It's almost just too much how fast this thread moves. It's getting impossible to keep up! haha

Ok and Jane...I am so sorry you have the icky sicky's. I actually LOVE all of the rain we are getting though. I LOVE IT! I would love tp bring you some soup dressed like a nurse but right now I have my attorney face on hahaha

sending you lots of love and healing energy!


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Thinking of a new voting strategy for the final few days of the month, in any case it will be interesting to see how different the list could be (40 - 50) at the end of the first stage of the contest.


Official Checked Star Member
D-rock. I actually agree with part of what you said about this thread becoming nothing but begging for votes and thank you's and lists of who people voted for. I would actually preffer to not see who everyone is voting for. At the same time though, if someone shows me that they voted for me and I don't thank them then I would feel rude as well come across ungrateful. I would LOVE to end the posting of voting lists and just keep it to pics and posts personally but hey...what are ya gonna do?
Love and Light
Nikki Nova
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