Congratulations for number 67. As of late, you have disappeared no longer posting. You have to be regular posting and interacting with your fans and voters. There are potential new fans and voters for you and other models. If you slow down and lacking in communication with your fans and voters in here, you will be forgotten and ignored. Please don't take for granted that youonly hope that the fans and voters caht with you in Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. You have to be in here on regular basis posting and interacting with your fans and voters here. This is Miss FreeOnes 2010 forum. You have to participate and post regularly in here, then you are not forgotten and get ignored. Honestly, I have voted for you for a few times. But you disappeared in thin air. No offense. Just constructive and positive sharing as a wake up call. If you want us to vote for you and move you up from 67 to 50, you have to work hard and smart to sacrificew your quality time to post in here regularly and consitently basis. My votes (10) are divided among those modles who are posting and interacting with us in here on regularly basis thnaking and appreciating us for voting them. If I were to vote for you dedicatedly, you won't know that I have voted for you if you are not regualarposter in here. As fans, we deserve to be appreciated. After all, at the end of the day, you gain, not the fans. Let's be realistic - win win situation for the models and the fans. All we need is a word of appreciation and acknowlegement. It's not that hard to do that. How busy one be, never take things for granted. By not posting in here means that the fans in general would percieve that the models are not interested at all. That's the danger of achieving to be voted among the top 50 if you like. I am a very busy man in real life working with oil & gas - meeting task, targets, KPIs etc. Plus my own private life. Yet, I sacrifice and take time to vote for you all (modles) in this competition. I can choose not to bother at all. That's the rationale and relaity. I hope that you post regularly in here is you like to move from 67 to 50. No offense. Good luck. Muwah!