Vivid offered 5.000.000 to Pippa for one scene

Look at that 3.

Put on you're glasses and look a that 7 :cool:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I liked this thread better when it was focussed on deconstructing one of the worst PR decisions of the past several years by, well, any company, nevermind an adult entertainment company.

Talk about a wannabe Guccione move.

Talk about a FAIL.
Seriously though, is that pic supposed to be proof she's good looking? She's ugly, she's got no ass, no curves and an unwarranted sense of accomplishment. When TMZ stops shoving her ugly face down our throats, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

Why don't you just drop it already. You think she's a 3 :)facepalm:) and that her body is "mediocre." I disagree entirely.


Put on you're glasses and look a that 7 :cool:

Don't know WTF some of these dudes are smokin'. It's not like I don't see girls that beat her e'r'day, but to suggest she is a fucking 3 (or even a 5 "average") is just stupid. :2 cents: Gaurantee 90% of the dudes postin here would'nt have a chance with her even if she wasn't who she is.
The girls sister becomes a princess and we immediately want her to do porn.

America. Keeping it classy as always.


Dude, you're on a porn board where porn is the rule of law and women get quite violated, even if it is by their own will. If you want "classy," go to, like, I dunno...a Christian Singles site or something.

But I agree with your underlying point that it's pretty sad and opportunistic of Vivid to do this. I think quite a few of us do. :2 cents:
I think it was nice of Vivid to try and give someone like Pippa the opportunity to one day join the venerated ranks of those listed in the "Most Kissable Pornstar after a Cumshot" thread.

Oh what could have been. For those few who think she's a looker please know that I am truly, truly..... ambivalent.
Anyone reckon this PR stunt is going to work for vivid, or just backfire? It has such a transparent motive that it must piss people off. Me being one.
Anyone reckon this PR stunt is going to work for vivid, or just backfire? It has such a transparent motive that it must piss people off. Me being one.

Wait, why would it piss you off?
Pippa would be a complete idiot if she´d agree .....over the long sight she´ll make a lot more ...:)
Whitey? I never give out negative rep. Never. But you just earned it.

A honky like you would give out neg rep ;)

This PR stunt will generate some interest in Vivid but nothing substantial. There's nothing negative about being the most recognizable adult studio in the world. No such thing as bad publicity.
A honky like you would give out neg rep ;)

This PR stunt will generate some interest in Vivid but nothing substantial. There's nothing negative about being the most recognizable adult studio in the world. No such thing as bad publicity.

Dont' worry, I know all about BAYAMONXX type. I've known 'em all my life. His idol is Albert Haynesworth. :uohs: