Then you should know there is a difference between this type of extremist and the fundmentalists who inspire and in some cases exploit them.
The first thing that's understood about a violent extremist is that they are lying hypocrites...that's true of all of them not matter the doctrine.
Case in point, professed white supremacist von Brunn rants about his hatred for Blacks, Jews, etc. in one statement then accuses the Jews of pitting the races against each other in another.
Fundamentalists are at the core of any extremist movement period..and it is the weak they use to do their bidding.
True. I would contend that the facilitators and those providing material support are sometimes more dangerous than many of the folks traveling abroad for Jihad.
The hypocrisy of these taqfiri types is that they strip Islam down to it's expansionist core---kill the infidel and rape his women, take his property---and use that as justification for the stuff they indulge in. They've really said they are just "exposing the cesspool that the West is."