1. youre talking about muslim as they are one entity and that one muslims action represents all muslims actions. some muslims are tolerant some are not. some catholics are tolerant, some are not. some jews are tolerant some are not. You see where I am going with this. Just how America was not wholly represented by the blood hungry bush administrations, similarly, saudi areabi, iraq should not and are not demographically represented by the backwards Saud family and what was Sadam. Sadam was a fricking dictator. Have you ever been Indonesia, malaysia ?
2. what is this money that you bring in to dubai ? in short, the UAE is oil rich and majority of its money comes from its port hubs. only about 15 % of its economy is tourist driven. the UAE's (dubai) leaders have a vision of educating their youth and being more tolerant and living in peace with non muslims. granted its not fully developed, but I would remind you that Dubai is a 40 year old country. America and UK are far older, and ONLY JUST RECENTLY in its long history, the uk and US have given women and ethnics equal rights. what many westerners forget is that alot of the muslim countries are starting from scratch almost after british rule, wars, the western counties expoliting their resources etc. give them a break, the suffregette(sp) movement did not achieve womens right over night, neither did martin luther king. just because your countries have achieved so much in its recent histories, dont pressure or judge other countries for its youth, it still has a long way to go. forcing someone to believe what you do is bullying, you should instead lead by example.
3. about the prophet marrying aisha who was 9 years of age. no one is contesting that. what i am contesting is that the prophet did not consemate the marriage with her as she was still young. if you did squat research of arabia 1500 years ago, you would note that it was customary for girls to be married off young, namely becuase families were poor and the girl would have a better life if they were married off with a man who could care for them. The prophet was asked by his best friend Abu Bakr, to marry his daughter aged 9. The prophet said yes as she was a sweet girl and was his friends daughter and she would have a secured future. he did not have sex with her.
anyway, I will entertain your warped assertion, even if he did, it is paedophilia based on TODAYS viewpoint. 1500 years ago, English kings and men of importance were able to pillage anyone they saw fit. I say that as I studied English history. In arabia at that time, girls were buried alive as they were seen inferior. Islam put a stop to that.
King Henry 7, the creator of Church of England and consequently one of THE most influential brits, beheaded his wives ! its shocking now, but it was the done thing then.
Modern rights that we have now have EVOLVED through time such as not to be racially, sexually or religiously discriminated or having a marital cap after age 16.
In holland, girls can have sex when they are 14.
In victorian times and through the industrial revolution girls used to get married at age 10. its considered wrong now, but it was not then.
please, if you are going to quote historical facts, I suggest you get them right, and if you have ever studied any history in your life, dont forget to add historical context. you earlier suggested, that you dont understand how 2 billion people follow mohammed even though he was married to a 9 year old ? well in short, my answer to that is, that unlike you, they are smart enough to do some research and not jump on ahate band wagon.
you clearly have your own agenda as it bothers you about 'islamophobia'. to that i say 'get over it'. you cant deny, muslims are on the spotlight post 9/11. im not attributing whose fault that is. similarly when the jews had the spotlight on them in 1940s they were able to rely on the term 'anti semitism', when black people had the spotlight, they were afforded with the term 'racists' to their white oppressors at that time. in short, its the least that a minority group should be afforded for their plight to be recognised. dont get me wrong, people throw the word too loosely, but it doesnt make it wrong for that word to exist.
I am sure christian people that are in the spotlight in muslim countries will too get testy and more defensive when their religios faith is scrutinised especially when it is done so incorrectly.
4. Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. just because al qaeda dont adhere to it, it does not mean islam preaches that. they dont represent the quran or the religion. similarly to how Hitler, King Henry 7, George Bush do not represent God or Christians. If you have ever read the quran WHOLE, not just extracts given to you on the news, and read about the customs at the time, there is NOTHING hateful about islam. it only EVER gave a command of war, when the prophet at the time was betrayed and was being hunted by the then royal family. THe prophet was hiding and refused to fight, until the revelation came which was of self defence. Also war was justified when the royal family broke the peace treaty. which is NO different to today. on every page of the quran it states, forgiveness, tolerance and doing good. just because some douche called bin laden does not adher to it and has started grouping troops around the planet just like hitler did, does not make the religion bad.