Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 was one of the greatest villains in gaming history.
He was insane, he hated everything and simply wanted to ruin the world. He had no desire for power, no want for fame or lust for possession. He just ruined the world, and made a tower of trash to watch the world fall apart from.
RE1 was remade on the gamecube and it is creepy as fuck and they actually changed things around so it is still new to those that have played the original RE1 before. I guess that's the one I played, I should have said that. I highly recommend it to anyone who loved the first one. The occasional lightning strike and thunder really adds to it as well as the shadow effects.
The gamecube version is just as scary as the PS1 version was! I still enjoy playing the both of them. No matter how scary. I love how the both of them introduce new ideas in them and no matter what they will deliver on the scares and thrills!
I haven't played the Gamecube version, but I was wondering does it have that part at the start of the game after you meet the first zombie and Barry does his "what is it" special. You go down that corridor and 2 or 3 Cerberus jump through the window.? That part scared the crap out of me when I first played it. ... and while were going old school the Barons and Knights of hell in Doom used to creep me out as well.
Sephiroth(FF7) HE WAS AWESOME!!!
Kendra Danials(Dead Space) She was hot but a real bitch
Quan Chi(MK) He Was by far the Biggest bastard in all of Mortal Kombat. He Killed Scorpion's Family and Clan and then blamed it on Sub-Zero.