Video game villains! Your favorite?


A couple months ago I tried to play RE1 again and I forgot how hard that game was. That was true survival horror. Anytime I just heard one zombie, I'd check my ammo and see I only had 4 bullets and I was just like, "god damnit..." and I didn't move at all. haha, i'm a pussy

Should remake the first two....New ones are all this las plagas shit! I want fooking zombies:eek:
Should remake the first two....New ones are all this las plagas shit! I want fooking zombies:eek:

RE1 was remade on the gamecube and it is creepy as fuck and they actually changed things around so it is still new to those that have played the original RE1 before. I guess that's the one I played, I should have said that. I highly recommend it to anyone who loved the first one. The occasional lightning strike and thunder really adds to it as well as the shadow effects.
A couple months ago I tried to play RE1 again and I forgot how hard that game was. That was true survival horror. Anytime I just heard one zombie, I'd check my ammo and see I only had 4 bullets and I was just like, "god damnit..." and I didn't move at all. haha, i'm a pussy

RE1 was remade on the gamecube and it is creepy as fuck and they actually changed things around so it is still new to those that have played the original RE1 before. I guess that's the one I played, I should have said that. I highly recommend it to anyone who loved the first one. The occasional lightning strike and thunder really adds to it as well as the shadow effects.

The gamecube version is just as scary as the PS1 version was! I still enjoy playing the both of them. No matter how scary. I love how the both of them introduce new ideas in them and no matter what they will deliver on the scares and thrills!

Especially that damn shark!!!! :eek:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Mr. X is another favorite of mine. He just screams badass and dominance!

The T-103, also known as Mr. X, was the first mass produced Tyrant. It was created on Umbrella's Sheena Island, aptly named Tyrant Plant. The high incompatibility ratio was solved by injecting subjects with Beta Hetero Nonserotonin. This substance is an adrenal based neurotransmitter extracted from the Locus Ceruleus. A vast supply was found in male adolescents. They must be kept unanaesthetised in order to ensure maximum amounts of the substance are extracted. Production was carried out on Sheena Island until it blew up.

It is no longer sentient, meaning it has no concept of his mission. This can cause him to perform ill-advised actions in some cases, such as diving into the smelting pit in William Birkin's laboratory. Unlike his predecessors, the T-103 is known for its near-human appearance and mysterious silence. Also, he exhibits no visible mutations like the huge talons prominently featured on earlier models. This changes, however, if T-103 suffers serious injury, after which he will mutate and display the features seen in other Tyrant models. This mutation includes talons on both hands and increased muscle mass. T-103 could also be programmed to achieve specific goals, such as the acquisition of the G-virus sample contained within Sherry Birkin's locket.


Mr. X fails in comparison to Nemesis T-Type :p

Hes the ultimate bad ass! And his theme music is like shaft.......LEGENDARY!
Pyramid Head. He has a huge sword and rapes. Rapes what you ask? Nothing in particular. He just rapes.


Well the ones I mentioned earlier where most memorable due to charisma and shit but if we are now talking about real sods.....I'll have to go with General RAAM from gears of war. Man that fookcake took like 30 snipers rounds to the head before he died. And it wasnt like you could hang around repeatedly shooting or them damn bats where gonna mince ya.



Postal Paranoiac
Name: The Unromantic Chieftain
Game: Love Sucks...Then You Die!!!
System: Nontended Wackt System

Background: LSTYD is a type of role-playing game, where you try to start relationships in a kingdom full of frigid women. During these love-hopeful attempts, your character is constantly hassled by Catholic priests, pissed-off schoolteachers, and venow-spewing trolls with bloody axes and no dates. Turns out the whole problem started when an innocent-seeming traveling salesman enters the town, and he calls himself The Love Captain. He claims to sell a wonderful drug called beer that will loosen up these sexless wenches and make them horny. Of course, the sales pitch is a ruse, and the Captain is actually The Unromantic Chieftain, sent to the town to frigidify the women and emasculate the men...creating a sexless society led by its true leader, Thurgood Marshall III. Love Sucks... was created by Unique Gaming Foreskin, the same company that brought you Demon Physical Therapists Who Steal Your Insurance Information that was such a hit last holiday season.
Name: The Unromantic Chieftain
Game: Love Sucks...Then You Die!!!
System: Nontended Wackt System

Background: LSTYD is a type of role-playing game, where you try to start relationships in a kingdom full of frigid women. During these love-hopeful attempts, your character is constantly hassled by Catholic priests, pissed-off schoolteachers, and venow-spewing trolls with bloody axes and no dates. Turns out the whole problem started when an innocent-seeming traveling salesman enters the town, and he calls himself The Love Captain. He claims to sell a wonderful drug called beer that will loosen up these sexless wenches and make them horny. Of course, the sales pitch is a ruse, and the Captain is actually The Unromantic Chieftain, sent to the town to frigidify the women and emasculate the men...creating a sexless society led by its true leader, Thurgood Marshall III. Love Sucks... was created by Unique Gaming Foreskin, the same company that brought you Demon Physical Therapists Who Steal Your Insurance Information that was such a hit last holiday season.

:nono: I am beginning to suspect you are making a lot of this stuff up! I do hope this is not true!
Liquid Snake:MGS 1
Bowser:Mario Bros
Shao Kahn:Mortal Kombat
Dracula:Castlevania series
and the most hated villain of all Bison. He killed Chun Li father,killed THawk father,drove away his people off his land. He killed Charlie.:dunno: He killed Rose's entire tribe. He controls a global crime syndicate,he deals illegal weapons,drugs and prostitution.
He's the David Caruso of Resident Evil! He knows how to work them shades!!!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
He's the David Caruso of Resident Evil! He knows how to work them shades!!!


He also likes to listen to Corey Hart's Sunglasses At Night :p