Video game villains! Your favorite?

Gray Fox/Ninja from MGS was badass. Remember that scene where Snake is walking down the hallway and theres nothing but blood and dead bodies everywhere?



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
There's only one right answer to this question and only three people have gotten it right.
Sagat from Street Fighter. I'm a street fighter fan so that's about the only game I play outside of sports games.
Sagat from Street Fighter. I'm a street fighter fan so that's about the only game I play outside of sports games.

I dont know if you can consider Sagat to be a true video game villian because it seems like he saw the error of his ways and appears to be a much more honorable warrior in SFIV
Revolver Ocelot from the Metal Gear series and Sweetpenny from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (mainly because Samuel Jackson did the voice work).