Up to 100,000 Muslim converts in UK


Up to 100,000 Muslim converts in UK

London : Muslim converts in Britain could number up to 100,000 but are viewed by cynical observers as being connected to extremism, according to a new survey published Tuesday.

The report, by Faith Matters, showed that despite the negative images, there is a “vibrant and growing Muslim convert community that feels at ease living in the UK and being Muslim.”

The report estimated around 5,200 people adopted Islam over the last twelve months, including 1,400 in London alone. A survey of converts revealed nearly two thirds were women, more than 70 per cent were white and the average age at conversion was just 27.

“Nearly half the converts regard themselves as being of a Whit British white origin and many see themselves as individuals that can act as a bridge between Muslims and non-Muslims,” Faith Matters director Fiyaz Mughal said.

“They are a community that have much to offer to our country and to Muslims and non-Muslims and no doubt, they will play an increasing role around integration in the future,” said Mughal, a previous chair of the Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats.

The report found that of media representations of converts to Islam, 60.9% of stories were linked to terrorism and 15% linked to fundamentalism.

“These negative portrayals are deeply problematic and further paint a negative picture of a vibrant community driven by social justice,” it said.

The estimate of between 90,000 and 100,000 is based upon a survey of mosques and the last 2001 census figures for England, Wales and Scotland. It also calculated that the average age of conversion was around 27 years old.

In a survey of 122 converts, 44% converted in 2001 or before, whilst 56% converted in 2002 or later. At the time of conversion, most help and advice were received from books (96% of cases), Muslim friends (85% of cases) and the Internet (64% of cases).

Over 50% said they received no help from mosques and 43% said their local mosque had no provision for converts. Two thirds also said that their family had a negative attitude to their conversion.

But more than nine out of ten disagreed with the statement that Muslims should keep themselves separate from non-Muslims,' while 84% agreed with the suggestion that converts, especially the majority White British Ethnic Group, could act as a 'bridge' with non-Muslims.

Nearly all felt that some of the practices of born Muslims had more to do with culture rather than Islam.


Just 100,000 more people we dont need here in the UK.

My third grade teacher was wrong; stupidity is contagious. I wonder how much of this is "piss off mommy and daddy complex" and how much is just blanket anti-establishment attention seeking. At least in America, our Muslim converts are usually prisoners who can't read...

The Koran is a silly, plagiarized and contradictory book (much like the books it plagiarized) but it's glorified for those traits. This really is a sad, sad statistic.

AND, if there are any Muslims that take offense to my comments...ummm, you shouldn't be on a fucking porn forum!!! You're on Allah's list, now pal!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
1:Britain is not an Islomic state.
2:Statistically, the recent converts are the most likely to be extremists.
3:Fuck you, you cunt, George Bush personally told me to tell you: "Allah hu akbar!"
Hooray for multiculturalism! Getting rid of the established local culture one muslim convert at a time!
I don't see a problem with this, it's a free country so people are free to choose what religion they want to follow. It's only a misconception that the converts are terrorists, those few are simply preyed upon by extremists like that mentally challenged kid who tried to blow himself up after he was befriended by some muslims as no one else would speak to him. A lot of converts like Tony Blairs sister-in-law research the religion and make a conscious decision and they are some of the most timid gentle people you will meet, I know some muslim born asians who stay away from these people because they are too religious. Bear in mind a lot of convicts convert in jail not because of muslim inmates but because you get to stretch your legs for 5 times a day (prayers) plus a better menu, they normally drop the religion once out. Then you get the people (like the girl in the article below) who chose Islam to get away from their previous lifestyle, ie drink, drugs, vanity and promiscuity etc. Great you improve your life but you don't need any religion or god to tell you to stop drinking, taking drugs, being vain or going clubbing and having sex, you can just stop these things whenever you want if you no longer enjoy them. In any case the study showed that just over half of these wore headscarves and only 5% chose to wear a burqua so the majority of the converts are not backwards and uneducated, maybe they will become role models for those that were born muslim and only know what their parents told them the religion was about.

I don't see a problem with this, it's a free country so people are free to choose what religion they want to follow. It's only a misconception that the converts are terrorists, those few are simply preyed upon by extremists like that mentally challenged kid who tried to blow himself up after he was befriended by some muslims as no one else would speak to him. A lot of converts like Tony Blairs sister-in-law research the religion and make a conscious decision and they are some of the most timid gentle people you will meet, I know some muslim born asians who stay away from these people because they are too religious. Bear in mind a lot of convicts convert in jail not because of muslim inmates but because you get to stretch your legs for 5 times a day (prayers) plus a better menu, they normally drop the religion once out. Then you get the people (like the girl in the article below) who chose Islam to get away from their previous lifestyle, ie drink, drugs, vanity and promiscuity etc. Great you improve your life but you don't need any religion or god to tell you to stop drinking, taking drugs, being vain or going clubbing and having sex, you can just stop these things whenever you want if you no longer enjoy them.


So, excluding the bogus terrorist connection, why don't you see a "problem" with people who either adopt a religion to escape a crutch or vice or adopt a religion (for any reason) that advocates abandoning things like reason, science, factual history and an open mind?

I don't understand this weird stance where we can lambaste (for example) Christian "Rednecks" of America, Zionist Israelis and an entirely corrupt Vatican, but when it comes to another awful mind pollution such as Islam, tolerance becomes the name of the game.

I don't understand this cerebral hiccup. I'd say the same thing about Jews and Christians (and have); when you defend the people who, by philosophy, consider you inferior and damned, you're celebrating and excusing an insult.

If people roamed the streets telling children that 2+2 = R.9, we'd do whatever we need to do to negate that influence. But when people are telling other people that an illiterate pedophile warmonger who decapitated hundreds of bound prisoners wrote down God's history and law verbatim, we accept that others accept that belief. O.....K....
So, excluding the bogus terrorist connection, why don't you see a "problem" with people who either adopt a religion to escape a crutch or vice or adopt a religion (for any reason) that advocates abandoning things like reason, science, factual history and an open mind?

I don't understand this weird stance where we can lambaste (for example) Christian "Rednecks" of America, Zionist Israelis and an entirely corrupt Vatican, but when it comes to another awful mind pollution such as Islam, tolerance becomes the name of the game.

I don't understand this cerebral hiccup. I'd say the same thing about Jews and Christians (and have); when you defend the people who, by philosophy, consider you inferior and damned, you're celebrating and excusing an insult.

If people roamed the streets telling children that 2+2 = R.9, we'd do whatever we need to do to negate that influence. But when people are telling other people that an illiterate pedophile warmonger who decapitated hundreds of bound prisoners wrote down God's history and law verbatim, we accept that others accept that belief. O.....K....

It's free will and we live in a free and liberal society so people can follow what they want to as long as they obey the laws of the land, I personally want nothing to do with religion and see it as something that causes unwelcome divisions in society and promotes the abandonment or science and logic but I can't tell other peole what to think or to do, none of us can.
It's free will and we live in a free and liberal society so people can follow what they want to as long as they obey the laws of the land, I personally want nothing to do with religion and see it as something that causes unwelcome divisions in society and promotes the abandonment or science and logic but I can't tell other peole what to think or to do, none of us can.

Well I never suggested that you tell people how to think or that you preach against any particular belief. I'm commenting on the fact that you stated that you have "no problem" with modern age people resorting to bronze age myths for a guideline on how to live life...people who, by definition, are obligated to encourage others to do the same.

At what point does shit get so ridiculous that we can no longer refrain from admitting it?
Well I never suggested that you tell people how to think or that you preach against any particular belief. I'm commenting on the fact that you stated that you have "no problem" with modern age people resorting to bronze age myths for a guideline on how to live life...people who, by definition, are obligated to encourage others to do the same.

At what point does shit get so ridiculous that we can no longer refrain from admitting it?

Don't get me wrong I do have a problem and think it's all ridiculous, I normally shy away from arguments but the amount of people I've upset over the years simply because I say I don't believe in any religion is astounding yet I'm probably more moral and ethical than any of them. I simply don't see people giving up religion when all the science and evidence is already out there so hold little hope for any major change in the near future.
So, excluding the bogus terrorist connection, why don't you see a "problem" with people who either adopt a religion to escape a crutch or vice or adopt a religion (for any reason) that advocates abandoning things like reason, science, factual history and an open mind?
Trident1 said:
Western women who convert are idiots.
Are you holding a mirror when talking?
The Muslimfication of Asia and Europe has begun. America will save the day as Usual


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Let's go, America! I always knew George III was Allah, and this proves it!
5200 converts in the last year, out of a population of 61 million??

Oh my God, it's clearly the end of the world! :eek:
If you haven't dug a bunker yet now's the time :ak47: