Up to 100,000 Muslim converts in UK


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
@ vodkazvictim

Larger families don't mean poorer when they get all the benefits and big private houses. Would non muslims be able to switch breeding habits at the drop of a hat, when they are being more careful and in decline?

I'm a fool because I disagree with you? The website with the statistics chart was from months ago. I am not spending time trying to dig it out just for you. The Muslims living in Western Europe are out breeding the Europeans about 4 to 1. It is estimated that by 2050 the Muslin population in Western Europe will be better than 50%.
Proof please that Mozlems get all the benefits.
And yeah, you can just switch breeding habbits at the drop of a hat. I could make a baby in 2.5 minutes. Ask your sister :D
Note: Poor Christians produce more babies than rich christians.
Dig up your stats for me as well, not just the other guy who asked.

Now you seem to think the Mozlems are doing just great, so lets examine the financial crisis:
the worst sufferers of the financial crisis around the time of call me Daves elections were black, with a horrendous 50% worse than white unemployment rate. Some of these were Mozlems.
Next up came the Asians. Most Mozlems in the UK fall into this racial group. They had approx 25% worse than white unemployment.
Now given that the race that is predominately Mozlem was doing 25% worse than the race that is predominately Christian, it makes little sense to say that the Mozlems own everything. Frankly you seem as ridiculous as the Nazis who said "the Jews are taking everything!" after their country was bankrupted by war and global depression.

Mozlems (who're Asian, that is) consistantly suffer racial abuse and even abuse on the basis that they're Mozlem. Yes, some, like Islam4UK need to be surveiled for usefull information and then killed, but you can't just blanket the lot of them and say they're bad.
In your original post you said UK NOT Western Europe. There is a difference. Just because your statistics say that the Muslim population in Western Europe will be 'better' than 50% it does not follow that "the UK will be turned into a nation of islam". :dunno:
Thank you, my Mozlem brother, for helping me fool the unbelievers.
Allah hu snackbar!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
1 billion Muslims follow their faith in peace and love. Regardless of the odious hate disguised as faith practiced by the extremists, Islam remains a placid faith.

The article is explicit in its affirmation that Islam can live comfortably inside non-Islamic countries.

I put my faith in math. 100,000 converts (and let's allow the fear to rule and assume they are all radical jihadis) in a population of 62 million. That's a whopping 0.16%. I'm not going to be locking my doors and trembling in the dark for fear of a radical Islamic uprising anytime soon.
I wonder how long before they get a little more of this medicine:

^Notice all the hilarious comments on that Youtube page^

Another doozy:

I'm sure the "religion of peace" will be all hunky dory when Britian bans veils like France did also like the riots in Denmark and Malmo, Sweden. There's a trend there, and I can't imagine it will end any time soon.

I love it. :D


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
1 billion Muslims follow their faith in peace and love. Regardless of the odious hate disguised as faith practiced by the extremists, Islam remains a placid faith.

The article is explicit in its affirmation that Islam can live comfortably inside non-Islamic countries.

I put my faith in math. 100,000 converts (and let's allow the fear to rule and assume they are all radical jihadis) in a population of 62 million. That's a whopping 0.16%. I'm not going to be locking my doors and trembling in dark for fear of a radical Islamic uprising anytime soon.
Youre only sayin that cos mohammed loved cats *cough* I mean, DIE INFIDEL!
BSSCot probly just posted that England is an Islamic state despite never having been here.
This si for you BSCot:
1 billion Muslims follow their faith in peace and love. Regardless of the odious hate disguised as faith practiced by the extremists, Islam remains a placid faith.

The article is explicit in its affirmation that Islam can live comfortably inside non-Islamic countries.

I put my faith in math. 100,000 converts (and let's allow the fear to rule and assume they are all radical jihadis) in a population of 62 million. That's a whopping 0.16%. I'm not going to be locking my doors and trembling in the dark for fear of a radical Islamic uprising anytime soon.

Let's not forget it only took 22 of them to commit 9/11. Islam has a problem and it needs to be fixed preferably by their own.

Vodka I realize there is hate between Sunni and Shiite. The majority of the terrs are Sunni simply because much of the muslim world is made up of that sect.
Youre only sayin that cos mohammed loved cats *cough* I mean, DIE INFIDEL!
BSSCot probly just posted that England is an Islamic state despite never having been here.
This si for you BSCot:

Vodka, are you liquored up again? Oh, that's right, you can't see my posts. Well, enjoy the neggy I tossed you earlier. ;)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Youre only sayin that cos mohammed loved cats *cough* I mean, DIE INFIDEL!

The Prophet's cat love is a major plus in this mammal's opinion .... :) He was, indeed, wise.

And as unsettling and unpleasant as the above vids are, let's not forget there is a HUGE distance between disaffected anger (justified or unjustified) and flying planes into buildings or strapping on a C4 vest for a spot of coffee shop bombing.

Don't let the fear rule. That's what THEY want.
The Prophet's cat love is a major plus in this mammal's opinion .... :) He was, indeed, wise.

And as unsettling and unpleasant as the above vids are, let's not forget there is a HUGE distance between disaffected anger (justified or unjustified) and flying planes into buildings or strapping on a C4 vest for a spot of coffee shop bombing.

Don't let the fear rule. That's what THEY want.

Just found this terrible site

One post reads
The only permanet why to get rid of these cats is to shoot or poison them.
There are websites that lists chemicals that what will kill a cat.
Club them over the head if you can get close enough.
Befriend them and put them in the back of a pick-up then throw them in the river
works too.
In your original post you said UK NOT Western Europe. There is a difference. Just because your statistics say that the Muslim population in Western Europe will be 'better' than 50% it does not follow that "the UK will be turned into a nation of islam". :dunno:

The UK also still produces a statistically significant number of citizens moving to Australia, Canada and New Zealand adding to your statistical woes.

The British were the foremost proponent of the Multicult, encouraged other European and Western countries to follow suit and are still in denial about what they've let into the country.

The truth is that you shall be Dhimmi, and the British deserve it for the crazy liberal policies they've championed all these years. Better get used to having your granddaughters wearing hijab lest they be raped on the way to school like other non-Muslim girls in near majority Muslim countries.

I know that's grim and incendiary, but hey the British need to hear that.:cthulhu: