It seems that the UK now experiences what is practice in Germany for almost all of the years after the creation of it after WW2. Only in 1960 to 1961, Konrad Adenauer managed to rule alone, with his party, the CDU (similar to the Tories in UK).
Guys, this will be an interesting couple of years now.
But I think Great Britain should have another - and now proper - vote, where everybody gets to vote, not this bullshit that happened
The Lib Dems want proportional representation in a electoral reform so the Conservatives know what price they must pay if they want the Lib Dems support. It is an unfair system, one constituency could be one by one party with just 5000 votes and another constituency could be one by a different party with 25000 votes yet they still get only 1 constituency each, probably why so many people don't bother to vote
Ian Hislop said it right at the beginning of the night: A squandered chance to shake up the two party system. It'll be more of the same bullshit for the next years. No matter whether the PM will be a headless chicken (Brown) or a brainless idiot (Cameron).
Oh fuck, Tory scum in charge with maybe some Lib Dems in the cabinet.
On the plus side, because they've got a really tough job ahead with cuts cuts cuts etc then whoever got in power would be a single term government as the public would hate them. So its hello but hopefully a quick goodbye to Cameron & co. . .
Oh fuck, Tory scum in charge with maybe some Lib Dems in the cabinet.
On the plus side, because they've got a really tough job ahead with cuts cuts cuts etc then whoever got in power would be a single term government as the public would hate them. So its hello but hopefully a quick goodbye to Cameron & co. . .
I agree New Labour have been a total letdown, they've done some reprehensible things, that is why I voted Lib Dem. But no matter what New Labour do they are still not (quite) the Conservative Party. . .mrtrebus, the Blair and Brown governments could give masterclasses about being scum.Lies, more lies,what happened to the promised EU referendum? taxes, more taxes , jobs for the boys and girls, fabricating a pretext to attack Iraq,corrupt cabinet ministers being brought back over and over again,some ennobled as well.Underequipping troops and pretending otherwise, a host of measures which make you guilty unless you can prove otherwise.Blair misusing public funds to further his own ends.By the way, the Kinnocks don't look to be on the breadline either.And you call Cameron scum.Labour has been flying under a false flag since I was a kid and don't let them fool you.
I do agree with you though that any party which solves the nation's problems won't benefit from it.It happened before with Thatcher , jettisoned after achieving what people said was impossible.Yet we wouldn't have our present living standards and conditions without her.
Ian Hislop said it right at the beginning of the night: A squandered chance to shake up the two party system. It'll be more of the same bullshit for the next years. No matter whether the PM will be a headless chicken (Brown) or a brainless idiot (Cameron).
This is exactly the fucked-up situation we have in Germany. A small party like the FDP (Liberals) fuck up the situation so much. But the fun thing is, they have been preaching nd promising one issue for some fifteen years:
I'm rather disappointed. What's worse, almost everyone I talked to running up to the election was voting LibDem - but, our seat went to the Conservatives. So our vote meant nothing.
You know why I like proportional representation? Even the nutjobs on the far sides, if there are enough of them, deserve representation. To marginalize them only makes them grow insidiously. But that's not the primary reason - the primary reason is the best way to combat the extreme minority is education, and making education in the government's interest is a good thing (as at present, for those in power, an educated populace is not good for them. But then, I just got done re-reading 1984...).
Anyway. If the LibDems can bully the Conservatives into getting proportional representation on the table, not all is lost - change can still come about. If it goes to referendum and the British people vote it down (and the Tories have said that even if they put it on the table, they'll campaign against it - and I can already see the sorts of bullshit that'll be spewed), I may seriously consider moving elsewhere. I'm taxed far too much not to have my vote count. At least back in Portland, it was only 10%.
I believe a lot of people did want to vote for the Lib Dems but due to the electoral system knew it would be a wasted vote and just stuck to the main 2 parties. Lib Dem support is spread nationwide which actually makes this worse for them, a jack of all trades but a master of none.