To those who perished 8 years ago.....

People have already forgotten...

We should never forget 9/11/2001.


Jeez, it feels so weird now that is 8 years behind us. Feels like it wasn't that long ago. It's nice that there hasn't been many plots since then.
Jeez, it feels so weird now that is 8 years behind us. Feels like it wasn't that long ago. It's nice that there hasn't been many plots since then.

There have been many plots since then, we've just gotten better at looking for them. That is why we should not forget. Believe me, there are people who work every day and night to make sure that something like 9/11 never happens again ;)
And since Bush and Cheney (esp. Cheney!) have been pushing their PR bullshit lately about how safe they supposedly kept us, let's not forget that it happened on THEIR "watch", okay?

"Safe, except for 9/11 itself", isn't a record to brag about.
Jeez, it feels so weird now that is 8 years behind us. Feels like it wasn't that long ago. It's nice that there hasn't been many plots since then.

Agreed. Seems like yesterday. RIP all those who lost their Lives:angels:
Way to bring politics into it, douche.

As if 9/11 and the fetishizing of it isn't ALREADY incredibly, obviously political. [Note Galactic's emphasis on the victims' status as civilians - I'm guessing that sort of observation is only allowed one-way; can we, should we mourn the civilian Afghanis and Iraqis who have perished during and after our invasions and occupations? I'm guessing that'd be considered something akin to treason, no?]

As if the act itself, a terrorist act, wasn't - by definition - a political act by other means.

As if the responses to it, by politicians, haven't also impacted our lives, and been of political and personal significance.

Yes, of course it was a horrible tragedy and such violent deaths are obviously horrific, but there aren't ANY memorials - outside of actual family memorials within families who lost their loved ones on 9/11 - that haven't been tainted by politics straight from the get-go.

I'll skip responding to your name-calling, though...


May we never forget


Is somewhere outhere.
For all the lives that were lost that day and also the ones who
continue to lose their lives because of it all.

God bless you all :angels:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
People have already forgotten...

We should never forget 9/11/2001.

No....we haven't forgotten and we will never forget. It was the first thing I thought of as I arose this morning and I proudly am flying Old Glory today in honor and remembrance of those who were sacrificed so tragically that fateful day. The image of those towers collapsing is indelibly etched into my, I shall never forget.

On this solemn day, politics should be thrown aside and we should pause and reflect on the fact that we are all Americans....that we are one people, united in the beliefs and truths that we hold in common no matter our philosophical differences. On a day like today, I would ask all Americans to put aside our petty differences and join together as one to pay homage and show respect to the victims of the WTC attacks and their many friends and family who have been left behind to deal with the aftermath.

I am very proud to call myself an American. No....we will never forget.



Toby Keith is in Pittsburgh tonight for his concert, I saw him a few years ago and I have a feeling this year when he plays the Angry American for his encore song it's going to have a whole different feeling today.
Toby Keith is in Pittsburgh tonight for his concert, I saw him a few years ago and I have a feeling this year when he plays the Angry American for his encore song it's going to have a whole different feeling today.

I bet he'd be touched if you threw your panties up to him onstage...

People have already forgotten...

We should never forget 9/11/2001.

May we never forget

No....we haven't forgotten and we will never forget. It was the first thing I thought of as I arose this morning and I proudly am flying Old Glory today in honor and remembrance of those who were sacrificed so tragically that fateful day. The image of those towers collapsing is indelibly etched into my, I shall never forget.

On this solemn day, politics should be thrown aside and we should pause and reflect on the fact that we are all Americans....that we are one people, united in the beliefs and truths that we hold in common no matter our philosophical differences. On a day like today, I would ask all Americans to put aside our petty differences and join together as one to pay homage and show respect to the victims of the WTC attacks and their many friends and family who have been left behind to deal with the aftermath.

I am very proud to call myself an American. No....we will never forget.

:Takes a moment to remember those lost:

And may we never forget....

In light of this "Facetious" quote from another thread, may we never forget;
Which brings me to this :
What is our objective in Afghanistan today ?
Other than the afghan opiate poppy, what threats do these Taliban scum pose ? Do they pose an immediate threat to America and or our greater allies?
What the hell are we going to do with the captives is another question all together !

If the objective includes safely capturing each individual combatant only to give them a most respectful interview, an ethnic meal, as well as a refresher class to remind them that America means them no harm ; we just wanna be friends and we would like for them to join hands in a human chain of a greater world community, or in a word, behave and part on our merry ways, we're just ƒµçked !

Either fight, as fiercely and as swiftly as possible, less all of the political sensitivities & win or cut bait and get the hell out of there altogether.

I suppose that would be the point of Obama sending tens of thousands more personnel to Afghanistan after he got elected.
9/11 was a bittersweet day for me. My girlfriend & I found out she was pregnant about 15 min before the 1st plane flew into the tower.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
.....much has been said....much has been debated and blamed.....but the fact remains that many CIVILIANS went to work that day.....and never came home.

Why? What happened?
I'll never forget 9/11-I hadn't heard about it that morning and was out for a walk and I went by a fire station. It was moving to hear about it from firefighters who knew what their brethren were facing in the towers and at the Pentagon. May God bless all who lost their life that day and all those who work to protect us every day.