No....we haven't forgotten and we will never forget. It was the first thing I thought of as I arose this morning and I proudly am flying Old Glory today in honor and remembrance of those who were sacrificed so tragically that fateful day. The image of those towers collapsing is indelibly etched into my, I shall never forget.
On this solemn day, politics should be thrown aside and we should pause and reflect on the fact that we are all Americans....that we are one people, united in the beliefs and truths that we hold in common no matter our philosophical differences. On a day like today, I would ask all Americans to put aside our petty differences and join together as one to pay homage and show respect to the victims of the WTC attacks and their many friends and family who have been left behind to deal with the aftermath.
I am very proud to call myself an American. No....we will never forget.