You mean, there will be more assholes who don't have a clue about the meaning of being poor, about what it is like to live with minimum wage, to be forced to choose between getting your son to the doctor or buying food or the family, to take pills to ease your wrist pain because you can't afford not to work even if the doctor told you that you have to rest if you want to heal, more of this kind of assholes blaming on the government to care about those in need and blaming them 'cause they are to lazy to get a job ?
Many of them do have a job, sometimes even two. But theses jobs have so low salaries that themoney these people earned is not enough for them to take care of their families.
The guy is right about one thing : people are being ensalved. But not by the government. By the econmy, by Wall Street, by companies making more and more money but firing more and more people, by banks and asset management companies.
Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Barclay's, Goldman Sachs, Allianz, HSBC, ING, Deutsche Bank, etc... these are the names of some of those which are enslaving people.
When Biden said that Romney's gonna put americans "back in chains", he was wrong. They (as for 80% of the world's population) are already in chains. What Romney will jut tighten the chains and allow the masters to whip the slaves
Like voting for Hollande was sign of being intelligent? More a sign of being a douche. And guess who is living on social helps , free healthcare and who is given appartments in France? Migrants from Africa and the Maghreb who have never busted their asses for France. I think that many Americans are tired and overbored of sharing the ghetto trash'smisery. We know already who are the ghetto trash, shitty people living in shitty suburbs like the queens, the bronx, harlem and the watts, living of drugs , gang banging, car jacking, murder and theft. They deserve nothing and no help. If you like these people, go live with them but don't complain after that. Obama is a great community divider, he is was elected thanks mainly to blacks and latinos votes, so yes he isn't really representing white people. A parasite is a parasite, and ghetto trashbag is a ghetto thrashbag, end of story.