TBH I'm sick of people saying being a waiter/waitress is a hard job. Seriously? Every job has it's down side. Being a fry cook at McDonald is a hard job.Working in sewers and hospitals are hard jobs. I know wait staff that makes over 100$ a night from nice restaurants. The wait staff at high end restaurants do nothing except take your order. There is food runners to bring your food and bus boys to clear the table. Wait staff and bartenders at busy restaurants in the can make more than 60k USD a year. I'm am american, I do tip because it's the social norm but I completely disagree with it. Tip has transform into a vehicle for greedy. Whether good service is rendered or not, now everyone is obligated to tip. Why not tip your doctors? Sure they make lots of money but waste 10 years of school and is in like 100k+ in debt? Tipping is just a company's way out of paying it's employee. Tips should not be the standard but the exception for exceptional service. And as if your job truly sucks as a waitress, then quit and find another place or go into another industry. Tired of this feeling that every person is entitled to tip.
Wow, how ignorant is this?
First off, 60K a year? You have no clue what you're talking about. No clue. Hell, when I was a manager at a restaurant, I made $12,000/yr, and that was much more money than our servers made. At least 50% more.
And let me tell you something, most restaurants are not nice restaurants, and most people who get a job waiting tables don't make it into nice restaurants, they make it into Applebees, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Papa Johns, Dominos, TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesdays, Garfield's, small diners, family owned restaurants, etc. They do not pull in $100 a night. $100 a night is a FANTASTIC night, not a normal night. A normal night is $50 or $60, and it also depends on which shift they're working, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Most of the money is made over dinner, not during the day. Mostly only on weekends is when they might pull in $100. I've worked at 3 different restaurants, and out of all my years working there, I only ever had maybe 4 total $100 nights. Usually it was between $30 and $60.
How is it hard? Have you ever worked as waitress? I'll give you some examples:
- Customers flipping shit on you because the kitchen put sausage on their order when you clearly told the kitchen no sausage, but the customer blames you, screaming at you, calling you names, and asking for a discount for something that isn't your fault.
- An elderly customer pulling you aside for a good 25 minutes to bitch at you, talk to you in an extremely rude manner, give you lots of eye rolls, raise their voice, etc. all because they're pissed that beer isn't considered a senior drink and they actually have to pay for it.
- A man smacking your ass as you walk past, completely disrespecting you.
- Dealing with prank calls
- A woman coming in giving every single worker a hard time, saying she wants extra toppings for free, badgering the new 16 year old cook, and telling the manager she doesn't want this other particular cook making her food because, "I don't like blondes." Then proceeding to badger the 16 year old girl some more, asking her why she's afraid to speak up, to which I finally answer, "Because she's just a little overwhelmed right now." Then the woman proceeds to yell at me, telling me that I don't know what overwhelmed is, because she works at a hospital and just put a dead body away that night. And guess what? I can't defend myself and say exactly what I was thinking, which was "Bitch, don't tell me that I don't know what overwhelmed is! I've been raped, hit, dropped out of high school, done half the drugs existing on the planet, been almost kidnapped, and have been living on my own since I was 17. Don't fucking tell me that I don't know what overwhelmed is. And if you really just got done putting a dead body away, you wouldn't be here pitching a hissy fit because you have to pay $3.18 for a large pizza!" No, I can't say that. I have to apologize repeatedly for something that we never did wrong and let this woman figuratively bash my head into the wall over and over again for half an hour.
Working as a waiter is seriously mentally hard work, sometimes physically because you're running around both in the dining room and in the kitchen, and out on the floor you're dealing with customers being downright assholes to you because you took 10 seconds too long to bring them a drink, meanwhile a table of 6 is seating themselves when there is clearly a "Please wait to be seated" sign right up front, and across the dining room another table is griping that their food is undercooked, and somehow that's the waiter's fault and not the kitchen's, and a table of one there's a women bitching that she has to pay 50 cents for extra cheese, now wanting her entire meal for free because she hates being nickel and dimed.
Why don't waiters go out and get a second job? Honey, there's only so many jobs available and for every job available, 30 other people want that position. What's your job? What do you do for a living? Have you ever had to search for a job, only to be turned down at the 15 jobs you've just applied to? It's not easy to find a job, so people have to settle. Help a person out. It's not the waiter's fault that they get paid so little, they just took the job because they need to make some sort of living. And people like you bitching that it shouldn't be your job to pay them, it should be the restaurant's job, well, your voice is not going to make a difference. They aren't going to listen, it will never change. And I'm willing to bet that waiters would be even less happy working as a waiter if they got paid as much as cooks did, if they couldn't work for tips, because then they'd be getting paid even less since usually their tips equal out to be slightly over minimum wage, so they'd be getting paid even less to deal with all the stupid self-entitled bullshit 6 out of 10 customers try to pull.
Clearly you've never worked as a waiter, otherwise you'd think much differently.