That is exactly how I feel. Every morning I wake up and think about how much time I've lost, I'm tired of watching television and typing on the computer. I don't have the resources, it's not a phone call away. Well, sure I would have to look into it. I rather would then to just let it go by. I always put people before myself. I always keep myself in mind. My homestead is where I choose to be. I just don't like the enviroment around me I wish I could get out more. But there are so many snobby people in the world. I can't get peace outside of my house, people don't give a shit, thats why I don't go out or hang around. Even the local parks are garbage. Some people try to do what they can. There is not even a park ranger there anymore. He shows up every once in a while. The Town I'm from is a sess pool, partialy. It's not all that bad, they try to take care of bussiness I just don't think they are going about it in the right way. People don't know how to talk to each other. They mostly bicker and laugh and stand at a distance, because everyone wants to be the top dog. And to be the top dog you have to take the top dog out. Instead of looking at myself as such a great person, I don't feel any different. I let the people get to me, because inside that is how I feel about myself. I am always trying to grow always trying to learn and I always feel insecure. Its like I think about everything, there is nothing that hasent crossed my mind while I'm thinking, but I don't know everything there is to know. I don't understand but I know there is an understanding. A mutural concept for me is general knowledge. As you might not learn much from the street there is still things to learn from burdons you overcome. Wather it be drugs or family issues, or whatever it may be. I remember talking to every single person who has ever gave me a word of advice. Sometimes, I don't want to think. That is when I feel distracted the most. People can see that, people try to make themselves look stupid but they aint fools. They try to make themselves look smart but they ain't really what they appear to be. One things that bothers me the most is people trying to get the upper hand on others. If everybody could get along I would be better off. Even if they can get along with theirselves. They look happy, but there not satisfied deep down inside. Thats why they need the expose or the attention. It's like when your finally where your supose to be and where you feel comfertable the most. There is always someone who is uncomfertable trying to bring you down to there level. Right there waiting, but I don't there or antisipate people talking around me. I just wish there was more to do. Going out to bars, seeing a movie, everything is not fun to me. I went a six months without laughing. I cryed like a little baby. What do you expect? for people to be your friends. Shit, people don't give a shit about you. Well, it seems that way. How they look at you like they are better then you. Or because they have something you dont. Or whatever, it all rolls down to being a good person. You can have all the education in the world. If you are not a good person, your just reuining someone elses life. Or atleast trying to. well, All I can say about that is, I'm believe in civil rights. If Martian King was alive today, he would of stood up against the way people are acting towards each other. Don't tell me people are all right in the head. Or have walked the rightous path. I mean not everybody is what they appear to be. In fact, all they are is a pair a shoes hanging on a wire. Which means, you can be all these things, but if your not right with yourself, it shows. People are liars, if the truth is self evident. Let it tell a life story. I'm not afraid to tell my life story. Forget the future, the past needs to be figured out before we can move on. People are full of hate, and they try to put it on others. I dont want nothing to do with that. I hate two faced people. If you could understand the angry I have in my heart. You will understand me, and my life story. I'm not some pansy waltzing around with his head in the clouds. I have bigger dreams, and people want to put an end to that. I don't feel safe, I've been through war, trials and tibulations and still the World remains the same. People change, all they have to do is turn their shoulder and look the other way to make believe as if they ain't ever did anything wrong. I don't mind people trying to talk to me but once they start talking stupid shit, they need to stay atleast ten thousand yards from me. I just really feel I am going to get hurt or that I will have to hurt someone in defence one day, and I dont want to do that. People are threads to a needle. Willing to be pressed. Waiting for the day to come. There is no tomarrow.