This is so annoying...any other recent grads?

Education is not for a slip of paper, or a great job at the end, as many of these posts herein clearly point out. Education is for you. Every day, your brain needs to be fed, it craves new knowledge; whether you heed its call or not is up to you. the real world that is pretty much all it's really for. I pride myself on my knowledge. I like knowing about the world around me and understanding it, but knowing a lot doesn't keep me feed. I know from experience. Education and intelligence isn't a replacement for common sense, it is something to be used to enhance it. Having a meaningless slip of paper that might or might not even matter in how well I could do (and in most things probably doesn't) in a job I could get with it might, and even those jobs are getting harder to get anymore, even with "education". Plus the last time I checked education was one of the most expensive, if not most expensive, things a person has to pay for in their entire life. How about you pay for all those people that will just "feed their brain" when they are getting diminishing real use out of it. (And also lets face it most of the stuff they will teach you might not even need or could have easily picked up anyhow in the majority of non-scientific professions and most people will probably forget most of what they learned within a year anyhow.)
Education helps broaden your horizons, but there is more to life. I have spend my time to date in a classroom, and employers dont seem to like it.
Education is not for a slip of paper, or a great job at the end, as many of these posts herein clearly point out.

Fine post in all, but steady on buddy. I havent yet given up on a great career.

I agree with you entirely, esp on not finishing. That is a killer habit to get into. :dunno:

While it depends sometimes the new grades bring a new job.......

any way new grade means getting better any way ........:hatsoff:
Nah son. I was into learning for knowledge. I regret that. The bottom line is the bottom line.

I'd trade both my degrees and all my knowledge for 1 million bucks in a heart beat.
It's just the way it is. A B.A. or M.A. amounts to toilet paper. It's a big scam. The whole thing is rigged for the schools and book companies to make $$$. Learn a trade: make $35/hr (or go on welfare, have 6 babies, and live it up big time, on Uncle Sam and all the suckers who took the bate's dollar!).
I have a BA in History and an MA in International Relations.

I cant find any such job. Even department stores arent hiring now!

What kind of job did you really think you were going to get majoring in history and international relations? You should have thought about that before choosing theses road-to-nowhere majors.

How about going back and getting an education degree to teach history? That's about all a history major is good for.
Sadly, you are right.

I always enjoyed History, and Politics (hence grad school), but never thought ahead.

Stick to the sciences!
What kind of job did you really think you were going to get majoring in history and international relations? You should have thought about that before choosing theses road-to-nowhere majors.

How about going back and getting an education degree to teach history? That's about all a history major is good for.

Yeah, I'm minoring in history right now. I know, I know. But, whatever, it's pretty much free anyway with Pell Grants. :rofl:
The jobs that are disappearing may never come back. Anything in the medical field is a good idea. Philosophy, Psychology, history, english majors...........your just wasting your time & your parents $$$$$$$.
Medical, Engineering, I.T. Those are a few of the ones I have heard will be good. I say fuck it and go be an apprentice for a trade and not only will you have a decent salary, you will actually have something you can use. From what I hear, all the different contruction guys get together and build eachothers houses for dirt. My buddy's ex-foreman had them all build his house for like 5 figures and it was worth like ten times that.
People go to school to be somebody. Most of us somebody's with a degree aren't making $100K and are now saddled with student loan debt. The somebody they want us to be is a debt slave, nothing more. I learned that all by myself.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You dumb bastids, you went thru all that college, owe all that money and you havent figured it out yet? You went thru a second high school for no friggin' reason. This isnt a utopia where specialist jobs are available, this is a spiraling economy where you need ACTUAL FUCKING TALENT to land a job. I'm good with people. I know them. For better or worse I can sell ice cubes to a fucking alaskan. I can backstab anyone, friend or foe. I'd make a better corporate exec than any of the scumbags execs I serve.. but ya know what? They're coming in more and more asking **ME** if we're hiring at a little pissant store. Karma is a bitch, eh? You bought into the American dream. But ya found out oh yeah.. it doesnt FUCKING EXIST ANYMORE! If you dont have the talent, you're not going to get it from a class. Being taught how to do something isnt the same as having ability. ::shakes head:: If I had a dollar for every employer that hated you arrogant friggin' college grads who know jack shit and think a degree is experience.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
ITs really a bad time to graduate. Hopefully better times will come soon.

It hasnt been a good atmosphere for graduates for YEARS. You dont see the ads in the paper asking for this degree and that degree PLUS 2-5 years experience for no reason. There just isnt enough room for unskilled workers. A college grad is an unskilled worker. You have to actually PROVE YOURSELF on the job for employers to believe you truly have the nerve to withstand the fields you wanted to get into. Chances are.. most of those jobs are taken by people without degrees who knew how to do all that stuff without taking a course/classes.

I hate to harp on the subject, but when you have the skills.. you just have to prove it to the employer. Experience bedamned if you know WTF you're talking about. These recent grads never get the jobs they want, they have to start at square 1 like everyone else. Except they get a LATE start. 4 year IT degree? Comcast cable installer. Business major? Shift supervisor.