Republicans don't have the consent of the governed, they are a minority government that has gained power by underhanded and subversive tactics and their policies are hugely unpopular, even among their base. They're now trying to establish that they don't need consent of the governed, because they know what's good for the unwashed masses. That's why they've been obsessed with stacking the courts, why mcconnell dragged his feet and stonewalled hundreds of Obama appointees but is happy to ram through completely unqualified trump picks.
If they can't govern by legislation, and it's looking like in a few months they won't be able to, they'll try to govern through the judiciary.
Biden and Harris need to come up with a reasonable answer to the question "are you going to pack the court." I don't think it has to be a yes or a no, because after a few wildly unpopular decisions like removing reproductive rights and Obamacare they'll be able to make the case that the court is dysfunctional in that it does not represent the will of the people, and the options will be to fix it, or sit around and wait for these zealots to die of old age.