I've heard that according to the official civil unrest handbook created by the US government's own security and intelligence experts, if things go loud you can expect a minimum 6 year commitment.
It's a short headline with a long aftermath.
The United States is awash in firearms. Around 395 million, about 46% of the world's civilian held firearms. Whether or not it's what the Founders intended, it's what we have. Relatively equal footing with ones minders, excepting heavy arms. And that's what makes for such a short headline. You can be assured that the US military will never conduct street-to-street actions against its population (as if, so
Euro!). Rather, they will cordon off the affected area, irrespective of its size (looking at you, Seattle) and wait it out. Because inside that cordon is a Hell of a lot of legally owned guns and ammunition. And everyone in there looks American, see? Sweet American liberty. And that's just one of them! 😄