We need to invest in mental health in the US.
Starting at the topWe need to invest in mental health in the US.
Here's something to ponder: Why wasn't this a rout? Why didn't the Democrats sweep the House? Why didn't the Democrats gain control of the Senate? Why was it so close in PA and GA?There's probably a large part of the media who will do this, but there are also quite a few who won't forget that the battle wasn't just over political differences. trump and republicans tried very hard to subvert democracy and install a fascist government, and for quite a while it was anybody's guess as to whether they would succeed.
If you voted for trump in 2020, you support:
* Concentration camps on US soil
* Incarceration of legal asylum seekers
* Forcibly removing children (including babies) from their parents, and placing both in concentration camps, without bothering to keep track of relationships
* Knowing that Russia is offering cash to Taliban fighters to kill US soldiers and being too scared to say anything to Putin about it
* Denying and lying about a global pandemic to the point that the US becomes the worst performing country in the world in terms of controlling it, with the worst death rate
* A president who uses his position to enrich himself at the expense of US taxpayers
* An endless procession of corrupt, criminal actors being placed in very high positions within the US government
* A level of lying, incompetence and ineptitude that was a humiliation for every American on a daily basis
* The significant diminishing of America's position as a global leader, allowing countries like China to elevate their own position
* Overt racism, sexism, xenophobia, and bigotry against the gay and transsexual communities
* Massive increases to the national debt and deficit to fund tax cuts to the ultra wealthy
* Surrender or defeat in every military engagement the US was involved in, allowing foreign adversaries like Russia to increase their power and influence in countries like Iraq
I could go on, but some of you get the point already, and some of you never will. This is why brunch is still cancelled. Because apparently almost 50% of the US population is fine with all this, and that should worry everyone.
I would suggest some, not many, Republicans are trying to stage a coup. The most maniacal are those in the Trump personality group while the leadership of the group is standing around watching while the process takes place. No evidence will be found and life will move on. Then we'll really see that group playing the victim or the martyr.Yeah, it occurred to me after that I should have said that. What a big chunk of republicans are doing right now is attempting to stage a coup.
Trickle down therapy.Starting at the top
Here's something to ponder: Why wasn't this a rout? Why didn't the Democrats sweep the House? Why didn't the Democrats gain control of the Senate? Why was it so close in PA and GA?
Best description I've read is "Coup Clutz Clan."Yeah, it occurred to me after that I should have said that. What a big chunk of republicans are doing right now is attempting to stage a coup.
Great post. Progressives need a brake and conservatives need a push.I've pondered this and am nowhere near an answer. As I've said before (a lot), the dems aren't great, they're weak and wishy washy and they're shocked every time they expect republicans to act with decency and end up getting fucked no matter how many times it happens. But they're mostly not corrupt or treasonous. A plastic spork with googly eyes on it should have been able to easily beat trump and take back the senate. Biden may not be exciting or charismatic, but he's decent and to the best of my knowledge reasonably honest. But almost half of the voters stuck with trump, and that's a huge problem for the US and potentially other western democracies going forward. If plain, observable facts aren't enough to peel supporters away from him, then what else is there?
I didn't say all republicans support those things, I said anyone who voted trump in 2020 does. It's a small distinction, but it's a distinction I made for a reason. I know you're an old school repub and you want to believe that your party can be salvaged, just like the Lincoln project and others, but I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment. I haven't seen any decency from the republican party since Obama was elected.
The very fact that this election wasn't a bloodbath should be ringing all the alarms for all reasonable minded Americans, not just democrats.
As for the soul searching that the dems need to do, I have a feeling (not a certainty, and I don't really have a case built on solid evidence), that their problem is they're still basically republican lite. They're torn between being a legitimate progressive party and playing it safe and cuddling up to conservatives, and in the last 2 elections they've taken the right fork and the results speak for themselves. Like I said, people with more data and more time to think about it have obviously advised them otherwise, but I suspect if they ran on a common sense liberal agenda (things most other democracies already have, like health care and affordable education), they might not cash in immediately, but eventually they could build enough momentum to bulldoze the republican party into the history books. If there's one thing that has remained constant throughout all of human history, it's that progress never stops, by setting yourself up as a conservative, you're committing yourself to the losing side.
The Dems allow themselves to be labeled by Reps. And, too many Reps believe the label is true. "Socialism" is the one which bothers me most. Social Security and Medicare are socialist programs. America loves them. Socialism is not an evil. There - a conservative said it.
But that does not make for good TV. A schmuck like me sitting there opining about what makes sense is boring. In the late 90s I would listen to Jim Rome's sports talkfest. He would say "Have a take and don't suck."Yep, if we could just convince everyone that a lot of these ideas aren't radical left or socialist, they're just good, common sense ideas no matter which angle you're coming from.
If you could get the dodos to understand that they already have some Socialist programs and most of them love them you would have a chance. But no. Some other SOB might get something for free and that can not be allowed.Yep, if we could just convince everyone that a lot of these ideas aren't radical left or socialist, they're just good, common sense ideas no matter which angle you're coming from.
A Koch brother awakens at 85 and realizes he fucked up?
or is it just pandering?
This was debated during impeachment. IIRC it's theoretically possible, but no pres had the balls to actually try it.
Think about it.