The Pusification of America


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
No, I'm kind of seeing it too. The whining and such. Smallest Storm and it's a state of emergency now. Oh no, there's a Storm, and everyone forgets how to drive. Or some snow and they close the roads. Guns are bad, yeah, well so are cigarettes, cars, booze, steak knives and pencils.
I see a related thread: Is Socialism (read as: ...fication) coming to .... a City near you :eek:
Oh well, it's "Ray Ray" from an HBO miniseries! I guess that answers everything. America is pussified and we all (at least us MEN) should be engaging in more combat (even in Der Homeland? What are we after then, a civil war?), and working to "defile civilization". We can - and must - stop "pussification" by starting more wars and defiling civilization. Sounds like a hell of a plan. And who could've guessed that an HBO show could've solved our pussification problem??

I don't think johnnystyro was being serious.
At least I sure hope he wasn't.


Hiliary 2020
i see the pussification in terms of the american male and what he has become in the culture.
before men were basically in charge.
they were men, they had a role and they filled it.

today in every aspect of culture: tv, movies, commercials almost always the men are portrayed as some childlike idiot (at least white men) who cant even think for himself.
While the women are portrayed as the all knowing grand high exhualted pooba's who without them the men would be helpless.
this attitude rolls over into the real world, in families and at work.

I've worked in places where all the bosses are women,
And every time they treated the male workers in ways that a man would never get away with.
In dating, who has the control these days, the power?
They decidewhats what.
take for example all these shows were 20 idiots kiss the ass of some skank with a shit attitude just for a date, and the possibility of sex.
Dear Frederick,
Thank you for your nice letter, but I am actually a US Marine, who was born to kill. Whereas clearly, you have mistake me for some sort of wine sipping, communist dick suck. And although peace probably appeals to tree loving bisexuals, like you and your parents, I happen to be a death-dealing, blood-crazed warrior, who wakes up every day just hoping for the chance to dismember my enemies, and defile their civilization. Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddie. War is the mother fucking answer. But thanks for writing anyway.

Your pal,


I thought the communists were the bad assess of the second world war. They turned things round at Stalingrad and then they raped anything under 90 all the way back to Berlin. Those pussy old allies only made do with a cuddle and a garland of flowers. Pussies. Good to know that we have improved since then.
You know what I don't like? The fact that all the Saturday morning children shows on the national networks are mostly non-violent. I have to say it's made them all suck and not worth watching.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
I thought the communists were the bad assess of the second world war. They turned things round at Stalingrad and then they raped anything under 90 all the way back to Berlin. Those pussy old allies only made do with a cuddle and a garland of flowers. Pussies. Good to know that we have improved since then.

WWII Casualties (KIA/MIA Military only. All figures approximate):
Soviet Union: 10,700,000
Germany: 5,533,000
China: 3,800,000
Japan: 2,120,000
Portuguese Timor: 500,000
Yugoslavia: 446,000
USA: 416,800

The Soviet Union definitely got the "Badass Trophy" with 13.71% of its total population listed as casualties. The Germans who were going to surrender in the last month definitely made sure they went West to do so. The Western front was about occupation, the Eastern front was all about hatred.
i see the pussification in terms of the american male and what he has become in the culture.
before men were basically in charge.
they were men, they had a role and they filled it.

today in every aspect of culture: tv, movies, commercials almost always the men are portrayed as some childlike idiot (at least white men) who cant even think for himself.
While the women are portrayed as the all knowing grand high exhualted pooba's who without them the men would be helpless.
this attitude rolls over into the real world, in families and at work.

I've worked in places where all the bosses are women,
And every time they treated the male workers in ways that a man would never get away with.
In dating, who has the control these days, the power?
They decidewhats what.
take for example all these shows were 20 idiots kiss the ass of some skank with a shit attitude just for a date, and the possibility of sex.

Metrosexuality: i.e., metrosexuals.
My basic response to this thread is that all of the "bellyachin'" is a result of America being taken over and *run* by large corporations. The decline of "the Father" can be exemplified in the card store or the grocery store if anyone bothers to buy their dad a Father's Day card (an act that the anti-pussyfiers would find repulsive, I assume, because "real men" don't buy cards no matter the occasion but bear with me and look at the cards). I went to buy my dad a Father's Day card a few days ago and 99% of the cards had either: a lame fart joke, a cartoony dad sleeping, watching TV, hoarding tools but never fixing anything). What happened to the cards where Dads fished, BBQ'd, played golf, coached sports, etc.? The *corporate* image of the American Dad, as presented by the card companies, is that of a fat, bald, farting loser, basically.:dunno:

If the card companies are correct, who would YOU want running the Nation and the Household--a fat, dumbshit who farts and can't do anything or a "Mommy" who seems to be able to do everything:dunno: Give me Mommy!

Some direct responses..

I still live for yesterday !
This might be the GOP's tagline for the 2010 elections...

We treat our children like angels, yet, we allow them to live like devils.

gays in the military :mad:

bad idea ! horrible idea !
the military is no place for social architecture.
Gays have been a part of the military since the Peloponnesian War. I'm sure more than one of the Founding Fathers were closet gays. You need to get over your homophobia. If, for nothing else, you need the votes and campaign money from the Log Cabin Republicans.

This ongoing "wussification of amerika" has a lot to do with our governments' desire to squelch u.s.
The Democratic party in particular seems to always have something in their craw about the restriction of expression, particularly when that expression offends the anomalies of society.
Can you give me a concrete example of "restricting expression"? Why are we supposed to care about the "anomalies of society" anyway? I thought some wackoes think there SHOULD be Winners and Losers in every facet of America? Is an "anomaly" closer to a winner or a loser?

Hand sanitizers and obsession with germs....Your thoughts?

ABSOLUTELY NEEDED! Have you noticed the HIGH PROPORTION OF MEN who use a public restroom and DON'T WASH THEIR HANDS afterward? I peg the percentage at roughly 90%.

Gov't is needed to protect us from the destructive behavior of the American Global Corporation. If "the old regulations" were in place, there wouldn't have been a Housing Meltdown.

Americans believe "cheap Chinese shit" is better than High Quality shit, like metal Tonka trucks, because most Americans can afford the cheap shit whenever they want it but they can't afford the High Quality shit and they have no patience to wait for it until they can afford it.

Conservatives in this thread who are bellyachin' for the old Dodge Ball days brought it on themselves when they decided that eliminating art, music and PE by withholding money from schools were good things...
WWII Casualties (KIA/MIA Military only. All figures approximate):
Soviet Union: 10,700,000
Germany: 5,533,000
China: 3,800,000
Japan: 2,120,000
Portuguese Timor: 500,000
Yugoslavia: 446,000
USA: 416,800

The Soviet Union definitely got the "Badass Trophy" with 13.71% of its total population listed as casualties. The Germans who were going to surrender in the last month definitely made sure they went West to do so. The Western front was about occupation, the Eastern front was all about hatred.

Isn't the goal in a war to keep as many of your people alive as possible while eliminating as many of the enemy as possible or to at least get them to stop? I can't really find such a loss of life as either a sign of "badassness" or of military prowess. It's hard to find much positive about it at all.


√ Count The denial of "wussification" by liberal pseudo intellects as being cause in itself :D

everybody got that logged ? :p :big grin:
:Still waiting for a concrete example of Liberals "restricting expression" of "anomalies":

If Liberals have pseudo intellects, are conservatives non-intellects or undeveloped intellects?
...ification: and our Military Industrial Complex???