The Problem With Iraq

Yeah we heard enough of Iraq of that big matzo ball hanging over Texas Ranger Prez Bush. But is not enough until that senseless war stop (you may ask yourself what war makes sense?), it just that this one just stand out as one of possibly the worst diplomacy mistake made by the U.S. and its not enough when soldiers, Iraqi civilians (who don't want to choose sides and are just trying to live in their country) die everyday, so much blood spilled over the beliefs of Mr Texas Ranger aka "Mission Acomplished" circa May 2003 I remeber saying to my comrades in arms when were in Iraq why is he saying that?, this is far from over. I always saw this as a personal vendetta against Sadam, this nothing more than an old western feud between Bush Jr and Sadam and his vicious crazy ass sons ( its so ironic because they were ok during the Iran vs Iraq war and even when they gassed the Kurds in 1988). So we went there uncovered the lid that was holding all that racial ethnic pressure that was buidling up for 35 years of a burtal regime that the U.S. backed up. Once all that shit hit the fan we want everyone to shake hands and love each other and become a democatic society. Our standards set for them are way to high, its never going to happen like that and we are going to be a permant police force in there. Guess what, just like the foreign object that we are the Iraqis are going to react negatively torward us, they are going to fight the infection that we are in their country and we are going to keep calling them insurgents and "terrorist", and they don't have rules of engagement while we have to submit paperwork evrrytime we have to shoot. When are the Washington big wigs see the bigger picture the violence is not going to stop over there, shit if that was the case why don't we send the army to parts of the U.S. that are plagged with gang activities or why does a U.S. colony like the Puerto Rico have to have National Guard deployed out on the streets by the project and fighting positions holed up. Thats a like a bad relationship that you don't know how to get yourself out of it. Iraq might have to go thorugh their own civil war just like we did and other countries have done, instead of a police force we need to switch into an allied to protect that young democracy from places like Iran, Syria and even the Saudis. We are responsible for destabilizing that country so now we need to be responsible for bringing so sort of stability by support. Those neocons should have thought about this before they decided to make the case of WMDs! Please feel free to say how you think this big mess can be fix, because Bush and Congress don't have a clue


Is somewhere outhere.
Well if those guys didn't know it was going to be like N.Ireland after the first Gulf war - then they must be more stupid than I thought they were.

But other than Bush Jr wanting to thump Saddam and his sons.I think he was also in there to get the black gold.So I think the sectarianist thing wasn't a factor to them before they went in there all guns blazing.

But it's all too late for that now.Iraq is in a much worse state than it was before & it will take a hell of a lot of sorting to get it back to normal.I just hope they don't leave like a pile of shit before they find someone else to pick on,like they did with Afganistan.
Well if those guys didn't know it was going to be like N.Ireland after the first Gulf war - then they must be more stupid than I thought they were.

But other than Bush Jr wanting to thump Saddam and his sons.I think he was also in there to get the black gold.So I think the sectarianist thing wasn't a factor to them before they went in there all guns blazing.

But it's all too late for that now.Iraq is in a much worse state than it was before & it will take a hell of a lot of sorting to get it back to normal.I just hope they don't leave like a pile of shit before they find someone else to pick on,like they did with Afganistan.

Like North Korea..not while big brother China protects them or perharps Iran? now that one is more feasible, have you seen how lately they try to put everything negative about Iran, about how bad they are on womens rights, about their nuclear capability, it sounds like they are building a case or demonizing Iran. The sure thing is that neocons want globalization and that "black gold" that you refer too must be globalize no matter the cost...yes a classic case of blood for oil.


Is somewhere outhere.
Like North Korea..not while big brother China protects them or perharps Iran? now that one is more feasible, have you seen how lately they try to put everything negative about Iran, about how bad they are on womens rights, about their nuclear capability, it sounds like they are building a case or demonizing Iran. The sure thing is that neocons want globalization and that "black gold" that you refer too must be globalize no matter the cost...yes a classic case of blood for oil.

Yeah.I think Iran will be next on the agenda.I thought when those British sailors got captured that was going to be the start of it.Lucklly I was in America then,so if a war had've kicked off.I would have scarpered off to Mexico.

I think as Bush is still in power things aren't going to get much better.I think it could be a case of voting him out.But that will be for the American people to decide,while us others watch and hope.As far as China's concerned I don't think getting into a tangle with them would be a good idea,as they have one of the fastest growing economys.But it is a tricky one and a hard one to call :dunno:


what the fuck you lookin at?
There are lots of things wrong with Iraq:rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
I agree with much of what you said,and disagree with some also.
I am very glad to read your very last sentance: "because Bush and Congress don't have a clue". Thats right, Neither Bush or Congress or any Senator have proposed anything to realistically acheive the original goal of the President or a realistic means of withdrawel. Some Leaders we've got.


Is somewhere outhere.
"The problem with Iraq is that it is full of Iraqis"

I don't think that's the case.I think Iraq need to be split into different areas one for the Sunni's and one for the Shia's.But because they are everywhere it's difficult to segregate.Just like N.Ireland and Israel where they have shared lands.
I don't think dividing them is going to solve evrything and besides it would be worse for them since Iran would like nothing better than to add Iraq to their territory. But what could get in between them uniting...ah let me see...religion! But seriously we do need to let them figure it out.
As long as your country is ruled by the military industrial-complex - and not the people (like it should be, according to your beloved Constitution), the United States will go to war every 10 to 15 years to deploy the huge weapons armory, so that the old weapons can be replaced with new ones. Iraq is just like Vietnam, the companies will drag out the occupation as long as they can since they make tons of money out of it - and just like with Vietnam, only the people can stop them.
Sadly, the anti-war movement in the States is far from what it was around 1970, thus the public pressure on the politician-puppets in the administration isn't yet big enough to cut the odds and leave.


Is somewhere outhere.
As long as your country is ruled by the military industrial-complex - and not the people (like it should be, according to your beloved Constitution), the United States will go to war every 10 to 15 years to deploy the huge weapons armory, so that the old weapons can be replaced with new ones. Iraq is just like Vietnam, the companies will drag out the occupation as long as they can since they make tons of money out of it - and just like with Vietnam, only the people can stop them.
Sadly, the anti-war movement in the States is far from what it was around 1970, thus the public pressure on the politician-puppets in the administration isn't yet big enough to cut the odds and leave.

Does that mean we need to build the Terminator to stop this happening every 15 years :dunno:


I don't think that's the case.I think Iraq need to be split into different areas one for the Sunni's and one for the Shia's.But because they are everywhere it's difficult to segregate.Just like N.Ireland and Israel where they have shared lands.

I agree.

Split it up.

The Kurds already have their own military and separate budget, so they are practically on their own. If Turkey would let them, I assume they would already be a separate country.

The Shia and the Sunni would be more problematic. Just split oil sales on a per capita basis for 30 years and split them up too.
There would - I assume - be border skirmishes between the areas for awhile. But I would think they would be far preferable to what's going on now.

And as a huge bonus, the Coalition forces would stop getting killed and spending tens of billions of dollars.

Iraq as a country - IMO - has ceased to exist.
Why don’t we just give Iraq to the Palestinians as their Homeland?

So where should we put the Iraquis?

Yeah IraQ should be split up. That's the way it's gonna end anyway, but maybe it could be done without a civil war...

I know I'm a Dreamer.
I don't think that's the case.I think Iraq need to be split into different areas one for the Sunni's and one for the Shia's.But because they are everywhere it's difficult to segregate.Just like N.Ireland and Israel where they have shared lands.

In the end, that is what most likely is gonna happen. All they have to do is a minature version of the United States.

They can have 3 large states for the sunni's,shia, and kurds. Each state will be set up like our states. The 3 states will have senators and representatives that will represent them in the Federal branch of the Iraqi Govt.

No need for walls or fences. They can make smaller states when they split up the areas where the oil is located to give everybody their fair share of revenue.

The shit aint rocket science. It's obvious they cannot live together under one central govt unless it is under dictatorship rule like Saddam or Iran.

There is truth that Bush and his administration had plans on taking out Saddam once he entered office. He used 9/11 to justify the invasion. All the people involved in the War planning of Iraq were the same people involved with Bush senior during Desert Storm.

Pres Bush Senior, after leaving office said his biggest regret was leaving office with Saddam in power. The reason he did not invade Iraq was because leaders in the Mid-East advise him not too for the reasons that are happening today. Everybody in the region hated Saddam....but they knew he was the universal "nut" holding that country together.

Pres Bush Jr. wanted to go in and finish up what his father couldnt finish without looking at the consequences. He will go go to his grave secretly regretting his mistake for the invasion. He will never admit he was wrong.

Why don't they just do what should have been done in the first place. Give Iraq to the Iraqis and let them sort out there own country. As that's what it is, there country.
If tomorrow the Iraqi Goverment would be fed up with Washington politics and say to the U.S. Goverment 'leave Iraq to the Iraqis as we should step up and take care of our own, so the Coalition forces should start leaving our lands as soon as possible". Do you all really think the U.S. would comply with such request?

Also if Bush is so concerned that Iraq is the main ground for battle on the "War on Terror", why didn't he helped the Russians who have ben having their own supposedly war on terror in some of their former soviet republics. I think he turned Iraq into some sick version of a holy land for some of these lunatics that just love to blow themselves up for the sake of becoming a martyr.

And yeah I did forget to mention the Turkish as they too play an important role in the division of Iraq. (By the way isn't Iraq a creation of the then British Empire?)