Do administrators actually get paid? Like, money?
This thread has taken an ugly turn.
Roald's not a TOTAL asshole.
Anders sucks cock like a champion.
Petra gets a good dollar for her body.
Regina has learned the benefits of showering daily.
How's that?
Do administrators actually get paid? Like, money?
No. It's part of the community service they have to do, according to their parole officer.
I miss GregCentauro. Bring him back. I know it's been done at least twice. :2 cents:
I miss GregCentauro. Bring him back. I know it's been done at least twice. :2 cents:
Were you born in a barn?
Does saying something nice count if it's said out of fear?
Oh come on now Petra, your not that old... You're getting there but so far I'd only call you borderline ancient.
A. You're not so far from me that I can't walk over and tear your balls off.
B. I know where you live.
C. I will lock you up in a small room with your girlfriend, 3 other people and the Descent board for an entire MONTH.
[B][URL=" said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 6164582, member: 114093"]the Descent board
A. Sounds mildly entertaining since I havent reattached them since the last time you ripped them off, so feel free to shake my ball-jar around.
B. I know where I live too, I also know where your mailbox lives and what your phone is called.
C. I yield!!!
I shall not call you old again! I promise!!!
Unless of course you provide me with unlimited amounts of alcohol... but I highly doubt it so....
Forgive me!!!
[B][URL=" said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 6164615, member: 114093"]100% alcohol free.
Sounds like the official moddo. Get it? Moddo? I combined two words while also sneaking a clever insult in at the same time. :clap:I can't think of anything.