The official Ron Swanson fan thread.

I entirely believe that they do - That's part of why he has such a limited presence on the show. They don't want fans to burn out on the guy.

I hope they are that smart man, cause I would so be disappointed if they burned his character out. He is the first true man represented on tv in a long time. I am so sick of the men being portrayed as bumbling idiots. Yes we can be dumb some times but for crap sakes not all the time.
I hope they are that smart man, cause I would so be disappointed if they burned his character out. He is the first true man represented on tv in a long time. I am so sick of the men being portrayed as bumbling idiots. Yes we can be dumb some times but for crap sakes not all the time.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
We need a Ron Swanson emoticon.


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