A certain Trumptard can't resist posting on, "my" threads, after whining and complaining about others posting on, "his" threads.
It didn’t do any good to complain about it so I thought I would give you some business. And of course the latest developments in the Flynn matter warranted a bump of your thread about him. You can cut the butthurt with a knife.
Trump Ruins Spoiled Reporters’ Holidays by Nixing WH Christmas Party They Love So Much
thank you, President Trump, we love you and are praying for you.
Haha, pray all you want, it's not going to save your 2-bit con artist president from Mueller! Might wanna wipe your face, there's cheeto dust all over it.
Haha, pray all you want, it's not going to save your 2-bit con artist president from Mueller! Might wanna wipe your face, there's cheeto dust all over it.
Mueller’s report is not going to produce anything that will result in removing our great president from office.
Never said he was going to be removed. Don't think he's going to be removed. Don't want him removed.
I want the USA to feel the full effects of their self inflicted disaster. I would have loved 8 full years of this shitshow. I would have loved for him to still be sitting in the office when the disaster of his massive deficit spending sends the country into another recession. Many of the seeds of failure that trump's republican party are planting now won't bear their fruit for a while, and unfortunately, when they do, you'll probably have a democrat president to blame it all on.
But Mueller is absolutely going to expose every dirty secret this lying piece of shit has, and I'm sure there are plenty. I don't think Mueller's findings are going to be the conclusion of anything. On the contrary, that will be where the real work begins, because you're all so wrapped up in your little invented universe with it's invented facts that you and the rest of the trumpa loompas won't give a shit what's in the report, so even if the sane people want to take their country back from you lunatics they're going to have to do it by force.
thank you, President Trump, we love you and are praying for you.
'Santa' Obama pays visit and gives out gifts at DC children's hospital
What a world class phony. Everybody knows Santa is white. And that Obama doesn't believe in Christmas.