The Official Obamacare Poll

Big brother is watching you.........make the right choice.

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 56.3%
  • No

    Votes: 28 35.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 7 8.8%

  • Total voters

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals panel struck down the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul Friday, moving the argument over whether Americans can be required to buy health insurance a step closer to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded Congress overstepped its authority when lawmakers passed the so-called individual mandate, the first such decision by a federal appeals court. It's a stinging blow to Obama's signature legislative achievement, as most experts agree the requirement that Americans carry health insurance — or face tax penalties — is the foundation for other parts of the law.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Something that continues to baffle me is that the Republican god, Ronald Reagan, signed an unfunded federal health care mandate into law about 25 years ago - and I've heard not one word from the tighty righties about repealing this onerous law. This mandate forces ANY U.S. medical care facility, which has an emergency room on campus, to treat anyone and everyone without question. Whether the person is an illegal alien, has no money, no insurance, is a known criminal, etc., does not matter. No one can be turned away. Reagan's law is a primary root cause of more than a few hospitals failing over the past dozen years or so. People without money or insurance have been using ER's as primary care facilities, and because they cannot pay, hospitals have been sinking at an alarming rate.

IMO, you either have to require people to have insurance or you have to remove the mandate that hospitals must treat people without regard to their ability to pay. One or the other. If I owned a restaurant, even if a starving person is laying outside my door, you can't force me to feed them, can you? No! So why do the (socialist) conservatives believe they have a right to force me to treat people who have no money or insurance???

I have a rather simple solution to this, that I've mentioned several times since 2009: those who want to participate in "Obamacare" would be free to do so. Those who are worried that the gubment is uh tryin' to take they freedums, they would not be required to have private or public insurance. But since the option to have insurance would be there, I would repeal Reagan's Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, so that hospitals could be more certain they'd get paid for services rendered. Basically, you'd be rolling the dice if you got sick and didn't have money or insurance. No longer would the rest of us be forced to pay for your poor decisions or just plain bad luck. Additionally, you could only enroll in the public option (or whatever they're calling it today) every 5-7 years. If you chose to roll the dice, unless you got sick in a year that you were eligible to enroll, you'd just be out of luck. Maybe a charity would help you out... or maybe you'd just die. And after all, isn't that how it should be for people who roll the dice? What fun is it to roll the dice unless there is a price to be paid for crapping out? :)


Nº !

Particularly after finding that the president has included funding for his brown shirt army in the bill :

HC includes Reserve Corps

I know . . I know, rest assured . . . everything is going to be OK, just let obama employ anything and everything he wants and then if you don't like it . . . ha ! you're shit up a creek !

I don't know how you guys interpreted this, but, let's not get ahead of ourselves, what in the hell is this doing in our health care reform bill ? :spin: that's how ! :flame:

So now you are copy pasting bullshit from free-republic now? Really? :rofl2::rofl2:

Try some facts to subside your phony outrage.:drama:

Personal Full Medical Coverage
02 / 01 / 03 - $132.00 2 months coverage
02 / 01 / 04 - $184.00 2 months coverage
06 / 01 / 05 - $300.00 2 months coverage
Up up up up up and now it's become unaffordable.

Would anybody care to explain precisely what had caused this spike in health care costs ? I'll reserve my analysis for later . . maybe.

Why don't you like the free market? In case you are interested in the reasons, here is a good start.

And here is how the anticipation of Obamacare drove up healthcare costs. :sarcasm:

How is it a government takeover of health care or socialized medicine as some say? Giving people incentives to buy private health insurance? That's a government takeover. It's funny how the plan they want to repeal is the same plan that was originally proposed by Republicans


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
*enters thread*

*laughs at americans failing to provide basic care for themselves and being divided over the subject*

*turns around and sees the fracas over the same issue developing in my current home country*


*leaves thread*
Might I add a "hell fucking" to the front of my "no" response. If you're poor and unable to support yourself, then I suppose this bill appeals to you. Enjoy mooching off my tax dollars. :hatsoff:

Get a job, Mr. Lebowski!

Stop getting your info and opinions from FOX news fool.
You a Wal Mart greeter tough guy???


Forcing people to buy something from a private company is unconstitutional, so I'm against the mandate, just like I was when the republicans fought for it in the 90's.
That's right. The ideology of reactionary movements changes with the views of the opponent.
The rest of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is great, btw.
Stop getting your info and opinions from FOX news fool.
You a Wal Mart greeter tough guy???

Well said. People complain about "Obamacare" and they don't even know what it consists of. It's not an actual healthcare plan as like Medicare, you won't be signing up for Obamacare. Obamacare or as it is correctly called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is simply a set of reforms to the health care industry.
The Republicans once again didn't want to have constructive input. They just wanted to stomp their feet and stick out their lip and talk trash when the dust cleared. Great way to run a country.


Was the current healthcare system screwed up? Yeah.

Exactly. It doesn't have to be though. See, Americans elect representatives to get together and work out ways to make things, well, not screwed up. They have a big thing every couple of years, I'm surprised you didn't notice. People have campaigns and stuff, there's speeches, it's all really over the top.

Did we need the federal government to swoop in and save us? I don't think so.

Well see, the group I mentioned above? The group we elect? See, that's sorta why we elect them, right? The different parts of the federal government make and maintain the laws that either allow things to stay screwed up or fix them across the country. We pay them to do that. They might as well get to it right?
Free Health Care? LMFAO! Who's going to pay for it?

Anytime the government gets their slimy hands on something, it always turns into a huge fucking turd that never sees a profit. Just more taxation on the people to keep it running. Since when is ANYTHING free? Do any of you work for free? Does your auto mechanic fix your car for FREE? Are the employees at the grocery store where you BUY your food, working there for free?

What's next? "Free" cars? The people building the cars are going to work all day for free?

Fuck Obama and his socialist programs.