I often get a chuckle out of people when they say they're a "conservative", but then when you ask them what type of conservative they are, they give you a sort of blank stare. I'm a curious sort of person. So when someone wants to label themselves (or others), I wonder whether they mean they're social conservatives, fiscal conservatives... or both.
Personally, I don't think it passes the giggle test to call yourself a "fiscal conservative" if you were in favor of dumping borrowed Chinese money into a place like Iraq (around a trillion dollars now, I believe) over bascially nothing. And if you make your money by fucking for money or showing your goodies on the internet, you'd have a harder time than I would of being accepted into the Thomas Road Baptist Church. Kinda throws that "social conservative" label out the wondow too, huh? Kind of like my lil pal Will E Worm... you're on a porn board, dude! How are you supposed to be a Man of The Word if you're hanging out here with us pervs?! Come on now! :nono:
It's like that holy roller guy that I used to work with. He'd go on & on about how he was opposed to homosexuality. But his collection of carpet munching teen babes was a helluva lot bigger than mine.
Not all of the time, but much of the time, I believe people reach for labels just because they think it sounds cool. :dunno:
Over the course of my life I've probably voted for more Republicans than I have Democrats. But after 1992, I knew that I'd probably never again identify myself as a member of ANY major party. I've owned my own business since I was in my early 20's and I know what it's like to have to meet a payroll and to deal with unexpected expenses. But I also know what it's like to get dicked over by a big bank... just because they played by a different set of rules than I had to. And I know what it's like to see most of the manufacturing businesses in my local area heading off to Mexico and Asia... just because a bunch of Democrats and the majority of Republicans in the 90's time sold out the American people on some sham free (unfair) trade agreements. Through my father, I knew Chuck Robb and I liked him. At one time I had a lot of respect for him. He was a (fiscally) conservative Democrat, who could have been President if he'd played his cards right... stayed away from cocaine and whores. Whereas I've never had any use for Diane Feinstein. But Chuck voted for NAFTA and Diane voted against it. On that issue, I'd be in Di's camp. If that makes me an uber liberal, then so be it. I'd rather be called a liberal, who was right, than be called a conservative, who was wrong.
Like I said in another thread, I do have some concerns about this legislation. But if the GOPers want to run on a platform of repeal, and that means that insurance companies can go back to dicking people over on rates, shitting on anyone who has a pre-existing condition and dropping someone at the very time that they need coverage... then fuck the GOP and the three legged horse they rode in on. :thefinger