Evidently though, all five of your members are resilient and post here anyway.
I Personally Don't Need My Post Count to Go Up when Talking with Friends...It Doesn't Matter to Me...As For People or Members Not "Counting"...It's a Message Board I'm Not gonna Be offended if someone Says I Don't "Count" I'm Always respectful or at least Try to Be Respectful to Everyone But it Amazes me When People come on Threads and Insult Others Like We're in a 4th Grade Lunchroom or Something Give Me a Break!!
This Isn't Directed at You eddyb just Kind of Goes along With Your Comment...Hope Everyone is Doing Well
Hi Guys,
I am one of the Arnold Classic Babes for 2010!
Check it out in Planet Muscle Mag. (March-April 2010 Issue)!
Hey Guys!
I am doing a special Live Webcast Tonight at 9:50 pm eastern
It is for you my fellow Freeones friends as well as my twitter followers!
are you guys ready for the live webcast?
It's gonna start a little early as I am meeting Rachel Aziani for dinner and it's a 45 minute drive! So expect the show to begin at 9:50 instead of 10.
I hope to see you all there...here is the link if you'd like to login and chat amonst each other...will it be strange to chat in real time rather than posts?
click here to enter the exclusive chatroom!
see you in 30 minutes!!!!!
where is antonio???
so weird without him around
Hey mobsters...BRAND new shot from a shoot last week...just a sample of LOTS of hot stuff to come!! xoxo Christine
Hey mobsters...BRAND new shot from a shoot last week...just a sample of LOTS of hot stuff to come!! xoxo Christine
Hey mobsters...BRAND new shot from a shoot last week...just a sample of LOTS of hot stuff to come!! xoxo Christine
It's all gone very quiet here, and Antonio has gone MIA. Has another family claimed him?