Now lets get real.
Got it??
Maybe a post off topic here and there,maybe a not so funny joke ,but nothing bad enough to cause those attcks on us!!
If you pay atention.We are being attacked cause we´re good...cause from a pathetic idea came the pathetic mob,Stars are joining us ..liking the interaction,etc..and that caused a lot of envy!
People bother to come to our thread to attack us.hell .if those people had a thread and i didn´t like them i wouldn´t even go there to take a dump.!!!or pass waters..for all it matters!!
The attacks on us give us more power and importance.If you don´t matter,nobody is gonna waste a second attacking or writing about you:
So We do matter!!
And None of you::NoNE believe in that shit.."The pathetic mob killed the thread"
Its Bullshit!!
We keep it alive and kicking.
The stars just post less cause they go out of the contest or start to think they have no chance!And some like sunny leone never posted (Sunny I am still mad at ya)lol
Some people with reasonable minds that are no members go there express their ideas and its ok.Some ..just a few brainless attack us cause as strange as it seems we are important to them.
They probably have nightmares with us!
When I do somthing wrong I appologize,but i´ve done nothing wrong!
Oh and that brett Michaels quote i putted on the thread was too easy and sweet if you ask me!
In fact one of them sent me a pm saying i seemed to be intellegent and was a shame to ba associated with such a pathetic group.
hell I am Proud of being associated with all you mobsters!
They think we are going to stand apart and end this??FUck ,NO!!!
Now all you in the mob
Stand United
Stand Proud
Moove your butts and fingers recruiting Stars and members with good taste!
cause gentlemen and mob-babes..this is just the Beggining!!!
P:S: Now on a lighter note our mate flying wallaby have seen nikki visser that mobster knows what its like to behold a Godess....