[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 10773992, member: 114093"]
Under "Postings"
Only 15 of my 1,363 posts appear.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 10773992, member: 114093"]
I hate when that happens to me.
If it ain`t broke don`t fix it the saying goes.
This new style it`s absolutely horrible !
I`ve seen this path taken like 1 year ago with a different forum and they lost easily 80% of their traffic.
I think we need the possibility to select the old version too here
Hate to burst your bubble but we had a HUGE increase in traffic to the board since switching over the software. It helps that this software is lightening fast compared to the old board.
If you'd like to pay the hosting costs for maintaining the old board, I'm sure I can arrange something.
Under "Postings"
Only 15 of my 1,363 posts appear.
Are we able to send private messages to other members?
Hello, it's me, The Whiner. Just wanted first to say I am getting used to the board as it is now and am beginning to enjoy it excepting the things I whined about earlier some of which have been fixed.(Thank you for that). Second is just a reminder that at least for the Elderly(Me) the light blue on the threads is very hard to read. Anything to darken it or even go with a bolder color would be appreciated. Lastly some of the other boards(non Porn) that I visit allow posters to not only edit into infinity but also delete their whole post if they desire. Any thought about doing that here? It would be very helpful when you realize that the post two steps above you is the same set of pics as the one you just posted. I used to go back a couple of pages to see if the post I am planning to do has already be put up. Now with often not being able to tell if color changes have occured that seems pointless. Just a suggestion as I know I am certainly tired of editing to show Oops, Double post or banned site or whatever. And, And maybe a way to show that a site is banned just after pasting instead of just after posting to avoid this issue?
That is enough whining for tonight, stay well all.
Ok, I lied. Searches can still be problematic. Kay J comes up no results and checking my watched threads here she is:
Everyone should be able to see the latest 500 posts (unfortunately, anything above this drastically impacts performance of the search functionality since "view posts of a user" is now counted in the search.
I have absolutely no bloody idea why yours doesn't work because everyone else I click on does. I might try rebuilding everything again this weekend while the USA is in bed to see if that helps.
Petra - I noticed the conversation button, but wasn't sure if it was the public or private version. Thank you for clarifying. I was also able to mark a thread solved. Gratis.
I've had a problem with posts sequencing out of date order. It looks like a post duplicated a post # instead of taking the next post # available.
View attachment 764423
Any suggestions for a fix?
Also, any update on searching within a thread?
Quite a few important features are either missing or I can't find them. This will probably not be my first post in this thread.
Most importantly, the ability to search a thread is a necessity. Primarily, it helps me avoid duplicate replies. I search to see if a link (or similar from the same creator), question, or statement has already been posted.
Secondarily, it helps me find an answer quick. Most commonly, I will type "anal" into the search to see if a babe has filmed anal or has discussed filming anal. This is especially true if I come to know a babe late and the thread already has multiple pages.
I cant find my porn fast enough!
Granted, this is a relevant problem.. lol
But, eh.. I'm laughing at the issues.![]()
And now on a different note, recently while doing the Freeones web site search I have been directed to a site that bills itself as the new preview Freeones main page. Very different from the current one. Any comment on this? Preview announcement?
There is one thing I do really miss, beside that I can't personlize my profile page with a background anymore 😭, and that is that it is not possible anymore to give a short priavte message at someones post. Like you could do with giving a rep. Not the meant for "the whole world" to see, just a moment of recogniztion of something. Regarding a pic, an opinion, or whatever. A short adding to whatever someone posted. Something personal. is that coming back?