The 'Name the Prick' Thread

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Albeit some of you have a very strong and healthy animosity for M.Moore and conclude he is a prick that maybe to a certain extent and its definitely directed @ a particular bunch!! THE ELEPHANT PARTY!!

I doubt you or I really know his true demeanor or personality traits, you just know that he attacks the right wing elephants with no mercy just like they inflict pain and suffering to the left without any hesitation or without any attempt to hide it do they?

well I can say without a doubt the only thing M.Moore meant about gustov was it happened to make landfall the same day as the RNC not to condone or glorify the distruction of a natural disaster upon a city thats had a recent catostrophic disaster, which the bush administration totaly failed the people of new orleans BTW when KATRINA, during, and after KATRINA devastated New 0rleans, and a great portion of lousianna, but thats old news and everybody knows about it and is quite aware of it!!

That being said moore does not wish, glorify or condone destruction or disaster, on any city or region despite what any of you think or say!! thats just an excuse for you all to deflect the truths he speaks about the right wing elephants society!! yes GWB AND HIS ELEPHANT CRONIES!! they are all a bunch of dispicable pricks that KEEP US (POOR DEMORCRATS) SUFFERING, PUNISHED, SUPRESSED, DEMORALIZED, AND DESPERATE!! and M.MOORE is one of the people that has a voice people do listen to!! so MM is a prick to the REPUBLICAN PARTY!! cuz he points out there FLAWS, FAILURES, AND THERE ENTIRE M.O.!! :bowdown::hatsoff:
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Here is the "open letter to god" from Moore.Read it for yourself and decide if he can be faulted for what he says and does in regards to the hurricaines.

"An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore
Sunday, August 31st, 2008
Dear God,
The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be cancelled.
I see that You have answered Rev. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.
Now, heavenly Father, we all know You have a great sense of humor and impeccable timing. To send a hurricane on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster AND right at the beginning of the Republican Convention was, at first blush, a stroke of divine irony. I don't blame You, I know You're angry that the Republicans tried to blame YOU for Katrina by calling it an "Act of God" -- when the truth was that the hurricane itself caused few casualties in New Orleans. Over a thousand people died because of the mistakes and neglect caused by humans, not You.
Some of us tried to help after Katrina hit, while Bush ate cake with McCain and twiddled his thumbs. I closed my office in New York and sent my entire staff down to New Orleans to help. I asked people on my website to contribute to the relief effort I organized -- and I ended up sending over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies (collected from thousands of fans) to New Orleans while Bush's FEMA ice trucks were still driving around Maine three weeks later.
But this past Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the Republicans had begun making plans to possibly postpone the convention. The AP had reported that there were no shelters set up in New Orleans for this storm, and that the levee repairs have not been adequate. In other words, as the great Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again!"
So the last thing John McCain and the Republicans needed was to have a split-screen on TVs across America: one side with Bush and McCain partying in St. Paul, and on the other side of the screen, live footage of their Republican administration screwing up once again while New Orleans drowns.
So, yes, You have scared the Jesus, Mary and Joseph out of them, and more than a few million of your followers tip their hats to You.
But now it appears that You haven't been having just a little fun with Bush & Co. It appears that Hurricane Gustav is truly heading to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. We hear You, O Lord, loud and clear, just as we did when Rev. Falwell said You made 9/11 happen because of all those gays and abortions. We beseech You, O Merciful One, not to punish us again as Pat Robertson said You did by giving us Katrina because of America's "wholesale slaughter of unborn children." His sentiments were echoed by other Republicans in 2005.
So this is my plea to you: Don't do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven't sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time -- they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don't know what, Bush's head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government's response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W's to help save the Gulf Coast.
So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I'll leave that to the followers of Rev. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.
Your faithful servant and former seminarian,
Michael Moore
P.S. To all of God's fellow children who are reading this, the city New Orleans has not yet recovered from Katrina. Please click here for a list of things you can do to help our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast. And, if you do live along the Gulf Coast, please take all necessary safety precautions immediately. "

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I just want to know something thats driving me crazy? what the hell has bush and his administration done for this country to have so many people worship him and blinded them to the obvious and swear that he is not the worst president ever?

he has lied to the world on several occasions, he has undoubtedly crippled the domestic economy, he has poured billions upon billions into an illegal war that should have never happened, he fucked up majorly when it came to humanitarian aid in the face of of the dis ruction KATRINA caused!! and that is an duh bush is so retarded he forgot that NEW ORLEANS IS AN AMERICAN CITY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and GWB and company really FUCKED THAT UP TO A COLOSSAL DEGREE!! GWB has acted faster for humanitarian causes outside of the USA faster than he did for the gulf coast region IE. NEW ORLEANS, MISSISSIPPI, and the affected area's of KATRINA!! that was a massive fuckin shame!!

GWB has done nothing domestically to improve AMERICANS quality of life, wow a 600 dollar tax relief stimulus check for 7 years of hell and misery thanx bush!!

the problem is all these RIGHT WING ELEPHANT SOCIETY politicians are greedy fuckin RICH WHITE CAVILER UNCARING, SARCASTIC, MILLIONAIRES WHO DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE POOR!! they only think about themselves!! they are out of touch with the reality that only a small % of the population is rich or well off!! they cater to themselves which can't be denied!!

so why are there so many that defend this disgrace of a president who on numerous occasions sold out, lied, and or just doesn't given a fuck about the very country he was supposed to lead and improve the quality of life for americans, atleast make it bearable for people in need or on the edge of financial ruins?? but bush has proved over and over he doesn't care about the people of the USA!! his agenda is national security to avoid terrorist attacks! and he has failed @ that!!

our american ports are vulnerable, our aviation is still a prime target, our food and drinking water remain vulnerable, our nuclear facilities are targets!! bush has failed up in just about every realm imaginable!! yet we have stout supports who defend his lack of effectiveness and spin it off to a favorable explanation!! enough is enough!! :thefinger

bush has failed miserably and ticket of McCain and Palin would continue the same :bs: job bush and his administration have given to the USA and its citizens for the duration of bush's tenure as president!! absolutely DISGRACEFUL!! no other way to describe the carnage and reckless abandonment bush and his administration have unforgivably buried us with!! :mad: :confused: :rolleyes:
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The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My downstairs neighbor is a fucking prick right now. I'm not 100% positive, but I think he's trying to learn how to play bass guitar (which he really fucking sucks at) so every single day for about 30 minutes at a time, I have to sit here and listen to his shitty effort to play an instrument while my floor vibrates like a seizuring drug addict.
Bill Orally, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Bernie Madoff, Angelo Mozillo (disgraced ceo of Countrywide), Jerry Jones, Al The Cryptkeeper Davis, Blago, Gonzo, Joe the Plumber, Brett Favre, Robert Marve, Larry Kudlow, Lou Dobbs, Billy Ray Cyrus, Simon Cowell, Sean Manatee, Stephon Starbury, The New York Yankees
I think I'm going to be nominated quite soon...

When you see what I'm about to post in the 'UFO hits UK wind turbine?' thread..
Jim Belushi.

I had the unfortunate experience of meeting him at my cousins studio when I was 7. Grumpy as fuck, and expected me to know who the hell he was at 7 years old. Then the guy gets his panties in a wad and wanted me kicked out of the studio when he was in the voiceroom) because I got up to ask my aunt (who was with me) a question. I wasn't in his way, I was on the other side of the glass for crying out loud.


I can't believe all of you fall for his lame "I am pissed at the world and I am going to take it out on the world" attitude. Who the hell is this ChefChiTown? I have not seen someone so miserable since Ebeneezer Scrooge. All of his "I speak the truth" is bullshit! And all of you fall for his attempts at humor and reality. It is his way and that is all that matters.

Hey Chef, calm down and get laid.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I can't believe all of you fall for his lame "I am pissed at the world and I am going to take it out on the world" attitude. Who the hell is this ChefChiTown? I have not seen someone so miserable since Ebeneezer Scrooge. All of his "I speak the truth" is bullshit! And all of you fall for his attempts at humor and reality. It is his way and that is all that matters.

Hey Chef, calm down and get laid.

What? Where the fuck did this come from?

Who is "falling" for anything here? I wasn't aware that I was the Criss Angel of the internet world, putting on some sort of act for the whole world to see.

I'm sorry if I have the ability to make people laugh and I'm sorry if I use that ability to actually put a smile on somebody's face. I whole heartedly apologize for being funny. I also apologize for having a point of view that doesn't suck your dick. I will try harder next time to not be an individual who has a mind of his own, that can actually think for himself. Apparently it's a crime to be liked here on FreeOnes, deputy...take me to jail.

As for now, I'm going to stroll through the board, as I'm sure this isn't the only place where you have decided to talk some sort of "out of left field" shit about me, in a sad effort to make yourself look cool (which is failing horribly, by the way).

Nobody on this board is going to agree with you on this one, but...nice try anyway. You get an A for effort, but an F for content.

PS - I thank you for the PM, childishly pointing out the link to your own post (from above), as if I would be scared that you made a sad attempt at trash talking, in hopes to insult me. I hope you're enjoying your 15 minutes, because getting owned by ChefChiTown is the best thing that will ever happen to you here on FreeOnes.


Closed Account
My downstairs neighbor is a fucking prick right now. I'm not 100% positive, but I think he's trying to learn how to play bass guitar (which he really fucking sucks at) so every single day for about 30 minutes at a time, I have to sit here and listen to his shitty effort to play an instrument while my floor vibrates like a seizuring drug addict.

Is the bass guitar that intrusive to neighbors? I was thinking about trying to learn bass ,but I never new it could be a pain like Drums or trumpet/sax,,etc.... I was on my way to 'prickdom':dunno: I may have to rethink this.
Is the bass guitar that intrusive to neighbors? I was thinking about trying to learn bass ,but I never new it could be a pain like Drums or trumpet/sax,,etc.... I was on my way to 'prickdom':dunno: I may have to rethink this.

You can usually plug in headphones to smaller amps. Then you could play as loud or as terribly as you want without the neighbors even noticing. :hatsoff: