If you notice I actually gave a name of someone on the left I think you can fairly call a Prick.Not everyone who expouses right wing views is nasty about it but Limbaugh is IMO.It wasn't about politics you have both types on both sides.The mild mannered ones which I think if you are unbiased about it Moore is and the aggressive lefty types like Hitchens.I'm sure for everyone some of it is shaped by perception though.But I will say this when people talk about how left wing radio is not nearly as successfull as right wing radio one of the major reasons is the strident aggressive rhetoric.The right wing radio is very inflammatory.That is always going to be more entertaining and popular than some liberal trying to calmly talk about issues.So maybe Rush just does it for the money.:dunno:
I agree with you. Christopher Hitchens is a "prick" in the sense that he has a sharp tongue and does not suffer fools easily. But being a "prick" doesn't necessarily make someone wrong. Likewise being "mild mannered" doesn't make someone right. More to the point, being "mild mannered" doesn't make someone not a "prick".
No sensible person can disagree with the fact that Michael Moore is a propagandist. To say that all of his documentaries are based heavily on insinuation and innuendo would be a dramatic understatement. His propaganda is quite deliberately inflammatory. (maybe he just does it for the money?) Some of his conclusions I agree with, some I do not. Yet agreeing with his conclusions is not the same as condoning his methods or the veracity of his argumentation (assuming such a thing exists).
This is where Cristopher Hitchens has taken the bait. He assumes that Michael Moore has a coherent argument.
The fact that Moore has no coherent argument leads to so many inconsistencies that it takes a veritable tome to attempt to address the number found in just one film.
To attempt to discuss political issues with Michael Moore based on the "facts" presented in his films is as futile as trying to debate Trey Parker and Matt Stone about an episode of South Park. They have opinions and insinuate positions, but they haven't formulated a coherent argument. They collect and present images to make a point. Many statements and images are deliberately taken out of context. Many of the facts are deliberately left out. That is part of what propaganda is.
Moore is a self confessed muckraker.
Michael Moore deliberately hounds his subjects and then sets them up for the sound byte he is seeking. (If they refuse to give him the sound byte he wants - he uses that refusal as an image to further impugn their character). He then pairs those interviews with images designed to create a specific impression. (man clutching a gun, injured baby, Bush on a golf course, etc...) When other documentarians attempt to do the same to Moore, he reacts as his victims do - rude dismissive avoidance / threatens to sue. The fact that I may agree with some of Moore's conclusions in his films is beside the point. Moore can still be quite a "prick".
I think this is what I think Georges meant when he called the "mild mannered" Moore a prick.