The Member Above Me Part III: Insults! (for fun only)


Retired Moderator
Username was supposed to be Baaa, but because of a typo it's Baal :D
Just had his asshole re-sized by me. Which reminds Seraphim of that time long was his uncle and it was just supposed to be a fishing trip...tears of shame ran down the cheeks of the fat ten year old. "Bend over!", his uncle commanded, "And bare your buttocks to me."


Member, you member...
Oh man. I'm just passing through this thread but I've kept up with it pretty much since it's inception and I must say the replies are all great.
You all deserve something from me for keeping the smiles going.
Nice thread One Who Flies At Night.
I havent replied here in a bit so I have a special insult for everyone above me starting at my last post in this thread down.

Undertaker: You started at the bottom -- and it's been downhill ever since.
Montrealman: I heard that when you were born, your father threw rocks at the stork.
Nightcrawler: You're a habit I'd like to kick; with both feet!!
Baal: When you die, I'd like to go to your funeral, but I'll probably have to go to work that day. I believe in business before pleasure.
Seraphim: You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
Dixie Normus: They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking, intelligent, and cultured.
Jod: I hear you are very kind to animals, so please give that face back to the gorilla.

LOL! :D I love this thread


Closed Account
qweretyuiopas@ has anyone ever told you you make gay look cool. Don't send me a PM about it.
first off I would have to say to qwerety that shot he took at me was hilarious. I would give you rep, but I'm sorta constipated right now. Now the insult that I owe D-Rock..
You're so stupid, when you got a haircut you put a band-aid on it.:rofl:
You're so dumb because your momma's so poor - when they were selling brains, she had to put yours on "lay-away," and it's still there cuz she can't afford to make the payments. :D :thefinger :1orglaugh
Spent the last 11 years of his life comparing apples and oranges and finally compared the too and invented a new fruit called appanges, but they couldnt decided if he should call this new invention appanges or orapples...
should better stop to behave like a teenagerish rule unabiding punk or I will slap the greed out of him. j/k such a newbie that he doesn't realize that georges ONLY talks about the following subjects: cum guzzling, dry-assfucking, big-titted women, muscle cars, how he hates teenagers, loves wristwatches, how he hates British soccer fans (not the teams, but any Brit who's a soccer fan), how guns are wonderful, why G.W. Bush/Republicans are heroes for the Iraqi invasion, and how bad the Euro is. LOL

:georges: :D :thefinger :wave: