ok, she didn't actually say that, but that meme is funny because it's precisely something you could see her saying.
#TermLimits #AgeResrictions
#AgeRestriction ?
Ok but Richard Shelby, Chuck Grassley, Pat Roberts, Thad Cochran, Jim Inhofe and Orrin Hatch must go : all these republican senators are older than Maxine Waters
Then are you requiring these gentlemen to leave as well if you require Maxine Waters to leave because #AgeRestrictions ?
I'm in favor of term limits for every senator and representative.
What would work a thousand times better, in my opinion, is an informed and educated electorate with a memory span longer than 6 minutes. When I figure out how to make that happen, I'll let you know...
What would work a thousand times better, in my opinion, is an informed and educated electorate with a memory span longer than 6 minutes.
The next best thing to an educated populace would be campaign finance reform. Buckley v. Valeo and its successors need to be overturned.
I don't think term limits are the silver bullet that a lot of people think they are. Instead of politicians who spend all of their time campaigning for re-election, they campaign for their first term, then spend their second term setting up their private career. If anything, there's less incentive to do their job.
What would work a thousand times better, in my opinion, is an informed and educated electorate with a memory span longer than 6 minutes. When I figure out how to make that happen, I'll let you know...
We need an Article V Constitutional Convention.
Agree 100%.
WASHINGTON – Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Wednesday asked terror experts for answers on how to combat the rise of white nationalists, as she has been fielding death threats from extremists.
“What can we do to deal with the KKK, the white nationalists, the extremists, the alt-right?” Waters, who serves as ranking member of the House Committee on Financial Services, asked during a Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance hearing. “They’re on the internet, they’re Breitbart. If you look at the YouTube, you see how much they want to kill me and others. What can we do?”
The hearing was held to discuss small-scale and “lone-wolf” terrorist threats, with much of the focus on the financial aspects of terror plots. Seamus Hughes, deputy director for George Washington University’s Program on Extremism and former senior counterterrorism advisor for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told Waters that domestic terrorists are as much a threat as foreign-born terrorists
Impeach Trump - because you don't like him. fucking morons.
Me too.
Maxine Waters is the Aunt Esther of the House of Representatives.
Pretty sure she’d consider that a races remark.